Season 1, Episode 16, “But Seriously Folks”

Oh shit, y’all, it’s Kimmie Gibbler!  She and DJ have started a band called the Bracelets.  It should come as no surprise that Kimmie’s the keyboard player.  Kimmie rips shit up on their rendition of, “I’m Your Venus,” but DJ, on the other hand, sucks at the guitar.

Practice gets cut short because it’s Joeys big night at the comedy club.  A talent scout from HBO is coming and Joey really thinks it could be his big break.  As the family gather together before heading to the club, Jesse and Stephanie go through this routine where they pretend they’re having a big date.  I know that little girls like to pretend about stuff like that, but I’m still kind of weirded out by this exchange.  Maybe it’s because Jesse is such a man-hoe and/or because he’s her uncle.

The first act at the club is none other than Ed Alonzo, who’s probably best known as Max, the magician/diner owner on Saved By the Bell whose most amazing trick was disappearing from that show with no explanation.

The emcee is played by Bruce Baum, who was mostly likely cast because he kind of looks like Gallagher.

Joey has pre-performance jitters so the family comforts him while Jesse continues to put the moves on Stephanie.

While dime-store Gallagher is doing Joeys intro, he suddenly realizes that Phyllis Diller is in the audience and talks her into doing a set.  Wow, as much as I criticize this show for being predictable, I have to say I did not see that one coming.  Phllis Diller really just came out of nowhere. She goes on stage and before you know it she’s been riffing for 90 minutes, so by the time Joey is called up the audience is all laughed-out.  Joey’s routine is terrible, as always, but at least this time he has an excuse for why people walked out.

The following morning the family gather to console Joey, only to find him wearing a suit, carrying a briefcase and insisting that he’s referred to as, “Joe.”  He took the Phyllis Diller incident as a sign that his big break is never coming and he should accept failure and go into the business world.

Danny and Jesse search the city for a daycare center for Michelle because now that Joey is getting a real job he’s not going to be around to take care of the baby all day.  Joey comes home to report that he was just offered two different jobs and he’s turning the first one down because it’s on a hill and the other because they served him instant coffee.  Man, if I was Danny, I’d really lose my shit right then.  Joey lives in Danny’s house for free and his one responsibility is to help with the kids.  Now he’s quit his no-paying comedy career to become a businessman but he’s turning all his job offers down for arbitrary reasons because he obviously doesn’t want to have a job at all.  So, what, now he’s gonna live in the house and not take care of the kids and also still not get a job and not pay rent?  What an inconsiderate prick!  Danny should punch him in the throat for even thinking about pulling some shit like that.  That’s just totally unacceptable behavior.

DJ quits the guitar even after Jesse tells her an inspiring story.  Her reasons for quitting are identical to Joey’s reasons for quitting comedy.  Jesse goes to Danny and the two decide that they must hatch a zany scheme to get Joey back into comedy.

Joey comes to the club under the pretense that Jesse will be doing a guitar performance.  Jesse surprises the audience by announcing that he is starting his new career as a stand-up comedian.  He proceeds to do a rendition of Joey’s act but he messes up all the timing and gets all the punch lines wrong, which, honestly, is really a lot funnier than when Joey does it.  It really is.  Joey gets so frustrated by Jesse’s poor delivery that he does the act instead because that’s how 22-minute long stories get resolved.

But wait, there are loose ends!  Joey still has to have a heartwarming talk with DJ to reverse the bad example he set.  I guess it can’t wait until morning because he goes into her room when she’s supposed to be sleeping and tells her that he’s back doing comedy and that it’s important not to quit doing things just because they’re hard.

This episode has a really skewed message.  It seems like Joey really should quit doing comedy because he is incontestably terrible at it, but then he puts no effort into moving on to something else.  His whole businessman persona is just a front that he uses to have no job and not even help out around the house.  I think the real issue here is that Joey’s manipulating everyone around him and using them for their room and board.  Also, his comedy is really obnoxious and intrusive and I really don’t think that he should be encouraging those traits.  After their heartwarming talk at the end, DJ pulls out her guitar and starts playing it terribly.  This is late at night, when her sister is supposed to be sleeping a few feet away.  See how DJ let’s her terrible guitar playing impose on everyone around her?  That’s the example Joey sets.

I wish Ed Alonzo played Joey.

Firsts:  The Bracelets

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44 Responses to Season 1, Episode 16, “But Seriously Folks”

  1. Teebore says:

    Words cannot describe how much I wish Ed Alonzo had played Joey.

    Great site! I’m making my way through your reviews and laughing my ass off along the way.


  2. JT says:

    he Stephanie is drunk in that club picture, probably from that mini bottle of svedka in front of Jesse…


  3. Scruggy says:

    I’m renaming my band “The Bracelets”.


  4. emmeye says:

    I love everything – EVERYTHING – about this blog, except for your inexplicable use of apostrophes. Come on, man! It’s simple.
    Plurals (like the preceding word) do not get apostrophes.
    Possessives (as in ‘Joey’s comedy is whack’) DO get apostrophes.


    • billysuperstar says:

      sorry. to be fair, i went to public school. also, i write one of these every week in my spare time, for free. gimme a break.


      • Martin Tanner's Ghost says:

        I don’t want to sound rude, but how does going to public school make it fair? They teach English basics like that in all schools, public and private.


  5. Suzanne says:

    Man, if Ed Alonzo had played Joey the world would be such a better place! I guess he was wrapped up in serving burgers to the Bayside gang.


  6. Leroy Cook says:

    fuck them apostrophie’s. keep up the good work’s.


  7. Bruce Baum seemed to be on ABC a lot around this time. I remember him as well on shit like Growing Pains and America’s Funniest People and at least one more Full House. I remember really thinking he was funny back then, but I also thought the same of Dave Coulier. When I reflect on Baum’s stand-up of the day, I fear I would find it horrible and grating now, BUT! He is really good in Shakes the Clown. That gives him a free pass in my book.


  8. Nicky says:

    Kimmie (x3) –> Kimmy
    rendition of, “I’m Your Venus,” –> rendition of “I’m Your Venus”,
    Joeys big night –> Joey’s
    man-hoe –> man-ho
    magician/diner owner –> magician/diner-owner
    Saved By the Bell — “Saved by the Bell”
    mostly likely –> most likely
    Joeys intro –> Joey’s intro
    Phllis Diller –> Phyllis
    referred to as, “Joe.” –> as “Joe”.
    punch lines –> punchlines
    22-minute long –> 22-minute-long
    let’s her terrible guitar playing –> lets … guitar-playing


      • Grace F says:

        Billy asked for her to check it for grammar. So be proud that Nicky is following through with something Billy asked for.


    • SteveInSanDiego says:

      Nicky–>Real douche.


      • JohnMo says:

        Just to cut Nicky a little slack, I’m pretty sure she’s a friend of the author who was asked to provide grammar/punctuation corrections way back when. I think I read that in one of the first 2 episode posts.


      • Rebecca says:

        Every time I read a “Nicky sucks” post I get so sad inside. I always want to tell everyone that her corrections are asked for. Don’t be sad Nicky, those of us in the know love you!

        Or should I say, ” . . . sad, Nicky; those of us . . .”


    • Joe says:

      I may be wrong, but I think the song is just called ‘Venus.’


    • Claudia says:

      Saved by the Bell goes in italics, not quotation marks. Nicky, you are truly terrible at this. I know Billy said you could do it and I’m commenting way later, but seriously, your suggestions suck.


    • SavaFiend says:

      TV shows, such as Saved by the Bell, do NOT go inside quotation marks. TV shows are italicized.

      (Sorry, I work as a book editor, can’t help making sure the corrections are correct themselves :))


      • Abby says:

        I’m way late here, but it really depends on what style guide you are using. AP style puts the titles of TV shows inside quotation marks, not in italics. “Use quotation marks around the titles of books, songs, television shows, computer games, poems, lectures, speeches and works of art.”

        /Also a book editor

        Liked by 2 people

    • Kim says:

      rendition of, “I’m Your Venus,” –> rendition of “I’m Your Venus”,

      The Oxford comma is valid. I generally approve of your copy editing, but as an Oxford comma-person, I respectfully disagree with this particular correction.


  9. Casey says:

    Hahahaha, is this Nicky chick just pointing out all of your grammatical errors?? Haha! and I thought I needed to get a life, because I spend all my time on this site. She wins at this game; and by default, loses at life.


  10. Rebecca says:

    Billy, have you thought about adding some comment at the end of every blog to the effect of, “A’ight Y’all, don’t hate on Nicky for grammar Nazi-ing me. She’s doing me a huge favor.” I seriously get super sad for Nicky when people hate on her in the comments.


    • Sara Wilson says:

      Maybe it’s just none of my business but I’ve said this a few times and I think it makes sense.

      Either they should have done these grammar corrections in private through email, OR she should actually say something as simple as “Here’s your corrections:”

      I’ve never said anything rude to Nicky but you can’t really blame people for thinking she’s trolling/spamming. The way it was done kind of messed up the vibe of the comment section.

      So yeah, it’s not my call but it probably should have been done through email the whole time, and wouldn’t have been such a huge deal.


      • SavaFiend says:

        Or she could have put “Per Billy’s request, here are the corrections for this blog post” before she lists the corrections.


  11. portcityperson says:

    I really enjoy the site, and I am an admitted (to much shame and embarrassment from my peers and girlfriend) fan of the show. I don’t get offended by any of the writing about the show, from Stephanie’s bratty behavior to Jesse’s shitty band and cheezy bandmates, and the fucking Beach Boys..fuck!! And Joey, well..fuck him. But I dislike it when you imply any sexual innuendo within the family. That is a bit far. Can’t anything be innocent in that regard? I just started reading each review last night. and already you have suggested Joey was a threat to the children (hence why he was given the room in the basement/garage/abyss), and now you suggest that Jesse would prey on his young niece. There are LOTS of other things to pick on about this show. Please stop sexualizing these relationships. Fuck…

    Liked by 2 people

  12. John Alternate says:

    What “weird”s me out is how easily Americans get “weirded-out” by almost any interaction between a grown-up and a child. I’m referring ofcourse to your reaction to Stephanie and Jesse’s “date” act. The fact that he is her uncle and that his character has so far in the show proven himself to be compassionate when it comes to taking care of the kids should have been enough to keep any unnecessary thoughts out of your minds.

    This is not your fault alone Mr.Blogger. I’m not singling you out, I’m referring to everybody who shares this kind of mentality. Your media has done such a good job of fucking-over your minds with fear that any reaction between grown-ups and kids is considered “Ew! What’re they doing!?” Which makes you guys seem more disgusting than those you think you’re criticizing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kelly says:

      K….this is America though……so……there are creepy moves and this was one. Lol!!! You sho be actin crazy!!!!


    • I agree. My husband and our daughter regularly have daddy-daughter dates, and no, we aren’t fundies who think daddy should be the first and only boyfriend until girl-subhuman is handed over at the alter. They just go have breakfast together, or go to a museum, or some other event, and it’s a bonding time. My own dad and I had daddy-daughter dates too.

      Kids have playdates, and friends have friend-dates. All a date is is a time set aside, usually in advance, for a couple people to go do something together. I’ve got a date in a couple days with one of my girlfriends. Nope, nothing romantic. It’s just scheduled time.

      Jesse and Steph’s date never came across as strange or inappropriate. I think the problem is how a lot of people think a date means a time when someone tries getting sex.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bridget says:

        Alys, my older brother, Burke took his daughter, Lauren to a Father-Daughter Dance. Burke wore a suit like the other fathers and Lauren like the other young girls at the dance wore a dress. The pictures were adorable!


  13. John Alternate says:

    *interaction, not reaction


  14. Jeanne says:

    Ok I feel a little badly for Joey. He’s an adult and has no sense of identity. If I was him I’d have major depression. He doesn’t have consistent work or earn his own way at all, he’s trying to make a living at something he’s terrible at, and doesn’t seem to have any friends or romantic relationships. He tried to be Jesse earlier in the season, then he tried to be a businessman. He seems to float around aimlessly, as many people have said, with no sense of purpose. He needs to find his calling!


  15. Eric K. says:

    With what I imagine Joey’s resume must look like, how the hell did he manage to get two bank jobs?


    • Once upon a time, before we imported immigrants left and right and started outsourcing jobs, employers had fewer people to choose from, and couldn’t sent the job to where there are more workers. It was a lot easier getting any jobs where you don’t need a license. Employers didn’t have much of a choice. Pay was also better just to attract any workers at all.


    • Jen says:

      He did go to college, and in a later episode, he has a teaching degree. Though how that gets you a bank job, I’m not entirely sure.


  16. Mekii says:

    I think Joey was just trying to compensate for his failure in comedy and was being extremely cautious. I don’t think he ever really wanted to be a businessman. I think what happened at the comedy club really shook him up and he was just using the job change as a coping mechanism.

    Ah, the birth and death of The Bracelets. Would’ve wanted to see them last at least one more episode.

    By the way, am I the only one who didn’t find any of Phyllis Diller’s jokes funny? Except maybe the last one?


  17. Ashley says:

    I honestly think Joey was doing the business man thing to get pity from the family.


  18. Corannhena says:

    Nick at Nite came back around to showing the first season about a week or so ago, and this was one of tonight’s eps. DJ’s guitar looks (as well as I can remember it, anyway) nearly EXACTLY like the guitar my dad used to play when I was growing up.


  19. Kona says:

    I actually laughed out loud at Jesse raising his hand and shouting “YOU WANT SOME MILK WITH THAT!?”

    How the FUCK did they manage to make the rockstar better than the ~*comedian*~?

    Liked by 1 person

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