Season 6, Episode 10, “I’m Not D.J.”

Pre-Credits Gag:  The twins play football.

Two cool girls from Stephanie’s school show up at the full house, both of whom are named Jennifer, which is probably more of a rip-off than an homage to Heathers.  Also, one of the Jennifers is Topanga!

The Jennifers think that the twins are girls, which leads to Becky bringing up that she wants them to get haircuts.  Jesse has some weird fixation with hair so he’s squeamish at the prospect but Joey mentions his uncle Jasper who has a kid-friendly hair salon nearby.  Yeah, sure, I’ll buy it.  6 Seasons in, Joey’s uncle Jasper, owner of a hair salon for kids.  There was never any reason to mention that before.  Sure, why not?  Anyway, Jesse insists on cutting the twins’ hair himself because it’s clearly an opportunity for him to be terrible at something and ruin it for everyone.

Just as Stephanie and Michelle are sitting down for a tea party, the Jennifer’s show up at their door.  Oh!  What’s more humiliating than getting caught playing tea party by the cool kids?  Stephanie tries to take Michelle aside and explain that she can’t be seen fraternizing with some stupid troll faced baby so she has to get the fuck out of the room until the Jennifer’s leave.  Michelle totally disregards Stephanie’s words and refuses to leave until Stephanie pleads with her and promises to include her the next time something important happens.  Left to her own devices, Michelle straight up actually says, “Who can I bother?” before heading off to DJ’s room.  What an odd, self-aware moment!

The Jennifer’s screen Stephanie for cool interests, including shaving their legs and watching Arsenio.  Man, these girls sound fun!  Stephanie shows them her new earrings and they realize that Stephanie only wears clip-ons.  They say that not having pierced ears is totally lame and immature so Stephanie assures them they she’ll be getting her ears pierced at the mall that very weekend.

Stephanie’s goes into DJ’s room and interrupts the study session she’s having with Steve and Kimmie Gibbler to ask if DJ will take her to the mall to get her ears pierced.  DJ says that she needs Danny’s permission to get it done and they both agree that he’s too big a fucking square to let Stephanie get her ears pierced while she’s still in the 5th grade.  DJ walks Steve to the door as he leave for wrestling practice and then, after they’re left alone, Kimmie Gibbler offers to pierce Stephanie’s ears herself using her brother’s ear-gun.

Jesse sits down to cut the twins hair but Danny keeps interrupting him with stories of shitty haircuts his dad gave him until Jesse eventually decides to take the kids to Joey’s uncle Jasper.  Stephanie comes downstairs and tries to trick Danny into agreeing to let her get her ears pierced but he points out that DJ had to wait until Junior High to get her ears pierced so she does, too.  Stephanie’s says that Danny is being unfair and asks him how she’ll ever be cool if she can’t get her ears pierced.  Newsflash, kid, you could pierce whatever you want, you’re still gonna be a fuckin’ square.  Every aspect of your personality and lifestyle is deeply uncool.

Stephanie brings Kimmie Gibbler up to her room for some at-home ear piercing.  They try to kick Michelle out of their room but are forced to let her stay when she reminds Stephanie of the deal they made to include her the next time something important happened. Kimmie Gibbler prepares to use the ear-gun as dramatic music plays, which makes for a pretty tense pre-commercial break cliffhanger.

So we don’t actually get to see Stephanie’s ears get pierced because it happened during the commercial break, which isn’t much of a surprised on a g-rated family program like this one.  What is surprising is how hard Kimmie Gibbler is rockin’ that super tight dress.  Damn, Kimmie Gibbler, your body’s hecka slammin’!

Stephanie freaks out when she finds out that she can’t take her earrings out for 6 weeks so there’s no good way to hide them from Danny.  Way to plan ahead, genius!  Danny comes in right then and Stephanie does sit-ups to keep her hands held over her ears but it’s not like he would have noticed her pierced ears, anyway.  Not when Kimmie Gibbler’s standing there in that tight, tight dress.  Seriously, Kimmie Gibbler, how’d your mom let you outta the house in that?

Stephanie does her hair up like Princess Leia so Danny wont see her ears and then she does an amazingly bad job of making up a lie about why she’s sporting the hairstyle.  Danny leaves the kitchen and then Stephanie’s shows Michelle that her ears are getting all fucked up and infected but she makes her pinky swear not to tell Danny.

Becky and Jesse take the twins to the barber shop and it turns out that Jasper is played by…Dave Coulier.  But why?  Did a guest star back out?  Or did Dave Coulier want to do something beyond the extraordinarily limited tv persona he’d created for himself?  If so, he sure doesn’t do it here, because Jasper is just Joey doing another lame voice while wearing a cheap wig and mustache.

Jesse interrogates Jasper about his credentials as he continues his personal struggle over the twins getting their first haircut.  He finally agrees to put them in the barber chairs and then Becky starts flipping out.  Jesse pulls her aside and actually points out that he’s the one that always acts like a ridiculous weirdo, not her, but then she launches into this whole thing about how haircuts begin an inevitable spiral towards them growing up.  They eventually pull their shit together and then it turns out that Jasper was able to cut both of the twins’ hair during the 2-minute long discussion.  Cut to close-ups of the twins’ new haircuts while the audience goes, “aww.”

Michelle tells DJ about Stephanie’s fucked up ears and then DJ goes into Stephanie’s room and interrogates her while groping and pulling on her ears.  I guess she’s supposed to be concernedly investigating but it seems pretty clear that Stephanie’s ears are infected and I don’t know why she has to keep touching them like that.

Anyway, DJ makes Stephanie tell Danny and he gets all pissed off.  Stephanie’s says that it sucks a big dick that she can’t get her ears pierced just because DJ had to wait and that she wants to be treated like an individual.  The music comes on as Danny explains that she wasn’t being an individual because she was just doing what some bitchy girls told her to in a pathetic attempt to be popular.  Damn, way to make a good point for once!  Danny and Stephanie hug and then he takes her to the doctor.

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92 Responses to Season 6, Episode 10, “I’m Not D.J.”

  1. BGA says:

    What the hell is Aunt Becky wearing? Is that like a collar attached to sleeves?

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Venerable Bede says:

      Whooooa, I didn’t even notice her in any of the screenshots until I read your comment and went back to look. That thing is HIDEOUS, and I’m unconvinced it can be called an outfit. It’s simply a thing.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Jenny says:

      Believe it or not, those were a trend around the Summer of 1992–I shit you not. Though most weren’t THAT bad looking, shirts with the shoulders cut out were de riguer. I remember wearing one with a plaid flannel tied around my waist :/ Horrible 90’s suburban fashion statement…

      Liked by 1 person

    • jonny says:

      That made me laugh about as much as the actual review


    • Gibbler! says:

      I was just watching this episode, and that is the first that I noticed – what the hell is that? It’s disgusting. Between her hair and outfits in the last few episodes, it’s bee going downhill fast…


  2. Bridget says:

    I remember 2 girls with the same name and my teacher calling them “Michele and Michelle with 2 els.”. That was close to 30 years ago or so. As for the haircuts, Jesse said doctors don’t operate on their own kids and that is why he was practically having a conniption over his sons getting haircuts. What a dumb analogy! I do think Jodie Sweetin had pierced ears when she started her TV career as a little kid, though.


  3. Hebrewersfan says:

    The shirt Aunt Becky is wearing in the first screencap. That is all.


  4. RoxyHelen says:

    Hey what is the deal with kids and pierced ears in the USA? I mean in Europe children get their ears pierced when they are about one year old, why is it that most American kids get their ears pierced at 10-12?
    Billy, great recap as always, I don’t comment to often but I do read and enjoy your recaps every single week.
    Do you have an email address where I could contact you ? I want to ask your opinion about a blog I’m thinking of doing.


    • erin says:

      I am an American 21year-old lady and have never had my ears pierced nor have I ever wanted to. I think we wait in the States to allow for children to feel agency in their self-expression, and for more teachable moments about peer pressure to first arise. Like srsly were the twins in any way enriched by their first cosmetic experience?


    • Liz says:

      Jeez, I was about to comment and say the same thing. While I do think it’s unnecessary and kinda tacky to pierce an infant’s ears, when I was 7 years old I wanted to get my ears pierced, and it took me about six months to finally convince my parents to let me do so. Why??? Do parents think pierced ears = “open for business” or something??! I just wanted to wear ladybugs on my ears.


    • SaCha1689 says:

      My parents are Lebanese immigrants, I was born in the USA. I got my ears pierced at six months old, which isn’t unusual in that culture. Personally I’ve never seen anything wrong with piercing a baby’s ears. But with my own (hypothetical) children, I think I’d wait until they’re old enough to choose. If a son or daughter of mine asks for a piercing, I’d approach it from an individual standpoint: If my young daughter wants pierced ears, sure, why not; if she wants her nose pierced, I’d most likely say hell no. If my gay son wanted his ears pierced, I’d say, more power to you; if he wanted his dick pierced, I’d say, “Boy, you crazy! Go to your room!” You get the idea.


      • Do very many boys ask their mother’s permission to get their dick pierced? I know I didn’t… LOL


      • Annie says:

        It’s better to get your ears pierced as a baby. In my country we have them pierced at birth, by nurses, and it doesn’t hurt because your ears are still super tender. No pain, no infections, no need to see piercings as a sign of maturity or revelry when you become a tween. You just take the taboo out of something dumb and tweens don’t have something to try to power struggle for years later. It’s just piercings.

        I got a second set of piercings on my ears as a tweens at some dirty joint and got a nasty ass infection.

        Pierce your children when their babies. You avoid pain and drama and they’ll want piercings at some point anyway.


      • charqui31282 says:

        My parents made me wait until junior high to get my ears pierced to ensure I was mature enough to take care of them on my own.


      • o3mta3o says:

        your family made you wait till junior high to make sure you were mature enough to wash? ouch. didn’t have much faith in you, huh?


      • Sully says:

        only gay boys get their ears pierced? Interesting theory…

        As for waiting; My brother and his wife have decided to wait until my neice is old enough to ask, just so that she will understand that these kinds of things are painful, and punching a hole in your body is not something to take lightly. I tend to agree.

        I was 6, and I can remember getting my ears pierced. Hurt like a mother effer! I didn’t want to pierce anything again until I was a teenager, and everyone else was doing it.


      • cassparilla says:

        That’s my philosophy, too: putting holes in your body is permanent and it hurts, so my daughter (now 9 months old) won’t have pierced ears until she asks for them. It’s her body.
        I’m also against baby piercings from the standpoint of the person DOING the piercings (I worked at one of those jewelry chain stores that does ear piercing). It’s stressful putting permanent holes in someone else’s body, so you want to make sure you do it right. You have to take a lot of time making sure you’re putting in the earrings evenly on both sides and you have to pierce at the same angle, or it looks like garbage. That’s challenging to do even on someone who’s holding incredibly still. Try doing it on a jerky, bobble-headed baby that screams bloody murder after the first piercing (totally understandable) and is flailing all over the place while you’re trying to do the second ear, and you’re going to end up with crooked piercings. Add in the fact that ears grow and change, and baby piercings are almost 100% guaranteed to eventually look bad. That’s not fun for anyone: the piercer, the piercee, or the parent/person paying for the piercing who has to look at it.
        Also, babies are grabby little things. I’d be so paranoid my daughter would rip the earrings out. And they’d just get in the way of nursing, changing clothes, and you have to clean the piercings and change the earrings, what would you do if piercings ears got infected? Babies have enough to deal with without all that mess.


      • Rachel says:

        Lie. I’m 19 years old and I’ve had to get my ears pierced 3 different times because they have closed.


      • Jamie says:

        My brother in law (in the US, whatever that contributes to this culture debate) got his daughters pierced when she was like 9 months or something. Just to add to your point about “babies are grabby”, when she was about two she swallowed one of her earrings screwing around with them. They, understandably, freaked out, got rid of all her earrings (or put them away, I’m really not sure), and decided when she’s old enough not to do stupid shit like rip jewelry off her head and eat it, she can get them re-pierced IF she asks to.


    • Sarah Portland says:

      My mother had my ears pierced at 18 months because I didn’t have hair until I was three, and she got tired of people saying “Oh, what a cute little boy!” The only downside that I’ve found is that, as my ears grew, the piercings became unevenly placed. But no one notices until I go to have my second piercings redone (for the millionth time), and they try to line them up based on the first pircing. Oh well.


    • RoxyHelen says:

      Wow, Billy, this blog is more than just about making fun of Full House.I mean I actually learned about other cultures in the last 5 minutes, by reading the replies to my initial comment.Thanks everyone for the info, that was really interesting!


      • Angela says:


        I had my ears pierced for a brief time when I was in middle school, but then either I had a weird reaction to the earrings I was wearing or something else was going on ’cause my ears occasionally bled when I’d go to put new earrings in. Once that started happening I just let it go and haven’t worn earrings since. The holes are still there, though.

        I’ve always thought it kind of weird to pierce a baby’s ears, but eh, if a parent wants to do that, that’s their business. Whatever works for you or your kid is fine with me.


    • TayciBear says:

      If I had girls (three boys so far), I’d get their ears pierced. I had mine done at 3 months old and I don’t wear earrings now, but if I did, my holes are still open.

      A lot of Americas tightassedness is thanks to the Puritans so blame them.


    • mercury says:

      that’s not a good thing though. I had my ears pierced at 4 and it screwed with my eyesight like crazy.


      • Dawn says:

        Is that for real? I’ve never heard of peirced ears messing up ur eyesight. I’m seriously joke Does ur sight get permanently messed up?


      • cincee says:

        Did they miss and hit your eye?


      • Lisa says:

        I’m probably feeding a troll here, but for the sake of public education I’ll put this out there and say, as a licensed doctor, no, piercing your ears does not in any way affect your visual acuity.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Kona says:

      Uh, many black and Hispanic Americans get their ears and their children’s ears pierced as infants. e__e


  5. Bridget says:

    I did hear of putting tubes in the ears of baby girls and then piercing said ears. I think the tailor ran out of material for Becky’s shirt!


  6. Penny says:

    Very clear from the close-up with the gun that Stephanie (or Jodie Sweetin, I guess) already has pierced ears. Continuity fail. At the very least (if they wanted you to ignore past episodes when we see Stephanie wearing earrings), they could’ve done close-ups that didn’t involve zooming in on her ears — I seem to recall the camera doing a few extreme close-ups here as it is.

    Also, what’s up with Becky’s shirt in that first screenshot? I’m a little freaked out by it.

    I’m also pretty sure Kimmie wore that zipper dress before, in the episode where Danny runs away for being a neat freak. (Though I probably only noticed it because I’m reading your reviews every week.)

    I somehow recall when I saw this episode that it was so blatantly obvious that Dave Coulier was playing Uncle Jasper that I expected him in the middle of the scene just to take of that wig and glasses and reveal to everyone that it was just Joey wanting to cut their hair the whole time. And I was 10 when this episode first aired.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sarah Portland says:

      That’s either the same dress, or one in a slightly different color scheme. I recall that screen cap distinctly – she was coming through the front door, and I thought, “Shit! How’d they get away with that on this show?”


      • Katie says:

        I was bored and went back to find the dress because it did look really familiar. It’s definitely the same. Season 5 Episode 22.

        Pretty much same comment on it too. “As the family woefully carry out their cleaning duties, Kimmie Gibbler walks through the front door and I was like, ‘damn, girl, whatchu wearin’?'”


  7. Despite the very dated look of the shirt Becky Donaldson-Cochran-Katsopolis is wearing, I do very much appreciate seeing her sexy shoulders. Thanks, Billy!

    I remember buying home ear piercing kits from Sally Beauty Supply to pierce my cartilage and some friends ears and stuff. But they were these cheap little one time use plastic things. Pretty sure the cartilage one got infected pretty quickly.

    Anyway, I agree Billy, Kimmy does look pretty slammin’ in that dress. Then I immediately felt conflicted both about that being pointed out and about agreeing with you, when I looked it up on IMDB and found that she was 16 when this episode aired. I was really hoping for at least 18 so I could feel better about it. I’m going to say this is teen me, watching this episode for the first time speaking here. Anyway, it’s not our fault the producers put her on TV wearing a dress that tight at that age.

    Am I crazy or might this have been the most pointless episode yet? Seriously, the main plot is about Steph getting her ears pierced and the sub-plot is about the twins getting their hair cut?

    Much like the recent hockey episode, I bet the whole uncle Jasper bit was Dave’s idea as a ploy to try and show off his acting chops. Epic fail, Dave, epic fail.


    • Simone C. says:

      Well, I don’t think it’s necessarily right for us to be sexualizing (someone who used to be) a 16-year-old girl just because of the dress she’s wearing, but I honestly would be lying if I didn’t say I think Andrea Baker looks really good in that dress.


  8. Stephen says:

    Wowzers. I never noticed Kimmy’s super tight dress, or Becky’s whatchamcallit outfit until now. I can’t even explain her outfit! O_o I was only 3 when this episode first aired so I wasn’t quite aware of early 90s fashions just yet. You should’ve put in the part where Uncle Jasper gives Becky and Jesse two balloons, instead of the twins, for finally being brave enough to see them get their haircut. And he barely even cut their hair! That’s what really annoyed me. My mom didn’t cut my hair until I was 2, so it got really long, but at least I got most of it cut off. lol. Also I would’ve added in the part about Michelle worrying that Stephanie’s ears were gonna fall off and that her head would look funny.


    • Amy says:

      “And he barely even cut their hair! That’s what really annoyed me.” YES! EXACTLY!! Every single time I have ever seen this episode, I have thought, “Cut their hair? Or wet their hair and combed it to the side? Because it looks suspiciously like the latter to me.”


      • Collin says:

        In fact, he didn’t cut their hair at all. He just combed it. This is fairly common on TV, since an actual haircut would play havoc with the shooting schedule (imagine if you had to shoot the haircut scene before shooting an earlier scene).

        Recall in season 2 where Uncle Jesse was wearing a (hideous) wig for half the episode, because John Stamos had already cut off his (hideous) long hair, and the script called for him to get it lopped off mid-episode. There was also a hilarious Seinfeld episode where Jerry gets an ugly “haircut,” and it is obviously just slicked down and parted on the side.

        What makes this episode particularly egregious, though, is that those kids obviously had already had their hair cut before. Look at their bangs! If this were really their first time in the barber chair, they should have a uniform-length mop-top, not the bowl-cut mullets that they in fact have.


  9. Erin says:

    I definitely had a Full House book about this episode. It did not go any more in-depth than the episode did, and I’m pretty sure it was a word-for-word copy of the teleplay.


    • Sarah! says:

      I had this book too! It was a doozy. I’m pretty sure I had one about DJ too, I thought it was the one where she wears the same outfit as the teacher, but that seems like it would have been too early in the series to have a novelization.


      • Chuck says:

        They actually released a one-off book around 1990 titled “Same to You, Duck Face”, which combined the plots of several eps from season 3, including DJ’s first day of junior high.


      • Mary says:

        Ha ha…I had a book that combined the plots of some episodes, too, but I distinctly remember that it was the one where D.J. had an eating disorder for a day and the one where Aunt Becky bails on Stephanie’s Honeybee sleepover and Joey takes her, instead. I also had several of Stephanie’s series of books, which as I recall, had nothing to do with the episodes. I can’t believe I read that shit…although in retrospect, I am happy that even then, I hated Michelle and refused to read her books. Small favors….


    • Corannhena says:

      I had a FH book (which I think was called Kiss A Frog, Princess) that combined several plot elements from Season 5 episodes, including:
      – Stephanie having a crush on Tommy Page and him coming to her… what was it, birthday party?
      – Steph freaking out over her spelling bee (this, incidentally, is where I first read/heard the word “mnemonic”, I think, and there was a line I remember from the book that wasn’t in the episode, or at least not the syndicated rerun–“What the heck is a knee-monic device? My brain needs help, not my knee.”) and losing the bee itself. I remember–I think it was Danny in the book, saying “there’s nothing wrong with coming in fourth” and Steph was like “Out of four? That’s last, Dad, last!”
      – The family going to that weird family seafood restaurant and Stephanie (although I’d remembered it as being Michelle for some reason) orders that weird dish with the squid and octopus and stuff :/
      – Possibly DJ’s dyeing Kimmy’s hair that really terrible shade of bright orange and Kimmy loving it?

      There might have been one or two other elements that I can’t remember, and I don’t have the book anymore.


  10. Teebore says:

    Also, one of the Jennifers is Topanga!


    …which leads to Becky bringing up that she wants them to get haircuts

    About time!

    Kimmie Gibbler offers to pierce Stephanie’s ears herself using her brother’s ear-gun.

    I can’t recall; does she ever say WHY her brother has an ear-gun? That seems a really random thing to own.

    it turns out that Jasper is played by…Dave Coulier.

    Stop Dave Coulier. Just…stop.

    Cut to close-ups of the twins’ new haircuts while the audience goes, “aww.”

    But they barely cut anything!

    Damn, way to make a good point for once!

    Though in Stephanie’s defense, her point about being treated as an individual and not her sister is a valid one – rules and limitations that applied to DJ may not automatically be the best for Stephanie. And I say that as an eldest child whose precedents could frustrat his younger sibling.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Sarah Portland says:

    I seem to recall that Stephanie’s ears probably became infected because Kimmie practiced piercing a watermelon first, and didn’t clean the gun 😛 Brilliant.


    • Mike says:

      It was pieces of ham or something. I recall it being meat anyways…makes it better/worse I think *cringe*


      • Dawn says:

        It was def some sort of meat bc I specifically remember picturing her peircing ham lunch meat LOL And I remember thinking the same thing too ‘did she wash the shit after peircing meat she’s gonna get infected’ in fact I just watched the rerun whith kimmy & they edited out the part where she talked about practicing & I was like what the hell Also I remember loving Stephanies fringed shorts I remember getting a pair just like them Only problem was everytime u washed them the fringes started to tear or come off


      • Bridget says:

        I think if Danny wouldn’t have taken Stephanie to the doctor, she would have developed sepsis in her ears. Believe me, sepsis is a nasty thing and people have died of it and lost limbs due to it!


      • Corannhena says:

        It was cold cuts. (I literally just watched this episode :p )


  12. Papouli's Ghost says:

    Anyone else look at the first screencap of Becky’s shirt and immediately scroll to the comments?


  13. Rebecca says:

    I think I remember Kimmie Gibler’s brother’s job required him to pierce ears, but even as a little kid I wondered why he had his own gun that he brought home instead of the store keeping the guns there. Also Kimmie Gibler practiced on cold cuts before she got her hands on Stephanie.


  14. Kayla says:

    Just want to point out that Kimmy Gibbler is spelled with a Y. And I hate that the reason I know this is because of that episode where Kimmy and DJ skip school to get an autograph. The celebrity (can’t remember who it was) asked how to spell her name and she said something like “two Ms, an I, a Y, and a K… but not in that order”. Why do I remember this stuff?!


    • Sully says:

      Suzi Q!!!!


      • Emily says:

        Stacey Q, no?


      • Dawn says:

        Suzi Q is a Delicious choclate cake & vanilla filling from the brand formelly known as Hostess Kind of like a rectangular whoopie pie DAMN those things were good God I sound like joey wen the discontinued his weasal wheels? I forget what they’re called I hope that’s from an old ep bc I ain’t no spoiler I love billys pure untainted thoughts LOL


  15. Annie says:

    Hah! I love this episode. The worst part is – this actually happened to me. I pierced my ears at some shitty joint and I got a really nasty infection that I tried to hidr before it got too gross. Pus and everything! Fun! And I had seen this episode. And I did it anyway. This just shows how Full House was useless and not even its target audience took it seriously. Because it was effing cheesy.
    I had to go on antibiotics for two weeks and apply creams and ointments. It took weeks for my ears to cure but I think the main problem was not the piercing gun but the actual earrings they used. I’m allergic to cheap metals. To this day I’m traumatized whenever I see piercings and piercing joints, and this episode brings back the pain EVERY DAMN TIME!!!

    Also, I always liked Stephanie’s episodes better. More shit happened to her, I mean at least this episode makes sense, unlike Michelle’s lame adventures.
    Nothing worse than an episode centered on Michelle.


  16. Bridget says:

    Kayla, it was Stacey Q whose autograph DJ and Kimmy wanted. I read another blog how Michelle busted them in the same episode when Joey had her attached to the kid leash and she led him to them. The same blog said that it was good the family followed leash laws for their ugly dog aka toddler Michelle.


  17. Allison says:

    Maybe the reason Stephanie’s ears got infected is because she pussed out and took the earrings out at some point, perhaps in an attempt to hide them from her family? I just refuse to blame Kimmie. She just seems competant, to me, in comparison to the other Full House people. 😛


    • Katie says:

      Stephanie more than likely didn’t treat her ears at all post piercing. You’re supposed to turn them several times a day and clean with a solution.

      It does seem odd that they got infected the very next day. Would they get that bad that fast? I’d imagine it would take a few days for it to get that bad.


      • Martin Tanner's Ghost says:

        Kimmy used that piercing gun on raw meat to practice before using it on Stephanie, so it’s no surprise they got so bad so quick.


  18. Bridget says:

    Everyone, go on YouTube and watch Tom Hanks read his slam poem about “Full House.”. He is way funnier than Joey!


  19. Dan says:

    for some reason, I’m really enjoying that the full name is used every time Billy refers to Kimmy Gibbler.


  20. thatsavvy says:

    I’ve never commented before, but I just wanna say how much I love this blog. I only found it a few weeks ago and now I’m sad that I have to wait a whole week for a new post. Reading these posts makes me glad I never watched Full House when I was little.

    And dang, Kimmy Gibbler’s wardrobe is awesome. I would kill to have some of her clothes.


  21. Karen says:

    Hey, I love this blog and I wanted to let you know that I give the blog a shoutout in a YouTube video I just posted where I visit the Full House house in San Francisco:

    Looking forward to the next post!


  22. Peachsiki says:

    While procrastinating, I came across a halloween commercial playlist from the 90s and it features the host calling the Olsen twins creepy little pumpkin muppets and it made me think of the twins 2.0 and this episode instead for some reason.
    Anyways, Happy Halloween, here’s a little something to pepper your nightmares with!


  23. tageslicht says:

    I just saw in the Season 1 Episode 2 review, there’s a screencap of Stephanie very blatantly wearing earrings. Good continuity, Full House… wait, you don’t care about that?


  24. Bridget says:

    I do wish Stephanie would have answered Michelle, “No, DJ looks like Joey!” when Michelle brought her to look at Steph’s ears and Michelle said, “Does this look like Dad?”


      • Bridget says:

        Simone, thank you! I still think Joey is the father of all the kids. Maybe if this show would have lasted, Stephanie would have been snooping with Michelle in tow and they would find the diary of Pamela Margaret Tanner and one passage would be how Pam was home alone because Danny was working late and Joey came to keep her company. They do bowling “wink-wink” (euphemism for sex I heard from the radio) and bang, nine months later Donna Jo Margaret is born and Pam doesn’t have the heart to admit she cheated on Danny with Joey. Five years later, Danny is working late again and Pam and Joey conceive Stephanie and this unholy union lasts until Pam’s death and Joey hooks up with Becky. Danny finds out what Joey did after a genetic test proves Joey’s paternity for all the kids. He and Jesse ban together and murder Joey!


  25. mbt sko says:

    Not gonna lie, I burst out laughing when I read your reply. xD


  26. crea014 says:

    A few episodes ago Uncle Jersey was on the verge of living his dream, touring the world with his band and performing to thousands of adoring fans. Now, he’s in the most boring episode in history about mundane things like haircuts and ear piercing. It kinda makes me depressed


  27. Megan says:

    ah come on! she was old enough to get her ears pireced . why is Danny so overprotected? and he grounds her. man thats harsh. just like on The Cosby Show her mom didn’t want her to wear makeup until she was 15 now thats pathetic!


  28. Becky says:

    “Left to her own devices, Michelle straight up actually says, “Who can I bother?” before heading off to DJ’s room. What an odd, self-aware moment!”

    First cousin Larry, then Michelle publicly disses privacy, now this. It’s clear that prior to season 6 (aka the Season of Self Awareness), the writers invented a time machine, went forward in time, and read FHR seasons 1-5. Only plausible explanation.


  29. williec29 says:

    What is Becky wearing in that first screenshot? Seriously?
    Also, did anyone else notice that all Jasper did was comb the kids hair over a little? He didn’t cut their hair at all. It’s still the same length. Did Becky and Jesse not notice that he just combed their hair over? Ridiculousness.


  30. JCC says:

    I found this review searching for “Full House Hideous Denim”. Lori Loughlin’s post “pregnancy” wardrobe was dire.


  31. Degrassi Guy says:

    I know I’m about 2 years late with this comment but I remember when this episode would come on in repeats. I would always get pissed off over the hair cut part. Because it’s so obvious that he just combed it to the side. I can’t believe that back then as a teen I never noticed how good Kimmy looks in that dress. Damn!


  32. Lucky says:

    Reading this made me realize that the only reason my ears are pierced is because back in school some lame-o popular girls I was friends with for 3 months made me do it. Wow I feel stupid now.


  33. BC says:

    This is one of the closest opportunities we have to seeing Aunt Becky naked, so I actually like the half shirt that shows off her shoulders.


  34. Corannhena says:

    Holy crap, I’m watching this ep on Nick at Nite right now (oddly, I grew up watching this show, but I don’t remember any of these episodes) and the Jennifers immediately reminded me of these two girls who were best friends with each other when I was in seventh grade, which coincidentally was the year this episode originally aired. One of them was even named Jennifer, but the other one was like… Shannon or something. I think. They even looked similar to the FH Jennifers, with RL Jennifer having dark blonde hair and Shannon having platinum blonde.


  35. cjenkinssax says:

    The fuck? Stephanie had pierced ears when she was like 5. Not that I know that.


  36. Megan says:

    Just out of curiosity would anyone know where I could possibly get my hands on the ballerina picture that is right above her bed??? Wouldn’t mind buying online or in stores (in Canada)


  37. Alex Kawa says:

    This was the first blog on this website I read. I never regretted reading more…

    Liked by 1 person

  38. ohmylanta76 says:

    My favorite episode..Love Topanga


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