

58 Responses to Archives

  1. emma says:

    if you hate this show so much, why do you waste your time watching every single episode?


    • michmich says:

      That is like asking why rainbows are so beautiful or babies and puppies are precious. If you analyze it too much, it loses it’s beauty. Just appreciate this blog for the masterpeice that it is.


    • Emily Marie says:

      I was unfortunate enough to land here, but I must say, WOW, this person has absolutely NO LIFE…seriously. Pretty LAME to waste so much time writing a blog about a show you don’t even like. Who does that? Just saying…


      • laura says:

        Don’t hate!! This blog is hilarious!! Full House was my favorite show as a kid and now that I’m an “adult” it’s funny to see how corny it really was… and this blog complements it perfectly..

        I was watching Nick @ Nite and the episode where DJ goes out with that guy Pete from a band was on and I wanted to look him up to see what he’s doing now (which is nothing) because he was actually pretty cute… and stumbled across this blog and have been laughing my ass off ever since


      • Kenny says:

        This guy takes on one of the worst shows ever made and he does it for US out of his own spare time give him a break and back off already.

        I love this site its the best funniest and most priceless site ive come across in a long time.

        So fucking refreshing in so many ways. 🙂


      • Melanie says:

        WOW, this person has absolutely NO LIFE..seriously. Pretty lame to waste your time writing a comment on a blog you don’t even like.Who does that?Just saying…


      • Smash says:

        I just noticed this comment while I was on my way to dig through the archives.

        BEST retort ever Melanie! Thank you 🙂

        FHR RULES!!!!


      • mari says:

        oh stop. it has nothing to do with liking or not liking it. this show is over 20 years old and looking back, even fans are like, “what the HELL were they thinking..?” this was probably one of the corniest, worst-written pieces of fluff garbage on television and it’s freaking hysterical to point all of that shit out, fans or not. so, DJ, get off your high horse and go change your tampon.


      • VOALEX says:

        Emily Marie, suppose, he just hates people, kids, feelings, family… almost everything that is about being human.
        Because there is absolutely nothing to HATE in Michelle or Steph or… anybody else in this show (except Kimmy, perhaps, but her character was made annoyng and stupid on purpose). One should be…perveted or just crazy to hate these girls so much as the author of this blog does. I wonder what he hImself was doIng when he was theIr age – most probably NOTHING SPECIAL, So why all this hating? Even for a teenage that’s weird, but for a grown-up man that’s…..really pathetic.


  2. Bethany says:

    Because it’s fucking hilarious to read!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Billy Superstar says:

      thanks! i couldnt have said it better myself!


      • Alan says:

        This blog isn’t funny at all. It’s pretty stupid…oh yeah, and pointless. This dude or chick (I assume a dude) or whomever wrote this mess needs a real job and if they come on here saying they have one, then they had better spend more time doing it or doing something else that is actually productive because writting this kind of stuff is pretty pathetic. The show ended like 17 years ago bro. No one really cares what you thought of it, or at least not to the point of faithfully recording a blog on it. FYI, those people who you hate on, all have millions. I think it’s safe to say that you probably do not, so don’t hate. If you spent as much time doing a job as you do on here, maybe you would be lucky enough make 1/3 as much money as they all have.


      • Nascarchick says:

        I agree Alan! I was looking for real full house pages when I suddenly came across this garbage. I guess they have no life which is really the only thing funny about this.


      • Chuck says:

        Well, how much of a life do YOU have to come on here and whine about it? I like FH too, but I appreciate the humor provided in the commentaries…and if “no one really cares what you thought of it”, why are you on here in the first place? LOL

        Liked by 1 person

      • Tosh says:

        Wait,… someone called NASCARchick likes full house? like, seriously likes it??? oh my that is hot in so many dirty, dirty ways….


      • Cynthia says:

        Then go away, you don’t need to read it if you don’t like it. I thoroughly enjoy Full House, I also thoroughly enjoy this blog, they don’t have to mutually exclusive.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yuqui says:

        lmao shutup hahahaha

        “”wahwah wah they have more money than you” lmao


      • Full House Expert says:

        There’s a bit of irony here. You’re ranting and raving about how if someone doesn’t like something, it’s stupid to devote time writing about it… isn’t that what you’re doing about this blog? Hypocrisy.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Mishal says:

    I actually just stumbled onto this blog and i thought that it would be a legit proper review of the show from fans. I didn’t know it would be some random guy ass talking it all the time. Honestly you’re right in a lot of things of the show but it just sounds like you want to kill everyone on the set! I mean I love this show and the only character on it that I don’t mind you bashing (in fact could you intesify this bashing) is Michelle. She’s the only character in the show that made me want to change the channel but I loved this show otherwise. I mean obviously a lot of things aren’t going to make sense but thats because its just a show and it’s meant to be funny. I read a bit of your blog, i didn’t go through th whole thing because dude its a lot of freaking writing lol but I don’t know why you hate on Stephanie so much, she’s the best actor out of all the time and the most underrated. I saw once when you complained about that episode where DJ and Michelle were getting graduations and Stephanie was complaining but she has every fucking right to because they treat her like shit. Especially in that episode where she tries to marry Harry when she was like 7, they were being such hypocrites paying attention to DJ and Michelle. Anyway, I just thought this would help you with your future reviews.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mario Speedwagon says:

      This here is exactly why this blog is genius – because some people take Full House so seriously! I mean, how can any normal, sane person look at Full House and recognise it as a legitimate form of entertainment?
      Long Live Full House Reviewed!!

      Liked by 2 people

      • mari says:

        EXACTLY why this blog is hysterical. the comments from people calling everybody “haters” and saying the writer has “no life” blah blah blah…it’s just as entertaining to watch the die-hard full house nut jobs get their panties all in a bunch over it. some people, apparently this many years later, really DO take full house that seriously. watching them chris crockin’ all over these comments is just as entertaining as the reviews themselves.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. katie says:

    Love the new archive setup. It’s so much easier to find a specific episode now. Thanks!


    • Navarro says:

      Really?? I think its a pain in the ass cause you have to scroll up/down and sideways


      • Billy Superstar says:

        i’m sorry for the great hardship that i’ve bestowed onto you by making you scroll sideways. i know that the archives aren’t as good as they could be and am working on them. keeping up this site is a lot of work.


      • Katie says:

        Yes, because I no longer have to weed though a whole season of posts—that would show up backwards and show the entire review—rather than just the episode number and name. I’d much rather have to scroll sideways than have the old format.

        But keep trying, BillySuperstar. I don’t know shit about coding otherwise I’d totally help setting something up. This is an improvement.


      • Navarro says:

        I didnt want to sound like a deuche, but you should try to make it so you can have a vertical list of each episode per season


      • Billy Superstar says:

        i’m working on it. if you know how to do that feel free to send me a tutorial.


  5. Santanaonfire says:

    This website is the greatest. You are spot on and funny as Hell. Keep it up. I’m doing my part to spread awareness of your blog!


  6. LindenArden says:

    I was thinking about the episode with Stephanie crashing a car into the house. I found it curious there was no mention of the fact that her mother died in a car wreck. I like to think that the writers are hinting that all the females in the full house will die in a car wreck. I think I will skip your review of the series finale and simply imagine that’s how the show ends. Four matching urns and the dads making that Michelle pouting face while the music plays and the audience says “Aww.”

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Krista! says:

    So this is fucking funny to read, especially late at night or when you’re high. . .

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Jen says:

    I just stumbled upon this earlier today. It’s now 5 hours later and I am still reading. This is hilarious. Thank you!


  9. Austin says:

    These are amazing, they were talking about this on a Spill podcast and i had to come check it out, Keep this up!


  10. Jeremy says: brought me here. My hatred for Full House made me stay. This shit is hilarious.


  11. If Mars had life on it... says:

    Smiley Smile message board brought me here. I’ve already refered this to 5 people and it’s my first day reading. Well done!


  12. Robbie says:

    I know some of you were fans of this show as a kid (I was too) but you have to admit as adults that there are some aspects of this show that are ripe for parody. If anything this blog is a tribute to the show and the fact something this insane and ridiculous ever passed for wholesome family entertainment on mainstream American televsion. So lighten up and enjoy it!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Tom Lynn says:

    I must begin this by just saying WOW! I was a daily watcher of Full House for the majority of my childhood because of my obsession with everything involving the Olsen twins. I was reading some stuff about FH and somehow found myself on your blog. When I saw that you were doing reviews of every episode I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop until you get to that God awful series finale. In my time on the internet I don’t think one single website has made me laugh so hard. I liked Full House a lot as a kid and I still like it as an adult, but even Bob Saget has admitted that the show waasn’t that funny, which is why it’s so fun to laugh at. I’m sure you get tons of comments from people bashing you and saying you have no life, but who really cares if they don’t see the humor? You are clearly a very funny person with a talent for making people laugh through nothing but text, which is a talent that is pretty amazing if you ask me. Just wanted to drop by with a little encouragement and to let you know that I enjoy what your doing and urge you to keep it up!


  14. Taylor says:

    I agree that if he hates the show so much he shouldn’t be watching it because this blog is pretty stupid however it is funny. I do enjoy reading it despite being a huge fan of the show. What I don’t like is when he makes fun of the plotlines centering around Pam because it does seem a bit insensitive, so I try to avoid those posts but there weren’t many centering around that. I can’t wait until he reviews the series finale….lol.


  15. Born says:

    Not sure if this is a mistake or not but I can’t scroll sideways in 2011.


  16. Kristen says:

    I just discovered this page. I am addicted. It’s like crack. Thank you. Thank you forever.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Can'tThinkofaName says:

    Your reviews are actually more enjoyable than the actual episodes.

    I read the review for “DJ Tanner’s Day Off” and “Prom Night” since I relate the DJ the most (on account of being the oldest, having to deal with an annoying ass little sibling and probably a few other things I neglected to mention.) and well…yeah, it’s Full House, it’s bound to be shitty…but I had a glimmer of hope, you know? xD

    Senior year is stressing the crap out of me and I’d like to applaud you for making me laugh out loud with your awesome blog! Don’t let the haters get to you. You’re my hero! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  18. T3R3Z1 says:

    DO YOU H34R 1T?


  19. Allison says:

    I know i’m late to this blog, I just found it earlier this week, while a work. But I love it, it gets me through the day. The reviews and the comments added on make it awesome, Thanks so much for this blog


  20. Koze says:

    Someone’s probably mentioned this to you before, but as much as I love this blog, it’s incredibly hard to navigate. Until you figure out how to revamp your archives to make them more navigable, you can at least provide some quick links on the sidebar to the beginning of each season.


  21. Edward says:

    I started watching this ridiculous show recently on Nick2. I never watched it when I was a teenager and it was on the air in the 80’s and 90’s.

    Seriously, this is the funniest blog I have ever seen. Great concept. I hope that you do one for Family Matters if they ever release it on DVD. Absolutely hilarious. It has provided me hours of entertainment. I read it after I watch en episode of Full House. at around 2am.


  22. No Name says:

    I reentry stumbled upon this site and absolutely LOVED it. Full House was one of my favorite shows as a kid, but watching re-runs now and reading this blog makes me realize how ridiculous it is.

    I don’t know if you touched upon this in one of the posts- but I’ve been wondering why there are two staircases downstairs, but in 8 years they only who one upstairs… Danny’s room is at the end of the hall so where exactly does the other one lead??


  23. Melody says:

    I honestly love the show Full House. I have all 8 seasons on DVD, I love the open-minded parent dynamic between Danny and the girls, and I find Michelle’s snarky-ness to be hilarious– I love the show, but your blog was just absolutely amazing, haha. It made me laugh and it made me feel not so alone on some of the things I saw (the fact that Joey, some random ass dude, is just living and taking care of his ‘best friend’s’ daughters, and never getting married, or planning or even trying to move out, and all the kisses that they give…)

    I was watching Full House as I read these reviews, and the reviews were definitely a good night read on a Friday night!


  24. Danielle says:

    I like full house cause I got my grandma hooked on Full house when I first started watching it I bring it to her house once she watches it every day then she falls asleep while don’t she watches it ??? it is really weird my favorite character in full House is Candace Cameron BURE she was on dancing with the stars she went home to her three children and her pets and her husband I have her Book reshaping it all it is about eating healthy food and losing weight that is where I learned about in the book I love it ??? I am so worried about my dad because he has the flu and she went to work so I guess he is feeling better ??? And I also have good news do you December 6TH my friend Her name is Marlena she lives in tarpon springs her mom Nicole is going to have a Christmas party it got an invitation to go I am so excited about it all of my friends are doing to be there from my school it is going to be awesome then I am going to see my other friend in oak tree oaks her Name is Sally Norris I will get to sleep it is going to be fun someday in the future I have to go now I have to study my science I have a practice test tomorrow Actual
    Test I hope to get an A plus and I have math and literature


  25. Paige says:

    It’s baaaack! “Fuller House” is becoming a reality!!


  26. CanOx says:

    This is a fun blog to read. Great job.


  27. Elizabeth says:

    FH is just fluff.


  28. Ben says:

    I’m not getting any archives for some reason?


  29. Paige says:

    Fuller House has been renewed for a second season. Care to share your feelings on this development, Billy? 😉


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