Season 4, Episode 8, “Shape Up”

Pre-Credits Gag:  After excessive nagging, Jesse buys Michelle a box of Fiber Bears cereal.  He gives her the box and she pours out the whole thing, removes the toy, and then tells him to make her some eggs.  See, they always gotta go to far.  Wanting the cereal just for the toy is kinda obnoxious, but we probably all remember doing the same thing when we were kids.  But can they leave it at that?  No, no they can’t.

DJ ominously snacks in her room while working on a collage for Kimmie Gibbler’s birthday.  Stephanie enters the room with her new recorder and really sucks ass at playing it.  Kimmie Gibbler shows up and pulls an invitation to her birthday party out of her amazing fanny pack and gives it to DJ.  DJ is dismayed to learn that it’s a pool party, so she’ll have to wear a bathing suit in front of everybody.  DJ says that Kimmie Gibbler doesn’t have to worry about it because she has the perfect body (out of admiration for Kimmie Gibbler, I will let you to come up with your own smarmy comment about that) and says that she wont be comfortable wearing a bathing suit in front of everyone until she has a body like the women in the pornographic magazines that she reads.

With 2 weeks to get all sexyfied before the party, DJ puts herself on a strict dieting regime, beginning by putting pictures of pin-up girls all over the refrigerator to discourage her from eating.  Rebecca Donaldson comes in and, instead of recognizing the early stages of a body-image complex, offers DJ helpful advice on what foods to eat when trying to lose weight.  Really?  If those pictures of sexy ladies on the refrigerator aren’t a cry for help then I don’t know what is.

Ironically, after all that dieting advice, Jesse comes in with a bunch of cake samples so he and Rebecca Donaldson can pick one out for their wedding.  The family all gather around to try it out, including Michelle, who’s pretty fucking eager to get down on those cake samples.  As the family tries to convince DJ to try a piece, Michelle loses control of herself and crawls across the table to shovel cake into her mouth.  You might think that the family would discourage this kind of behavior, as this kid is clearly totally out of control and has just wasted a bunch of really expensive cake samples, but they all just stand around laughing like, “Oh, Michelle!” while the studio audience goes fucking nuts over it.  What’s so funny about an obnoxious little girl?  Seriously?

For the sake of my own mental and emotional preservation, I’ve been in denial about the fact that this show really does get increasingly shitty as it goes on.  Remember how much those early episodes sucked?  They’re like fucking fine art compared to this shit.  As I work my way through this series, I keep discovering these defining moments where the gratingly obnoxious qualities graduate to a higher level.  This is clearly one of those moments, and as I watch that ugly orangutan child being celebrated for acting like a complete asshole, I can only wonder how I will ever make it through the last half of this series.

As Stephanie continues to suck ass at playing her recorder, DJ expresses frustration towards her lack of weight loss.  Jesse comes in and tells her that if she wants to lose weight she might want to focus on exercise rather than dieting, and recommends that she work out at Michelle’s gym.  Wait, what?  Since when does Michelle go to the gym?  Why is that a thing that he can just mention that’s not supposed to be perplexing to the audience?  “Michelle’s gym”?  What the fuck?  The fact that Michelle apparently goes to the gym often enough that it’s a familiar reference at the full house might actually shed some light on why DJ is having all these fucked up issues about her body.  Speaking of which, I also think that it’s pretty amazing that neither Jesse or Rebecca Donaldson made any effort to counsel DJ about her negative self-image, and have only offered advice on weight loss techniques.  Usually Rebecca Donaldson is the one who approaches these kinds of situations with a sensible, woman’s perspective, but as she comes closer and closer to her time as a resident of the full house, all of her wisdom and sensible thinking seems to be gradually fading away.  I wonder if maybe it’s the full house itself that makes these people such fuckheads?  You know, like maybe it’s like the hotel in The Shining?

Michelle comes in the room and tells Stephanie that she sucks dick at playing the recorder.  Jesse tries to help her hit the proper notes and ends up having the same problem, which leads him to discover that there’s something stuck in the recorder.  He blows into it and expels a piece of gum that hits Michelle right in the forehead, which is actually pretty rad.  Thus concludes the Stephanie’s recorder subplot.

Stephanie discovers that DJ has been giving her lunches to Kimmie Gibbler and notes that she’s been skipping out on her other meals as well.  She makes DJ promise to eat the sandwich that Danny made for her and then spies on her while she feeds it to the dog.  DJ tells Comet, “You’re lucky…dogs don’t have to wear bathing suits” and then sad music plays while the camera closes in on DJ and then cuts between her and Stephanie’s distraught expressions.  Have you ever heard of a worse prompt for a sad moment than, “dogs don’t have to wear bathing suits”?   How come this show’s only ever actually funny when it’s failing to be emotionally affective?

After the commercial break, Stephanie calls bullshit on DJ’s anorexic behavior.  DJ reasons that she’ll cut it out after the bathing suit party and forces Stephanie to pinkie swear that she’ll keep a lid on it until then.

The Tanner family head to the gym, and hilarity ensues!  As DJ tears ass on a stationary bike, the dads all watch Michelle do her baby exercises.  She goes through a really easy workout routine as the dads dote on her and give her a detrimental level of attention.

After the baby workout, the dads join Stephanie and Rebecca Donaldson’s aerobics class so they can ogle a bunch of chicks in their early-90’s, loud colored spandex outfits.  The instructor catches them and makes them exercise in the front of the room and then there’s a long take of them sucking at aerobics that’s pretty darn poorly put together.  It looks to me like the script said, “and then the dads suck at aerobics” and they just filmed the first, improvised take without any direction and decided that it was good enough.

Stephanie summons DJ to come and laugh at the dads’ inept aerobics training but then DJ becomes lightheaded on the way over.  Stephanie calls the dads for help and they decide that they’ve all had enough exercise for the day and go home to the full house.

DJ gets all pissy when the family continues to express concern about her and then tries to skip out on dinner.  Stephanie violates the sacred oath of the pinkie swear and outs DJ’s burgeoning eating disorder.  The family warn her about the effects of eating disorders but she says that she doesn’t give a shit because all that matters is looking hot in a bathing suit.  She storms up to her room and Danny follows her.

DJ explains to Danny that she doesn’t like the way that she looks because none of the hoes in her magazines have big fat moon faces like she does.  Good lord, I can’t help but sympathize for Candace Cameron for having to deliver these lines.  Seriously, how much would it suck to be a teenage girl and be forced to berate your own appearance on national television?  I wouldn’t be surprised if filming this episode gave her an eating disorder in real life.  Anyway, Danny tells DJ that people come in all shapes and sizes, and that he himself struggled with body image issues growing up because he was so tall and skinny.  Oh yeah, Danny, being a tall thin white man is a real hill to climb!  Poor Danny!  So anyway, Danny tells DJ that it’s what’s inside that counts and that her friends shouldn’t judge her for looking terrible in a bathing suit and I guess that if more dads gave that same brief, ill-conceived speech then anorexia wouldn’t be such a problem.

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87 Responses to Season 4, Episode 8, “Shape Up”

  1. Teebore says:

    Hell yeah! The “DJ’s eating disorder” episode”! For whatever reason, this is the absolute first episode I think of whenever anyone mentions Full House, and the first episode I think of when discussing “very special episodes”.

    Like the “don’t hang out with people who drink beer” episode, I love how this show tries to juxtapose a serious issue with its shallow, sappy style. The horrific failure is very amusing.

    What’s so funny about an obnoxious little girl? Seriously?

    Man, even as a kid, that pissed me off. Like, get that little monster off the table. She’s destroying that cake! That’s not cute, it’s obnoxious!

    Usually Rebecca Donaldson is the one who approaches these kinds of situations with a sensible, woman’s perspective, but as she comes closer and closer to her time as a resident of the full house, all of her wisdom and sensible thinking seems to be gradually fading away.

    That’ll be an interesting trend to follow. I wonder if, by the time she spawns those hideous floppy-haired monstrosities, we’ll have lost all affection for her.

    Thus concludes the Stephanie’s recorder subplot.

    What an odd and totally random subplot…

    and I guess that if more dads gave that same brief, ill-conceived speech then anorexia wouldn’t be such a problem.

    Seriously, how obnoxious is that? It’s like when Stephanie was having anxiety issues after the Earthquake, and everything was solved after three minutes with a therapist. On the hand, you can appreciate a show with a (embarassingly) large audience like this bringing attention to things like eating disorders; on the other hand, you almost wonder if, by having to wrap everything up in a tidy little bow in 22 minutes, the show doesn’t do more harm than good by suggesting that all it takes to overcome an eating disorder is some trite platitudes from dad.


  2. Joan Crawford says:

    …that ugly orangutan child being celebrated for acting like a complete asshole…

    Ahahahaha! It’s poetry, is what it is.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dr. Bitz says:

    Damn…the anorexia episode comes up and I’m off vacationing in Hawaii….woe is me.

    First of all, who refers to a gym clearly designed for a adults as their 6-year-old daughter’s gym? Is she paying for the membership?

    I also feel that Rebecca Donaldson is too fine looking to ever truly be annoying on the show.

    Anyway, this is the episode I think of when Full House is ever mentioned. The overly dramtic, stupid seriousness of it all sticks with me. Combine that with the insulting nature of fixing an eating disorder simply with a dad’s speech and, I’ll say one thing, it’s memorable, just for all the wrong reasons.

    To top it off, Candice Cameron isn’t all the fat. So how many teenage girls are watching this thinking, “If SHE thinks she’s too fat, what does that make me? A beached whale!?”

    Also: “Good lord, I can’t help but sympathize for Candace Cameron for having to deliver these lines. Seriously, how much would it suck to be a teenage girl and be forced to berate your own appearance on national television?”

    Totally makes me think of when I was kid watching Growing Pains. Mike would tease Carol about how fat she was (even though she really wasn’t). Even a young Dr. Bitz wondered if it was hard for the actress (Tracey Gold) to handle those scenes. I figured she must be self confident enough (and the rest of the cast/crew reassuring enough that it’s all just for comedy and not true) that she could take those scenes in stride.

    I guess my concerns were valid since Tracey Gold did end up with a eating disorder.


    • erin says:

      I’m surprised more girls didn’t develop eating disorders who wouldn’t have thought of it otherwise, just due to the prevalence of these easily-solved plotlines being on TV.

      Oh wait they probably did.

      Examples I can think of:
      Full House, DJ
      Lizzie McGuire, Miranda
      Degrassi Junior High, Kathleen (though I believe her problems extend beyond the 22-minute mark)
      Degrassi: the Next Generation, Emma


      • erin says:

        Also short guys deciding they must impel themselves to have a growth spurt (usually by eating a lot?) seems to be a pretty common body image plot:

        Degrassi Junior High, Arthur/Yick
        Freaks and Geeks, Sam


      • ANoelle says:

        Lizzie McGuire did a slightly better job than this one because at least they acknowledge that it was stemming from anxiety over a test.


    • Lisa says:

      I remember watching some entertainment show where they said how Full House purposely tried to do a better job portraying body image than Growing Pains. Candace’s brother was on Growing Pains so her family saw first-hand how fat jokes etc. can contribute to an eating disorder such as the one Tracey Gold had.


    • Olivia Fields says:

      Seriously?! I think someone needs to check themself before they wreck themself if I were a parent I would much rather have my children watch Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Fat Albert and Full house over the shows on NickToons and Disney Channel. All the nonsense on those channels don’t teach kids anything. Shows don’t have morals or problems that need to be solved anymore. Full house is soooo much better from today’s shows. People need to learn to appreciate how life was kind of better in some ways than they are now!!


  4. Isabelle says:

    It’s so shocking that they casually deal with eating disorders as a potentially comic device in storyline writing (cake-samples / dog-bikini line / fun at the gym…)
    I’m waiting for the episode where DJ is blamed for not believing in God, since Candace is now a religion freak ! haha !


  5. lizzy says:

    Tracy Gold, who starred on Growing Pains with Candace Cameron’s real-life brother, DID develop an eating disorder because her character was constantly belittled for being fat. She had suffered from anorexia and bulimia earlier in her life but had entered recovery before starting the show… and all the fat jokes triggered a relapse. That’s why she was missing from the majority of the last season. I can’t recall if this FH plot coincided with her leaving GP, but I wouldn’t be surprised.


    • The Complexities of Full House says:

      That’s EXACTLY what’s happened. They discovered Tracey Gold’s eating disorder and thus…..and I’m not making this up, though I guess there may be a little more to the story…. in order to prevent Candace from doing the same, THEY DID THIS EPISODE. Yep. “I sure hope she doesn’t think she’s fat. Let’s do an episode where she’s portrayed as chunky compared to the other actress her age and have her call herself fat. And then, rather than saying she looks great, just simply have the character go on a more sensible diet. That ought to fix any potential issues.”

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey, fun fact! Candace Cameron did have some eating disorders whilst filming the show! Everyone called her chubby and shit.

    Not so fun of a fact I guess.


    • Pete says:

      The girl on Growing Pains had an eating disorder too. What’s with women, Kirk Cameron, and eating disorders? Did he throw subconscious jabs into their psyche about how they were chubby?

      Liked by 1 person

      • BOTR says:

        Did he throw subconscious jabs into their psyche about how they were chubby?

        It honestly wouldn’t surprise me a bit, especially the pre-born again Kirk.


      • Lisa says:

        Well, it wasn’t really his fault, he was the actor, not the writer. It was his job to say whatever lines they gave him.


  7. Scott says:

    You would think that filthy cunt Michelle might have taken a little something from this episode, but nope.


  8. bobkipper says:

    Even as a child, the gum smacking Michelle in the head was the only part of the show that ever made me laugh. Sadly it wasn’t until I was 10 or 11, near the end of Full House’s run, that I realized that after years of this show, Family Matters, and other family “comedies,” I’d only ever laughed once and I should probably find something else to watch. Then I watched nothing but Nick at Nite and TV Land (back when both showed rad TV shows) until good shows came back to TV. Still, it was too late to prevent the vast majority of Full House from being permanently etched into my subconscious.


  9. Ralph says:

    Dude don’t get all scared because everyone is looking at you now from the Huffpost. The Angry Video Game Nerd got all soft once he became popular. Stay visceral and obscene. It’s why we like you.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. antecedent says:

    I distinctly remember this episode giving me tips on how to anorexia way better. Thanks, Full House!


  11. For some reason the thing I always took away from this episode was Kimmy Gibbler remarking about being constantly fed ham sandwiches. I laughed at that, and I have no idea why.

    Though admittedly if your kid was on a diet, maybe feeding them starches and fats wouldn’t be the best healthy food. And what kind of pills was Rebecca on that she didn’t notice the giant neon sign that said “Help me! Help me!” I don’t remember if DJ clearly takes credit for putting the bikini clad women on the fridge, and if not would like to imagine Becky thought Jersey put them on there.

    I also think not getting DJ addicted to caffeine pills was a missed opportunity in 90s sitcom drug abuse history. Because those bad boys were EVERYWHERE.


  12. sanefan says:

    the dads join Stephanie and Rebecca Donaldson’s aerobics class so they can ogle a bunch of chicks in their early-90’s…

    I almost did a double-take before I read the complete sentence!


  13. Keri says:

    I’m surprised no one has commented on the fact that while his daughter is struggling with body image issues, Danny is ogling skinny women (and commenting on their hotness) right in front of DJ! How fathers respond and treat women has a major impact on how daughters develop their own self-image. I always thought how all three of the “men” (I use the term lightly) talked about/treated the women on the show in front of the children was awful.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Pete says:

    I don’t think that’s a cereal Michelle is eating, those are Teddy Grahams. I hope those didn’t go to waste, you never want to waste chocolate Teddy Grahams.


    • Kristin says:

      It’s weird because it’s a completely different cereal than shown on the box. She’s pouring out some chocolate shit. The prop department didn’t even bother trying with that one.

      Maybe they were too busy cutting out chicks decked in shitty early 90’s fashion for D.J.’s eating disorder collage to have time to match cereals up.

      Liked by 1 person

      • catwalkspy says:

        I noticed that too!! Really bugged me. The box says “Honey Covered” when what actually came out was clearly chocolate covered.


      • BOTR says:

        Maybe they were too busy cutting out chicks decked in shitty early 90′s fashion for D.J.’s eating disorder collage to have time to match cereals up.

        Hopefully it was tape that they used to put them up on the fridge…

        Liked by 1 person

  15. SZA says:

    I like how Aunt Becky (oops, sorry, it’s stilll just “Becky”) appears totally breastless in the 3rd screen shot.


  16. Megan says:

    Most ridiculous trying-to-be-serious emotional moments from 80s-90s TV countdown:

    2. DJ Tanner faints after getting off the stair stepper.
    1. Jessie Spano is so excited and so scared!


  17. I _read_ Fiber Bears, but _thought_ Water Bears

    (please let someone do a reshoot of this with Michelle pouring out (and then being devoured by) a box full of Water Bears)


  18. Jeff says:

    haha. Big fat moon face.


  19. PuppetDoctor says:

    “Usually Rebecca Donaldson is the one who approaches these kinds of situations with a sensible, woman’s perspective, but as she comes closer and closer to her time as a resident of the full house, all of her wisdom and sensible thinking seems to be gradually fading away. I wonder if maybe it’s the full house itself that makes these people such fuckheads? You know, like maybe it’s like the hotel in The Shining?”

    Haha that little blurb there was great just like many other parts of this review.

    This is one of the episodes where it is so obvious to point out that Full House is unrealistic that their problems can be solved in 22 minutes. If only someone could just sit someone down for a couple of minutes and solve anorexia or all eating disorders.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Lisa says:

    I like how the gum lands on Michelle’s forehead managing to bypass her bangs on the way.

    “You’re lucky…dogs don’t have to wear bathing suits.”
    The logic there makes zero sense. It would make more sense if she said something like “You’re lucky… no one cares if dogs are overweight.” or “You’re lucky… dogs don’t have to worry what their bodies look like.” Instead, she says “You’re lucky… dogs don’t have to wear bathing suits.” No, DJ, they don’t have to wear bathing suits. Wearing a bathing suit would be wearing more than they normally do… which is NOTHING. Dogs are naked. Is that what you’d rather?? Dumbass.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. erin says:

    American television is notorious for not being able to last more than three seasons without characters becoming caricatures of their former selves, but I never before realized how disturbing that can be when it involves children. Kneeling on a table, stuffing cake in her face, really? Cut. It. Out.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. The girl’s body on the magazine cover is gross. She looks emaciated and like a body builder at the same time. Does not compute…

    “Rebecca Donaldson comes in and, instead of recognizing the early stages of a body-image complex, offers DJ helpful advice on what foods to eat when trying to lose weight. Really? If those pictures of sexy ladies on the refrigerator aren’t a cry for help then I don’t know what is.”

    Rebecca Donaldson doesn’t recognize it because she already has a rocking body. And her hair is back to normal.

    “As the family tries to convince DJ to try a piece, Michelle loses control of herself and crawls across the table to shovel cake into her mouth.”

    And I was only expecting her to eat with her hands. I should have known better.

    “I wonder if maybe it’s the full house itself that makes these people such fuckheads? You know, like maybe it’s like the hotel in The Shining?”

    Or the house in Amityville Horror. If only Danny would go room to room and off them all with a shotgun.

    That screen cap of Michelle in her work out class really shows off her simian-like appearance.

    Wait a minute. There was an aerobics class in which Rebecca Donaldson is wearing spandex (however loudly colored) and the screen cap is of the dads blocking her fine-ass body? FAIL.


  23. kp199 says:

    These types of episodes are just big ol’ insults to people who actually suffer from anorexia. Oh hey, DJ is anorexic, but she totally gets over it a few days later. No big deal guys! If DJ can overcome it, so can you!!


  24. e_x_i_t says:

    So this episode proves it, Kimmy Gibbler is hot shit and DJ is the fat girl she keep around to make her look even better. It’s kind of funny when you think about it, Kimmy Gillber’s family was often portrayed as weird and unorthodox, while the Tanners being portrayed as “Normal”, yet very fucking week one of the Tanner kids is having some kind of self loathing “woe is me” crisis. Not sure how much this changes in the future seasons, since I stopped watching this tranwreck the very second we got cable in the house, but you’ve never seen Kimmy Gibbler be an angsty little bitch. No, she stayed cool as fuck always, nobody can bring the Gibbler down. Which just shows how shitty of a parent Danny really is and how him keeping a man child and wanabe Elvis around to help “raise” his children is doing more damage to their already fucked up lives.


  25. Bonosbeachgirl says:

    Dude, whoever you are, you are so talented!! I read your blog all the time. I have been DVR’ing FH so I can read your blog while watching this show! I’m a bit sad myself. Lol. Keep up the good work. I wish I had this website while I was employed!!

    Liked by 1 person

  26. loafing oaf says:

    Oh how i wish uncle jesse had taken the recorder and found the brown noise.


  27. Melody says:

    As a kid, I must have somehow managed to look the glaringly obvious fact that Michelle is a total cow – not just in this episode, but in all of them. 99%, at LEAST, Michelle is the first one we see in the pre-theme segment, the first one we see in the theme song, and the first one we see when the show actually starts – so maybe a few episodes began with Stephanie or someone else, and then Michelle walks in, bratting through her lines with complete “I’m probably thinking about doing the producer!” facial and tone blankness. And she’s always a brat. In that one episode, “Crimes and Michelle’s Demeanor,” she does like five things wrong and yet her older sisters keep getting blamed and punished. Michelle’s first punishment is totally weak compared to what her sisters had to put up with. Even as a kid I knew he was playing favorites, and episodes like the one in which Danny is filming Michelle (specifically JUST Michelle, even though he has two – much cuter – other kids) prove it, over and over. Blah, I hate that child.


    • Bridget says:

      Melody, have you ever seen “3 Men & a Baby”? I saw the identical twins who played Baby Mary in the 1987 hit. They are Michelle and Lisa Blair Otonovich or something like that surname-wise. Anyway, they are both beautiful, with dark hair and they never had an ugly clothing line, they never made lousy TV shows or movies, they also have never had eating disorders or drug problems. I thought Mary was adorable even though she had no hair and she sure didn’t look like a baby chimp! One of them has a baby boy and I think it would be cool if he watched the first and only movie his mom and aunt were in.


  28. Christian says:

    The late 80s and early 90s were hell for teenage girls. Almost every girl on TV developed eating disorders. Kellie Martin recently spoke about he was developing an eating disorder while working on Life Goes On. Luckily for her, her mom knew Tracey Gold’s mom and she enlisted Tracey to help Kellie before it was too late.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Grant says:

    Why has no one mentioned anything about Stephanie’s leotard with the random pair of panties on the outside being held up by suspenders? I can’t have been the only person to notice this…


  30. Megan says:

    so she has eaten in 3 days thats what Steph says . how could you not eat in 3 days? the body needs food? no wonder the poor girl is extremely dizzy duh ! eceryone has to eat and those crash diets are the worst! at one time along time ago i was taking these diet pills but i got off of them becuase my heart started to race it was like consuming to much caffine. no i don’t take diet pills anymore but i don’t apporve of my body and i don’t like being curvey when i’d rather bes slim. but everygirl goes threw that low selfestem phase. thats just life.


  31. Bridget says:

    Billy, my poor father is so thin that he has trouble keeping his pants on. It’s a struggle for him and sometimes he has to sleep in a T-shirt with his boxer shorts because he gets cold at night. His legs look like a giraffe’s and we all wonder how they hold him up!


    • Sid says:

      I don’t think his problem keeping his pants on is because he’s too thin. I think he can’t keep his pants on because he loves the ladies.


      • Bridget says:

        Sid, it is because he is very thin and has to wear suspenders to keep his pants on. He gets cold easily and winters can be a downer for him because we live in Wisconsin and we have long, brutal winters.


  32. Chuck says:

    I remember during the heart to heart talk on this episode, Danny asks DJ why she likes her friends, and even as a little kid I expected DJ to just say ‘because they like me for who I am and don’t judge me.’ and then it would dawn on her that she doesn’t need to diet. Instead she talks about how her friends are nice and crap and Danny, with Socratic irony, asks ‘So it’s not because your friends all look like supermodels?’ Damn Danny, that was clever as shit!


  33. lovetolaugh says:

    So I’m years late on commenting on this one, I know, but this episode holds such a distinct place in my memory that I wanted to go back and read this review.

    I agree with what the fellow posters said about how it’s annoying that a serious issue like an eating disorder was perfectly resolved in one 22 minute episode. However, to be perfectly fair, the show is not trying to convey that DJ actually has an eating disorder; rather, they are portraying that she is merely in danger of getting one. There is a difference. You do not automatically have an eating disorder after refusing to eat for a few days.

    Dangerous eating behaviors can be nipped in the bud, as it takes time for such behaviors to progress into a clincal eating disorder. So, while I do agree that the show’s approach is a bit condescending and unrealistic, I also feel that it’s not totally unrealistic, as DJ didn’t actually have an eating disorder yet and her behaviors really seemed more like cries for help than anything else.

    Liked by 2 people

  34. tildeloltilde says:

    I did a research paper on how certain types of media affect women, and I used this episode, as well as the Lizzie McGuire episode where Miranda goes on a crash diet. I got an A 😀

    I didn’t know about this review back then, but I could’ve definitely added some hilarious bits into the paper from here (with credit of course!)


  35. williec29 says:

    This was the episode I was waiting for! I remember watching this and thinking to myself, if I pulled what Michelle pulled by messing up all of those cake samples, my parents wouldn’t have stood back and laughed. They would have pulled me up by my hair and I wouldn’t be able to walk right to this day. This episode proves without a shadow of a doubt that discipline and being a decent person is not in Danny’s vocabulary.


  36. Jamie says:

    I’m so damn late to this, :sigh:. DJ was adorable and slightly chubby when she was younger, but as a teen is beautiful with a FINE body. Was she REALLY considered chubby?! Damn. Maybe compared to Kimmie, who was one of those natural-stick-figure-type girls. She had chubby cheeks, but that’s it! Didn’t even have a belly! I was probably a bit thinner than her at that age but even then, watching it at that age always had me doubt my own weight.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sara Wilson says:

      I 100% agree with you! She was always beautiful and grew up to be stunning. As a fellow round-faced woman I could sympathize so much with her “charlie brown cheeks” line in the show. I’ve always felt like that. I did, however, bust a gut laughing at Billy’s line “DJ explains to Danny that she doesn’t like the way that she looks because none of the hoes in her magazines have big fat moon faces like she does.” I laughed uncontrollably! But hey I have the same shaped face, so I’m allowed! LOL
      This whole thing makes me remember that I was always really hard on myself for my face shape too, and extremely self conscious, just like she probably was.


    • Jenna says:

      Furthermore, everyone seems to forget that all we had access to was magazine models and actresses. That’s it. Only a very specific “type” (and color) of face and body made it to print and the big screen….. of COURSE we became warped. It does trigger me a bit hearing people giving DJ shit about her chubby face- she was what- 13? Who didn’t still have that baby fat at 13? Was she supposed to look like a miniature VS model? Anyway, yes- she became gorgeous even if she is not the least shitty of human beings.


  37. BOTR says:

    I always considered this episode to be a “lost” one because after seeing it when it originally aired, I didn’t see it again until about seven years ago; it just never seemed to come up whenever I caught the show in syndication/Nick at Nite.


  38. williec29 says:

    What a horrible episode. The scene where Michelle jumps on the table and eats the cakes has to be near the top of the pathetic obnoxious list of stuff she does. What a butthole. Also the scene where the dads are doing the workout looking all stupid is actually pretty funny to me.


  39. Nelson's Biscuit-Sized Nostrils says:

    They picked an episode like this to have an irrelevant subplot about a recorder? Okay, then.


  40. Chris says:

    For some reason the only things I remembered about this episode were Michelle going crazy over the cake and all of the cake being chocolate except for one piece of carrot cake, because Jesse thought it looked lonely.

    I wonder if maybe it’s the full house itself that makes these people such fuckheads? You know, like maybe it’s like the hotel in The Shining?

    If that’s the case, do you suppose Joey was a funny, intelligent satirist before he moved into the full house?

    Liked by 1 person

    • somethinboutme says:

      no…. because in the first episode, Joey walks in, holding a bunch of laundry, making trumpet noises, then when Danny goes to pick up the huge amount of clothes, Joey says they’re dirty, and Danny drops them with a disgusted look on his face. No, Joey’s just always been an ignorant person


  41. Samantha says:

    I also wouldn’t be surprised if she developed a real eating disorder from this episode. The chick on growing pains got one after she had to constantly berate her appearance on television every week.


  42. Anonymous says:

    To whoever wrote this review, maybe you just don’t like the show because it’s not inappropriate and it teaches people good values. Either way, if you don’t like the show, just DON’T WATCH IT. Don’t make a whole hate site, do you know how RUDE that is? In case you did not notice, some people actually like this show.


    • Tee says:

      In case you didn’t notice, there are also a lot of people who DON’T like the show, find it ridiculous, and enjoy the hilarious reviews. If you don’t like the reviews, just DON’T READ THEM!!!! Don’t make a whole post being all bossy, do you know how rude that is???

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ashley says:

      If you hate the blog so much, don’t read it. It’s supposed to be for entertainment purposes. I’m pretty sure the author has stated his reasons for writing this blog several times. Anyway, every show, movie or book gets some kind of criticism. There are many review sites for most of them. You’ll find negative and positive reviews for all of them. Go on, for everything on there you will see reviews for them. So if you want to only read positive reviews for this show, go look up something dedicated to Full House in a positive way.

      Liked by 1 person

  43. Ashley says:

    I’m surprised that the Tanner family didn’t notice that DJ wasn’t eating dinner with them for three nights in a row. They are the sit at a table and eat type of family. They also all knew she was dieting, so that should have been a red flag right there.

    It always bothered me that they were using her for the eating disorder plot. Someone said to me as a joke that I was looking chubby when I was 15, and it affected me a lot. I thought they were being serious. My mother was a single mom and worked night shifts, and my sister was never around so no one noticed that I stopped eating. At school no one paid much attention to if I was eating lunch or not. I was actually thin, but I didn’t realize it because of that comment. If such a small comment could set me off, than I’m sure Candace would have had a hard time acting it out. And an eating disorder can’t be wrapped up that quick. It’s something I still battle with to this day.


  44. Bridget says:

    Jesse should have out the cake samples on the table and he or Rebecca should have grabbed some plates, a cake server, and forks before he bellowed, “Free cake!”. When the family comes to them, Jesse could explain what they are doing with the cake samples and tell them to try the pieces in an orderly way to see which ones they liked!


  45. LORIMAR-Telepictures says:

    Oh, just let Michelle do whatever the fuck she wants with the cake.

    Why didn’t Aunt Becky and Uncle Jesse offer her real advice? Like go vegan? It worked for me when I had to lose weight.


  46. Odotry says:

    Anyone with half a brain could see DJ on the verge of developing an eating disorder. So of course none of the fuck head parents notice this obvious cry for help.


    • LORIMAR-Telepictures says:

      Because Odotry,

      The parents are too busy jerking off to Elvis and doing Popeye impressions to give a shit if their daughter is having an issue with food.

      Liked by 1 person

  47. JCC says:

    Hey fuck you guys – I genuinely LOLed at the cake gorging scene. It had the feel of an outtake/blooper what with the cast cracking up that I enjoyed. Although yes – Post Talking Michelle Tanner is an abomination, I admit.


  48. Jen says:

    This episode is where they really jump the shark with Michelle’s psychotic brat behavior. In what universe would everyone stand around and fondly laugh while a preschooler shovels cake samples into her face with her hands? This is right up there with that commercial where the mother laughs and grabs the paper towels after her kid shakes up a bottle of orange soda and sprays it in her face. In the really real world, both those kids would be punted out the window.

    Liked by 1 person

  49. Melody says:

    Oh, yeah, the awkward ‘teen girl body image’ episode. Why are those inept adults so incompetent when it comes to things that matter? When Stephanie gets her ears pierced and walks around for a few days covering her ears, Danny only realizes what she’s done when she shows him. And when D.J. skips meals and hangs pictures of skinny half-naked ladies on the refrigerator, no one, not even the supposedly amazing Becky D., sees this as anything to worry about.

    DJ explains to Danny that she doesn’t like the way that she looks because none of the hoes in her magazines have big fat moon faces like she does. Good lord, I can’t help but sympathize for Candace Cameron for having to deliver these lines. Seriously, how much would it suck to be a teenage girl and be forced to berate your own appearance on national television? I wouldn’t be surprised if filming this episode gave her an eating disorder in real life.” — Very well-said, and both sad and true; I remember being extremely self-conscious between 13 and 15, and I thought for sure everyone was looking at me and criticizing me even though I usually stuck to hiding out in the background and not talking. I can only imagine how awful it must have been for that young actress to be given a script like that and wonder if everyone she works with and everyone watching the show thinks she should lose weight. 😦

    I’m surprised no one has commented on the fact that while his daughter is struggling with body image issues, Danny is ogling skinny women (and commenting on their hotness) right in front of DJ! How fathers respond and treat women has a major impact on how daughters develop their own self-image. I always thought how all three of the “men” (I use the term lightly) talked about/treated the women on the show in front of the children was awful.” — Yep. One night when I was 12 or 13 and my family had company for dinner, my dad called me ‘fat’ right in front of everyone. It didn’t matter that I’d always been a skinny kid and I had just developed an appetite for the first time in my life, I never forgot how that felt. And I hadn’t been self-conscious before that at all, and then for the next two years I wasn’t comfortable wearing shorts or T-shirts, even at home, and I barely left the house. A few years later, when we had company again, my mom walked up to me, pointed at my face in front of everyone, and said, “Don’t you just hate it when you have to attend a party and you get a great big zit on your nose?” (And then they wondered why, when they had company, I refused to leave my room.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna says:

      I can sympathize… my parents always made asshole comments about my appearance, too. They probably wonder why they aren’t allowed to spend any time with my daughter unsupervised.


  50. Alisa S. says:

    This episode is a reflection of what Candace went through when people body-shamed her for being on Full House. As the episodes kept on coming, her body actually got smaller.

    Speaking of bodies, when the show finally ends, Jodie is ‘almost’ flat-chested (she looks way older than 13 though), but damn, later on in life, her chest get bigger. Course some of that could be ‘blamed’ on the extra weight she packs on, but still, it’s amazing. Guess she didn’t hit full on puberty until after the show.


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