Season 6, Episode 22, “Prom Night”

Pre-Credits Gag:  Oh, hey, Vicky’s back.  I had completely forgotten that she even existed.  She and the rest of the family play Go Fish and Michelle cheats.

The episode opens just seconds after the conclusion of the pre-credits gag, when DJ enters the living room with Steve and Kimmie Gibbler as they prepare to go shopping for prom dresses.  They deliver some expository dialogue as they make their way to the front door and it is revealed that Kimmie Gibbler is going to the prom with some guy that Steve fixed her up with and Jesse and his shitty band are going to be performing there.  Of course they are!

During the game of Go Fish, Danny stresses the importance of telling the truth, which leads to Vicky admitting that she lied about her age when they first met.  He’s always thought that she was a year younger than him but it turns out that she’s actually a year older.  This totally incidental piece of information seems to cause Danny an inexplicable degree of emotional turmoil.

DJ models a prom dress for Steve and he seems totally uninterested.  Kimmie Gibbler comes out of the dressing room and, after pulling DJ aside, tells her that Steve’s ex-girlfriend is in there trying on dresses.  She comes out wearing the same dress as DJ and asks Steve how she looks and he seems to find her pretty boner-inducing.  After he snaps out of his boner-haze, he introduces his ex to DJ and Kimmie Gibbler even though it seems pretty implausible that they’ve never met each other since they all go to the same school.  Or even if they hadn’t ever met somehow, wouldn’t it be a given that Steve’s ex-girlfriend would know about who he was dating?  Even if she didn’t give a shit I’m sure she would’ve at least heard about it.

Steve’s ex-girlfriend invites them to a hotel party after the prom and Steve seems like he wants to go but DJ’s a real wet blanket about it, probably because there might be wine cooler there or something.

As Becky applies whoreish makeup to DJ’s big round moon face, she reminisces about her own prom and states with disbelief that she’s now old enough to be chaperoning at DJ’s.  So, Becky’s chaperoning at DJ’s prom, huh?  Of course she is!

DJ mentions that she and Steve were invited to an after-party in a hotel room and Becky supports her unwillingness to ever do anything that’s fun.  DJ worries that Steve’s still into his old girlfriend and Becky reassures her that Steve is only into stick-in-the-mud girls who never put out and have corny, overbearing families.

The audience does an awful lot of hooting as everyone comes out in their prom attire.  Becky and Jesse are all dudded up for their respective chaperone/band member roles, Steve shows up in a fly ass tuxedo, and DJ looks pretty bangin’ in her dress.

Jesse and his terrible band perform what could only be described as a calypso rendition of the Beach Boys song “Good Vibrations” at the prom and for some reason no one seems to mind.  I wonder if there will ever be any event in this entire series that Jesse’s shitty band doesn’t perform at.  I also thought I’d mention that I’ve always found it strange that every prom I’ve ever seen in movies or television has a live band, but I’ve never heard of that ever happening in real life.  My prom had a DJ, and I bet yours did, too.

After everyone dances to Jesse’s terrible band, Steve’s ex-girlfriend introduces her date, Paul, to Steve and he seems like he might be pretty sad that some other dude is gonna be bangin’ her that night, but it might just be because DJ is yet to let him even feel on her boobs over her shirt.  Even on prom night, second base is a million miles away.

Kimmie Gibbler’s date refers to her as, “my little love stick.” I cant really figure out what that’s supposed to mean but I think it might be disgusting.  Becky tries to hang out with the kids because the other chaperones don’t want to join her as she dances to her husband’s shitty music and also because there’s a running gag this episode about her feeling old and attempting to cling to her youth.

Abruptly, Jesse announces that it’s time to reveal who the prom king and queen are and it turns out that the Steve has been chosen as the prom king.  Of course he was!  Incidentally, they announce his name as Steven Hale and it made me realize that up until this point I had no idea what his last name was.  I’m not sure if they’ve never said it before or if they did and I just wasn’t paying attention, but either way, who gives a shit?

So then they announce the prom queen and, oh snap!  It’s Steve’s ex-girlfriend.  I’m kind of surprised that Jesse didn’t just say it was DJ because it’s not like he hasn’t tampered with every other event he’s been involved in throughout the entire series by making it all about his stupid family but I guess that it better serves the formulaic plot if Steve’s ex-girlfriend wins.  The camera zooms in on DJ as sad music plays while the prom king and queen accept their awards.

As everyone gathers around the prom king and queen, Steve’s ex-girlfriend’s date, Paul, explains to DJ that she was the one that broke up with him and that he was all fucked up about it.  DJ becomes ever-increasingly butthurt.

Meanwhile, back at the full house, everyone tries to teach the babies the proper way to eat ice cream without looking like a fucking slob and then Joey unintentionally exemplifies the wrong way to do it.  Of course he does!

Danny and Vicky are left alone after Joey senses tension between them, which is the first time ever that Joey has picked up on a social cue.  I’m surprised that he didn’t just start talking like Popeye and spitting in their faces when he noticed that they were having issues.  Anyway, once they’re left alone, Danny starts talking about how he’s all freaked out about her being older because he was always taught that men should be older than women in relationships.  He also says that men should be stronger than women and there’s almost a subtle moment where he can’t open a jar and then she does it for him while they’re talking but instead of them casually doing this, which might have actually been kind of funny, they both stop speaking and make bug eyes at the jar when it happens.  Anyway, they putz through their totally inane discussion until the music comes on, which makes Danny come to his senses and realize that this is the most pointless non-issue ever in the entire series.  Seriously, who could possibly give a shit about this problem?  Passionless kissing ensues, which draws further attention to the fact that their age difference is the least of the problems in this tragic sham of a relationship.

The prom king and queen dance together as Jesse’s terrible band play a jazzy rendition of “I Will Always Love You,” which was a pretty ubiquitous song at the time.  DJ looks upset as Steve dances with his ex-girlfriend even though he looks pretty rigid and guilty the whole time.

Becky intervenes, grabbing the microphone and telling everyone to dance with who they came with, but it seems to go unnoticed.  DJ goes to cut in just as just Steve tells his ex-girlfriend that he’s gonna go dance with DJ but then his ex-girlfriend grabs him and totally slips him the tongue.  For some reason Steve doesn’t do anything to resist this and DJ sees the whole thing before getting all upset and running away.

Steve explains to his ex-girlfriend that he’s in love with DJ now and that they’ll probably finally have sex some time after they get married.  Steve goes to find DJ but she decides to revenge-kiss Steve’s ex-girlfriend’s date, Paul, right in front of him.

Steve tries to explain what happened but since the music is still a terrible cover of “I Will Always Love You” and not gentle piano music, the conflict remains unresolved.  Someone comes up to them while they’re arguing and mentions that the party is happening upstairs, which seems pretty oblivious and insensitive if you ask me, and DJ decides to take Paul up there to give him some more cold, closed-mouth kissing just to spite Steve.  In response, Steve grabs his ex-girlfriend to take her up there, too.  It seems kind of weird to me that neither of these other people have any issue with being blatantly used just to cuckold someone.

Becky pulls Jesse off of the stage and has him go over to the elevator to stop DJ, Steve and the passive participants that they’re using to spite each other before they can head up to the party.

Jesse pulls everyone out of the elevator and asks them what the fuck is going on.  They convince DJ that she should never ever go to a fun party, even if it’s just to get revenge on her shitty boyfriend, and then DJ says that the prom is ruined and her whole life sucks.

Steve intervenes and tries to convince DJ that the whole thing is just a big misunderstanding but she won’t really hear him out until a few minutes into it when the music finally comes on.  Once those soothing piano keys enter the scene, DJ finally takes Steve’s word that he never really loved his ex-girlfriend and that he’s totally dedicated to her.  Dang, did he really have to discredit his entire previous relationship just to appease her?  Why can’t she just be happy that he loves her and not his ex-girlfriend now?  Then they go back to the prom and dance to a very special song that Jesse dedicates just to them, “I Will Always Love You.”  Really?  We already heard that shit!  I guess they wanted to get their money’s worth after paying for the rights to it.

Firsts:  Steve’s last name (unless I missed it before), Joey picks up on a social cue

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157 Responses to Season 6, Episode 22, “Prom Night”

  1. JGA says:

    You used the term “cuckold” in a Full House review. Out-fucking-standing.


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Bridget says:

    If this episode took place in the 21st century, Michelle would say, “Daddy, Vicky’s a cougar!”. Danny should know that Lucille Ball was a bit of a cougar herself. Desi Arnaz was 6 years younger than her!


    • Bridget says:

      Here’s more about Lucille Ball: she was 13 years older than Gary Morton her second husband.


    • Waterlily says:

      I wonder if Lucy was older than Ricky. That would have been awesome! Did the show ever mention their ages?


      • Bridget says:

        I don’t remember the mentioning of ages of the cast of “I Love Lucy.”. I read that they had actors decades older playing young guys in their 30s on “The Twilight Zone.”


  3. penny says:

    He is Steve Peters the first time we meet him (in that episode where DJ sneaks Michelle and Stephanie into the movie theater). Continuity at its best.


    • hebrewersfan says:

      Last names have never been Full House’s strong suit. Cochran/Katsopolis….lets not get into that one again.


      • Bridget says:

        The writers of this show did a good job remembering DJ’s full name as Donna Jo Margaret, Stephanie’s as Stephanie Judith and Michelle’s as Michelle Elizabeth. On “The Golden Girls” Blanche’s middle named was Marie at one point and Elizabeth at another. I always thought Nicky’s name was Nicholas Dustin and Alex’s was Alexander Prescott. I remember groaning with Jesse when he said he preferred to call his son Emily which is what Rebecca wanted to name their daughter. I am not crazy about Dustin and am glad they picked Nicky and Alex as names!

        Liked by 1 person

    • Nancy says:

      Yes, we met him as Steve Peters. Good call.


  4. Kefka says:

    Jesse didn’t do his job I mean he let the other kids go up to a drinking party.


    • Oh Mylanta says:

      Technically that wasn’t Jesse’s responsibility. He was just hired to play with his band. BECKY didn’t do a very good job as a chaperone letting the kids go up to a drinking party.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. lovetolaugh says:

    Awesome, awesome review!

    -Regarding DJ never having met Steve’s ex, it is very possible to not know everyone in your high school class (I had 764 students in my high school class!), but they definitely would have heard about each other.

    -Beach Boys renditions at a high school prom in 1993? Really? Weren’t they yesterday’s news by that time? I’m a young’n, so I wouldn’t know for sure…

    -“Steve tries to explain what happened but since the music is still a terrible cover of “I Will Always Love You” and not gentle piano music, the conflict remains unresolved.”

    Heheheheeh! Love this line.

    – Respectfully disagree with the “DJ’s big round moon face” reference. IMO she is really pretty at this point in the series 🙂

    – Screencap # 9 …. Joey is so gross, he really is. That picture is enough to make me sick to my stomach.

    – Oy. Vey. I despise in movies and TV shows when an unavailable guy is kissed by another woman and the guy clearly doesn’t resist but then acts all innocent just because he didn’t initiate the kiss. It is NOT that hard to pull away immediately when someone kisses you, it really isn’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bri says:

      The first dream I had that signaled I may not be straight involved me dating DJ 😀 I was like 12. I totally thought she was hot 😉

      And agreed about pulling away from an unwanted kiss! Never makes any sense, but it always happens on TV.


      • penny says:

        And of course, whenever said “accidental” kiss happens, supposedly Unwilling Party will always say, “well, YOU kissed ME!” And said Initiator will reply, “yes, but YOU kissed me back!” Leaving said Unwilling Party completely dumbfounded and confused about feelings for said Initiator. Definitely has happened in Full House.


    • Christian says:

      Yes, as someone who grew up in the ’90s I can verify that the Beach Boys were indeed old news in the 1993…hell, they were old news in the ’80s.

      The only reason they kept getting played on this show is because John Stamos was obsessed with them in the same way Jesse was obsessed with Elvis.

      Liked by 2 people

      • lovetolaugh says:

        Thanks, Christian! That’s what I figured….I was only 4 years old when this episode aired, but I don’t remember the Beach Boys being big at any point during my lifetime.

        Bri, yes DJ is very pretty 🙂 I don’t know if you’ve seen recent pictures but she looks great now too.


      • Bri says:

        She totally does! Too bad she’s a bit of a religious pundit, but I can ignore that 😉


    • Waterlily says:

      ” Respectfully disagree with the “DJ’s big round moon face” reference. IMO she is really pretty at this point in the series”

      Me too. I thought DJ looked gorgeous in this episode. I still do. I think her fullish face probably made her even better looker. I’ve seen many female celebrities whose faces looked better before they lost weight. Examples are Maria Shriver and Kelly Ripa.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Billy Superstar says:

        i’m actually gonna go ahead and agree with you that dj does look pretty good in this episode. i also would agree that dj not being rail-thin (although i would say that she’s pretty thin, just not hollywood thin) might be one of the only aspects of this show that may have been positive for all of the young girls that watched it. honestly, i think there should be more young girls on tv who look like dj, who are attractive in a way that applies to normal human standards. i just used the term “big round moon face” because i thought it sounded funny, and also because after spending several years hating on this show every week it can be hard not to just uniformly shit all over everything. so i appreciate your comments and am happy to agree with you.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Bri says:

        Agreed completely. Hard to make concessions to anything in this show NOT sucking majorly. But DJ and Topanga are two good examples of actresses who could’ve been good for younger girls to see on TV. I dunno if I can think of any today… seems that actresses today are all anorexic-looking or obese… no middle ground.


      • Topanga got so hot on that show…


      • lovetolaugh says:

        Agree Bri, it’s so sad how polarizing the weight issue has become.

        The closest thing I can think of to a healthy, beautiful body in Hollywood is Jennifer Lawrence. That girl is hot and has a beautiful, thin-but-not-too thin figure.

        Billy Superstar, agreed and I do get that the moon face reference was simply to be humorous. She does have apple-cheeks but that’s part of what makes her pretty IMO.


      • Mr. Woodchuck says:

        I also think DJ’s big, round moon face is very pretty (Even though, half the time, she is making a face like she just smelled a big turd).


      • Lisa says:

        Love this thread appreciating a normal girl!

        Liked by 1 person

    • Stacy says:

      I graduated high school in 1994 and I can assure you, the majority of people my age at that time were NOT rocking out to the Beach Boys.

      A few years prior they had that song “Kokomo” – but as far as I recall that was the only “new” Beach Boys song that anyone my age group was familiar with.

      Of course, I knew of other Beach Boys songs and enjoyed singing them now and again – but not at prom. It’s one thing to feel silly and sing “Barbara Ann” in the car, totally different to dance and rock out to “Surfin’ USA” at prom.


      • lugnut says:

        Yep, as another ’90s survivor I’ll verify that there were really very, very few bands considered lamer and more square than the Beach Boys to your average teen at the time… and it’s partially *because* of their association with this damn show, and because their only remaining fans at that point seemed to be… well, the kind of folks who were keeping Full House on the air and enjoying it as good quality entertainment.

        (That said though, I hope we’ve all realized by now that the BBs actually did have some pretty amazing stuff throughout their discography before they met the Tanners and had their lives and/or souls destroyed by the power of the full house.)


  6. RachWho? says:

    This is one of those episodes that stands out in my head. I remember thinking that DJ’s prom dress was uggo and Steve had basically no reason to apologize because he didn’t really do anything wrong.

    Although the writers are incapable of continuity re: last names, plot points, etc., at least they are able to remember that fake John Favreau is a member of Jesse’s band and have him back.

    Speaking of casting, that’s Fred Koehler (Chip from “Kate & Allie”) as Kimmie’s prom date, and Andy Cavovit , who, amongst other things played Paul Stenbeck on “As The World Turns” in the 80’s, as Paul, the object of cuckolding.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lovetolaugh says:

      LOL at the John Favreau band member reference! So the writers are somewhat capable of continuity …. baby steps. The question is, why do they disregard it so damn often?

      Very respectfully disagree that Steve shouldn’t have apologized…. it is not that hard to pull away when an ex-girlfriend kisses you, and Steve basically just goes along with it. And it’s in front of their whole high school class.

      I don’t love DJ’s dress either, I like the one she and Steve’s ex-girlfriend tried on better! 🙂


      • RachWho? says:

        I would normally agree with what you said about Steve; however, he’s been dating DJ for several months now and has probably never gotten more than a close-mouthed 30-second makeout session from her, and that probably even only happens on special occasions. The fact that a hot girl kisses him, a red-blooded teenage boy, and he doesn’t immediately strip off her clothes and bone her right there on the dance floor is a testament to how head-over-heels in love with DJ he is. Steve is a fucking saint.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lisa says:

        Now it’s my turn to respectfully disagree. It bothers me that our society constantly portrays women as OWING men sexual activity, and portrays men as having zero self-control. There are plenty of people who date for years and choose not to be sexually involved, and there’s nothing wrong with them. Let’s give women the right to be dated for the people they are, not the bodies they own, and let’s give men enough respect to assume that they have more intelligence and self-restraint than your average stray dog.

        Liked by 1 person

      • luggbutt says:

        Seriously, thank you. This is one of those things that begins to anger me, almost no matter what the context. Both men and women are the sole, individual arbiters of their own bodies and sexuality. And both men and women can goddamn restrain themselves from becoming fuck bots.

        Liked by 1 person

    • JMo says:

      Can’t you tell us who Steve’s ex was played by? I bet she’s turned into a fine looking woman!


  7. Smash says:

    “Even on prom night, second base is a million miles away.”

    I laughed at this line, but then I felt a little pang of sympathy for Steve. That poor celibate bastard!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Allison says:

    I’m pretty sure the ‘party’ they were referring to was an orgy. I remember thinking that when I watched it again recently. That’s why Jesse and Becky had a problem letting them go to it. XD lol, I’m sure an orgy would’ve done wonders for those corny kids.


  9. lovetolaugh says:

    Wasn’t there also a bit about Kimmy’s awesomely long red fingernails, and they get stuck to her date’s ass or something? I very vaguely remember…


    • Ryan says:

      I remember that!

      I actually didn’t mind DJ’s dress in this episode.


    • Billy Superstar says:

      yeah, there’s a recurring bit about kimmie gibbler having long, glued-on fingernails and they end up stuck to her dates ass. one of the many details in an episode that i didn’t have much to say about other than that it happened. i’ve come to rely on the comments section to recall such details.


  10. FeministPrincess says:

    I DO remember Kimmy’s red fingernails being stuck to an ass! And if Steve were smart he’d try to wrangle a threesome between DJ and his ex-gf. IMHO I’d do a threesome between DJ & Kimmy, but that’s just me.


  11. Starkid says:

    This episode would have been a lot better if Steve’s ex-girlfriend were Kathy Santoni

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Sally says:

    Alright, here it goes: It has always bothered me that this show features young kids and teens rocking out to out-dated music and not seeming the least bit bothered by it.(i.e. The Beach Boys at Prom) I mean, I was one of the kids that knew about older music because I’m the youngest of four by a very large age gap and I know that I was the minority. Kids don’t always develop an appreciation for the classics until they are much older.
    Okay, that’s all I have to say about that.

    On an unrelated note, I have been racking my brain lately trying to come up with another TV show that could be reviewed that is just as awful as Full House and I think I have my answer: STEP BY STEP!!! Someone should probably tackle this show next. Thoughts?


    • penny says:

      Step By Step was actually a pretty cool concept — Brady Bunch from HELL! Problem was there were too many Cody-focused episodes (least favorite character, if you don’t count his replacement, Balki) and the writers appeared to have run out of ideas way too fast.


      • Rudy Zoltec says:

        Hmm…all I remember from the later episodes was how hot Christine Lakin was and that episode where Staci Keanan got drunk in college and had topless pictures taken of her. Those Wisconsin girls sure knew how to have fun.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Bridget says:

        Yes, I am from Wisconsin and we are quite the party state!


    • Ashley says:

      The only problem with recapping Step By Step is that it’s not available on DVD… not that I’ve looked in the past. Heh. 😉


    • magellan333 says:

      A trashing of Step By Step could be fun, but it lacks the notorious saccharine quality of Full House. Full House stands out as an irritating family show from the past. Step By Step doesn’t have that same place in history. I would enjoy Saved By The Bell being ripped apart or maybe Family Ties.


      • Billy Superstar says:

        if anyone gets a step by step reviewed site going i’d be happy to add it to the blogroll. so far fhr has inspired weekly review sites for he-man, family matters and the golden girls (if not more). a few others have started but the authors haven’t kept up with them. writing weekly reviews of a shitty show is a bigger pain in the ass than a lot of people anticipate.

        penny, are you saying that codi was eventually replaced by balki from perfect strangers? i don’t remember that! or was it some other balki?

        also, who do you guys think was the hottest step by step daughter? i remember having a secret thing for dana when i was a kid. i also remember the “hot” brunette sister not really doing it for me because she had a shit attitude. also, i’m pretty sure that the tomboy youngest sister got pretty hot when she got older.

        one last thing i’ll say is that the #1 episode of step by step i remember is the one where the nerdy son gets addicted to video games. it seemed like an absurd premise that would be played up for laughs but i remember it ending with a pretty straight-faced scene in an a.a. style meeting that he goes do. that might be the most ridiculous “very special episode” in the history of tgif.


      • penny says:

        Yes, when Cody left the show, he was replaced by Balki — well, not actually Balki, but the actor who played him. He was some French guy (a hairstylist in Carol’s salon I think?) which was pretty much Balki with a bad French accent.

        That’s around the time I stopped watching, when Carol had the kid with Sitcom Rapid Aging Disorder (like Chrissy Seaver or Andy Keaton). I think I heard the youngest brother was written out of the show at some point for no reason.

        Incidentally, I remember Christine Lakin (the youngest daughter) showing up in a really good episode of Veronica Mars a few years back (which also guest-starred a pre-Gossip Girl Leighton Meester). And of course the dorky son was also in the Beethoven movies.


      • Rudy Zoltek says:

        Christine Lakin (Al) played Paris Hilton’s ugly friend in a horrible movie a few years back.

        Also, how about a review blog that takes a more satirical approach for one of these sitcoms rather than trashing it?


      • Oh Mylanta says:

        Yep, Brendan got the Judy Winslow treatment after a few years. I don’t remember if he was actually written out or if he just disappeared without any explanation.


      • Sully says:

        In the earlier episodes I thought the younges girl (Alex?) was the coolest of the girls, which meant she had to be pretty, therefore I wanted to be like her. As they aged, Dana dyed her hair trailer-trash blond and wore bright red lipstick… is that hot? I don’t know, this transformation always threw me off, because she was supposed to be the smart grounded one, compared to Brendan… or whatever the hell the oldest boy’s name was


      • trlkly says:



      • Right on, Billy – I totally had a thing for Dana too. There was something about her sarcasm and her face that I really dug.

        To any one else thinking about starting a weekly review site (I write He-Man reviewed, if you didn’t realize), it is a big commitment that will probably be a few year long project. So keep that in mind.

        That said, I find it rather rewarding. Billy’s got a few years on me and I’m in awe of his level of commitment to such a god-awful show. I’ve been writing He-Man for nearly a year now (46 episodes), and I can’t believe I still have over a year to go.

        Eventually, you hit a stride though, and it almost has become like my second job. That I don’t get paid for. Good thing that isn’t the point!


      • magellan333 says:

        What about a Brady Bunch reviewed site? Would anybody here be interested in that?


      • RachWho? says:

        I would! I was obsessed with Brady Bunch as a kid when it aired on Nick at Nite, or TBS, or some cable channel. There’s a LOT of ground to cover there, for sure.


      • magellan333 says:

        I will give a Brady Review site some serious consideration. I will have to price the seasons. I loved the show growing up and find it a tad grating now…


  13. Bridget says:

    I agree with you about “Step by Step.”. Maybe “Growing Pains” would be next? I could never stand Kirk Cameron as Mike Seaver because he was mean to Ben and Carol. Ben I can understand because he grew to be a fat, greasy loser who would have trouble naming all the days of the week. Carol was insecure, yes, but she had a plan for her life and tried to be good. Don’t get me started on Chrissy! I thought Jason was obnoxious and Maggie was a snob. I would take the Keatons any time of day!


  14. Melanie says:

    This dramatic prom episode is nothing without a cover of “How Am I Supposed to Live Without You”.


    • Comet says:

      Saved by the Bell – 1
      Full House – 0


      • lovetolaugh says:

        LOL! That episode made me cry when I was young.

        If we’re being honest, SBTB is probably just about as inane and painful to sit through as Full House is. The writing isn’t any more intelligent and the continuity isn’t any better. Screech gives Joey a run for his money for the most irritatingly obnoxious sitcom chararcter of all time.

        The one redeeming factor of SBTB is that the rest of the characters aren’t quite as irritating as the Full House ones. And it is less smug in its overtly smug and saccharine.

        Still, it’s a pretty close call. SBTB is pretty awful too, as far as quality goes.


      • teebore says:

        In most things,

        SbyB – 1 million
        Full House – 0


      • lovetolaugh says:

        Just watched some SBTB YouTube clips. I may have take back what I said about the characters being more tolerable than the cornballs of Full House.

        It’s gotta be neck and neck. SBTB is pretty excruciating, too, in my humble opinion….


      • magellan333 says:

        Very true. I thought about a SBTB reviewed site like this, but realized its target audience was children and some slack had to be cut for that. It would be like ripping apart Alvin and the Chipmunks or Muppet Babies. It just feels wrong…


      • Billy Superstar says:

        someone started a sbtb reviewed site but he’s not doing a very good job of keeping up with it. i’ve actually been seriously considering doing a sbtb reviewed podcast when fhr is over. i’d have to have collaborators, though. if i don’t quietly retire the internet persona of billy superstar after this project ends i’m pretty sure that that’s what i’ll do with it next. would you guys listen to it?

        i fucking love saved by the bell. i know that it’s not a well made show but i honestly love it. it’s the most perfectly badly made show in the history of television.


      • lovetolaugh says:

        Lisa Turtle is beautiful, truly. Kelly’s cutish but I never got why she got all the attention in looks department, in my opinion Lisa has that over her.


      • JGA says:

        I’d listen and I’d be more than happy to contribute to a SBTB review/podcast.

        SBTB is probably my favorite TV show ever. I have a SBTB button on my Dickies jacket. Here I am, this 6’2″, 230 lb. guy with mutton chops, a flat-top haircut – looking somewhat mean and intimidating to some, I suppose – and I’m wearing fucking SBTB button on my jacket, displaying my love for one of the most awful, corniest, queerest television shows of my youth, and I’m proud to do so with absolutely no shame or shred of being “ironic”.

        Seriously, if you need contributors, e-mail me.

        I have all 5 season of SBTB on dvd. I have the College Years boxset. I have the Hawaii and Wedding movies on dvd. I have Good Morning Miss Bliss on bootleg dvd. I’m ready to fucking go, Bill.



      • Billy Superstar says:

        thanks! i appreciate your enthusiasm! if i do end up doing saved by the bell reviewed as a podcast it wont be for over a year. i’ve still got 2 season of full house left and i’ll probably want to take a break from any sort of pop-culture critique project after it’s over. but anyway, if/when it happens i’ll be sure to keep you in mind.


      • JGA says:

        PS: The SBTB dvd sets have the episodes out of chronological order. I’m such a nerd that I actually made up a list of the proper order of the episodes so I can watch the show chronologically. I keep it in the little inner sleeve area of the Season 1 dvd. Mock me if you must, but I SHANT BE SHAMED!



      • teebore says:

        I would happily listen to a SBtB podcast, and be more than happy to contribute in some capacity.

        When/If it comes to that, just let me know.


  15. Sarah Portland says:

    Is it just me, or does this Steve and ex-girlfriend as Prom King and Queen plot smack of Danny and Cha-Cha winning the dance contest in Grease?


  16. teebore says:

    She and the rest of the family play Go Fish and Michelle cheats.

    Is it really cheating though if the rest of the players live in a world where Michelle just gets what she wants?

    DJ models a prom dress for Steve and he seems totally uninterested.

    In Steve’s defense, DJ, he’s a straight high school guy. I’m glad none of my prom dates ever made me go dress shopping with them.

    My prom had a DJ, and I bet yours did, too.


    Abruptly, Jesse announces that it’s time to reveal who the prom king and queen are

    Also, we never had a prom king or queen. Homecoming, yes, prom, no.

    For some reason Steve doesn’t do anything to resist this

    The reason would be “plot contrivance”.

    Steve goes to find DJ but she decides to revenge-kiss Steve’s ex-girlfriend’s date, Paul, right in front of him.

    Ah, the revenge kiss. Truly one of TV’s greatest types of kisses.

    It seems kind of weird to me that neither of these other people have any issue with being blatantly used just to cuckold someone.

    Shit, they’re in high school. Action is action. I’d have happily taken whatever I could get at that age.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Sora says:

    We had a DJ at my prom too. We had prom king and queen, but nobody paid attention when they said who it was. TV always makes it seem like it’s a big deal, nobody really cares. I don’t know about the after party thing, my prom was in the lunch room. DX I can’t sympathize with anyone here, who ever really cared about prom. I went alone and it was fine. TV always makes prom out to be important and this just shows how dumb that is. If it was important they wouldn’t get the awful band of a student’s talentless uncle playing old people music. Even my prom’s awful DJ was better than that. XP

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Christian says:

    I don’t really remember this episode which means to me that this was around the time I finally stopped watching this show. Judging by your description, I can see why I finally had enough of this crap back in the day (I can tell by the amount of “of course he is” type of comments that you’ve reached this point too). A one year age difference warrants a fucking B-plot? Jesse’s band is yet again playing a crappy school event? You’d think this would be a huge step back for his music “career” but any excuse to have this jerk-ass family show up everywhere the kids go, I guess. They’re really running out of ideas at this stage in the series.


  19. “Seriously, who could possibly give a shit about this problem? Passionless kissing ensues, which draws further attention to the fact that their age difference is the least of the problems in this tragic sham of a relationship.”

    Masterful, truly.

    Every school dance I’ve ever been to or heard of has had a DJ. We had prom king and queen, and homecoming king and queens. I was senior homecoming king, which was awesome, because I went to a small, cliquey school, and I was the kid that wore Marilyn Manson t-shirts and fucked up contacts most of the time and I was up against a bunch of shit-head football players.

    The difference was, I was nice to everybody, and they liked that.


    • lovetolaugh says:

      Hahaha very cool, santanaonfire. You seem like a nice, interesting person who def deserved the title of Homecoming King. 🙂


      • Sally says:

        I smell a love connection! 😉


      • Sally says:

        P.S. Ah, the late 90s. I remember those freaky contacts. That guy from Limp Bizkit wore them and they ended up getting banned from my school. Everything was so unsettling in that decade, what gives?


      • Rudy Zoltec says:

        Our prom court was a drug dealer and the closet lesbian basketball star. Take that TV prom stereotypes!


      • I think I remember hearing a few years after I graduated that they banned the wearing of any Marilyn Manson shirt (which kind of missed his peak anyway), whether or not it had an offensive slogan on it.

        I went to a public school, and it really makes me angry when they ban something just because it isn’t to their taste or it’s different. I mean, a t-shirt with a strange picture that says nothing else than “Marilyn Manson” or strange contacts… who is that hurting? What is the purpose of banning it?

        The net result, IMO, is that you just draw more attention to it and make kids want it more.


      • JCC says:

        Banning Marilyn Manson merchandise meant your school administration had some good taste!


      • Ha ha! In another life maybe. In this one, I’m married. 🙂

        My wife actually turned me on to this blog. Little did she know that I would be inspired to start a review site as well.

        She’s proud of me for writing it, but mostly she wishes I would just come to bed already.


      • lovetolaugh says:

        LOL, Santanaonfire seems awesome but first of all, as he said, he is married….and also, what a fricking weird story to tell the grandkids.

        “How did you guys meet??”
        “Full House Reviewed.”


        Y’all are funny and I truly enjoy both the blog entries and all of your comments.


      • Lovetolaugh – thanks! Life’s too short to be mean to people.

        If you’re curious, the one place you can get a glimpse into my personal life is on Instagram. I’m on there under the same handle.


    • Billy Superstar says:

      i try to steer clear of personal anecdotes on this site but i couldn’t help but mention that my girlfriend in high school and i ran for prom king and queen (kind of as a joke) and she actually won. i did not, however, which was kind of a bummer for me at the time. i remember being sad about it and a friend of mine saying, “as least you’re going home with the prom queen tonight.” unfortunately, i was not mature enough at the age of 17 to share that sentiment but now that i’m older and wiser i think that he was right.


      • Huh, I wasn’t aware that at some schools you have to “run” for prom king or queen. At my school, anybody was fair game and the whole student body voted. On the other hand, the entire high school was probably about 550 kids, so…

        So you were kind of DJ in this scenario… hopefully you weren’t as frigid!


  20. lovetolaugh says:

    I’m a little bit embarrassed by how many comments I’ve already left on this post (I am temporarily out of work, this is my entertainment!) But there was one more thing I wanted to say 🙂

    I saw Santanaonfire make a suggestion on a previous entry that I think was a good one. Has anyone ever seen those ridiculous straight-to-video Olsen twin movies, like Billboard Dad, Passport to Paris, Holiday in the Sun, Getting There, The Challenge?? They are awful, awful, awful, and they showcase the Olsen twins’ ….er, shall we saw, lack of progress in the acting department.

    Anyway, it was suggested that someone review one or all of those movies. I think it’s a great idea. There is PLENTY of snark-worthy stuff in those movies: horrible acting, ridiculous characters, laughable contrivances, senseless non-plots, the works. (Megan Fox was even in Holiday in the Sun before she had much of a career!) I would definitely consider doing this….I just don’t know if my sense of humor is sarcastic/snarky enough to do it justice. But I would definitely think about it.

    Just putting this out there as an idea/suggestion for anyone who has seen (or would be willing to see) those Olsen twin movies and do recaps on them. Could be a fun project 🙂


    • lovetolaugh says:

      reviews I mean, not recaps. Guess they are pretty similar.


    • Sarah says:

      Ooooh! That sounds like it would be hilarious! But, let’s be honest, movies starring the Olsen twins can’t be much different than Full House starring the Olsen twins….it’s gotta be just as insufferable. It would be like dumping dirt on top of dirt-talentless and mind numbingly awful. That being said, if someone reviewed these movies-colour me there!


      • penny says:

        … but without the Live Studio Audience telling you when to laugh, when to cry, and when to go, “ooohhhh….” and “awwwww…” And no Music! (at least not THAT Music) But yes, otherwise… I mean, To Grandmother’s House We Go had cameos from most of the Full House cast. I recall Bob Saget playing — what else — a TV show host.


    • Rudy Zoltec says:

      Solve any crime by dinner time!


    • Lovetolaugh – I would totally read it and support you in this endeavor. Don’t worry about your level of “snark”, I’m sure you will have plenty of interesting things to say.

      Also, Full House Reviewed, He-Man Reviewed, Family Matters Reviewed and Golden Girls Reviewed are all written by guys.

      I think it’s time we got a girl’s perspective! If you want any tips or have any technical questions about getting started, you can contact me through He-Man Reviewed.


      • lovetolaugh says:

        Thank you so much! I appreciate the support and will let you know if I need any tips 🙂
        I am currently talking about it with my brother, who also loves to write and has quite a snarky sense of humor. We may collaborate on it!


  21. Sarah says:

    Jesus, Mary and Joseph-how is it possible that Joey just gets grosser, more annoying and obnoxious in every single episode??? It’s like they dropped his IQ (his intelligent quotient, not the best cologne ever) by, like, 100 points each week. Poor bastard-I can see why he lives in a little girl’s old room rent free and still plays with hand puppets.
    Anyway, great review, as always. I love this site so much…I don’t ever want it to end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Bridget says:

      Sarah, he did get worse as time went by. In the early episodes, he was goofy, but had moments of insight (i.e., he suggested therapy when Stephanie was too clingy with Danny, he knew how Danny felt about his late wife and figured out that Danny was reluctant to date, and he knew Michelle was being too greedy with her toys even when Danny didn’t). The immature behavior of spitting and other things are what young boys do and not what a guy in his 30s should be doing.


  22. Casey says:

    What a f*cking stupid episode! The only saving factor would have been if Steve and his ex had danced to Muskrat Love.


    • RachWho? says:

      O.M.G. That would have been an amazing meta moment. And to be honest “Muskrat Love” has about as much relevance in a 90’s high school prom as the Beach Boys do.


  23. magellan333 says:

    Another great review! My prom had a DJ too. Something I always see on TV are proms held in the school gymnasium. Most everyone I know had their prom someplace off campus. The crack about “I Can’t Help…” being played continuously to save money made laugh out loud. I have been watching season 7 for the first time over the past few days for the sole purpose of familiarizing myself with them so I can enjoy more fully the ripping that awaits them on this blog.


    • The Venerable Bede says:

      Really? A bunch of the proms I’ve seen on TV or in movies *are* held outside of the school, which always seemed strange to me because at the three different high schools I went to (all public), prom was held in a school gym or cafeteria. Did you go to private school?


      • Stacy says:

        I went to public school and our prom was held a good distance away off campus. I lived NEAR Little Rock (my school was a good 10 miles from downtown Little Rock – we were in the suburbs) and yet our prom was in downtown Little Rock.

        (Meanwhile, we did have a winter formal that took place in the school cafeteria.)

        Same with our graduation – ours wasn’t at the school either – but the same place huge concerts used to be held. (It was kinda disconcerting to be in a gap and gown at the same place I’d spent evenings rocking out to Warrant, Poison, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, Slaughter and more.)

        I guess it depends on the size of the school/class and how much money they have to spend on prom.

        I did go to another prom with someone from another school and I THINK their prom was held at their school’s gym. It’s been a long ass time ago and proms weren’t really something I cared too much about so I can’t recall for sure.


      • magellan333 says:

        No, I went to a public school. Our graduation was held off campus too.


      • The Venerable Bede says:

        Two of my schools had off-campus graduations, too, and the third one had an on-campus one. I wonder which is more common, both for proms and graduations?


    • Sarah Portland says:

      I went to two different high schools. The first I attended held their prom off-campus, at a marina. (Seriously, why the hell did they choose a marina?) The second high school was in a much smaller town in the middle of BFE, and both prom and graduation were held on-campus… I’m guessing because they had nowhere else to go 😛


      • Sally says:

        I think the location of prom depends on how much they’re willing to charge for tickets. If they know students won’t pay $50 for tickets then they probably hold it in the school gym. I went to high school outside Nashville, TN and we had prom at the Opryland Hotel…huge expense for the same prom you could have at the school…kind of a waste.


  24. Waterlily says:

    It sounds ridiculous but I’ve actually met a lot of people who think that the man should always be older than the women. My “favorite” is girls who insist that they could never date a younger guy because they’re so mature. It’s usually a key sign that they’re not actually that mature.

    It’s weird seeing this episode again after watching Sunset Beach where the actress playing Rachel plays the sweet and wholesome girl.

    I thought DJ couldn’t be prom queen because it had to be a senior and DJ is a sophomore here. Either way this episode is a good reason why proms should not have kings and queens Even if they do (and that’s a big if) couples should be voted together).


    • Sarah Portland says:

      I have issues dating younger guys, but have no idea why. The last guy I dated was a whopping TWO WEEKS younger than I was, and it was still weird for me. I think I just want a guy who has slightly more life experience than I do. On the flip side, the guys that hit on me tend to be 20+ years my senior… too MUCH life experience.


  25. Stacy says:

    Man, from the screencap, Jesse’s bandmate looks like a Freddie Mercury impersonator (think Bohemian Rhapsody video).

    And damn, Kimmie’s date’s neck really sticks out/forward! Seems that kid needs to see a chiropractor in a major way. Maybe it’s just the screenshots – but it just looks painful.


  26. Is Steve’s ex-girlfriend Kathy Santoni?


  27. Kamdan says:

    Still don’t get why DJ declared that she “hates guys,” then proceeded to kiss another guy.


    • lovetolaugh says:

      Well, she obviously doesn’t really hate guys, that was just a statement out of anger and hurt.

      And the kiss to Paul was strictly to hurt Steve.


  28. Lisa says:

    I loved the review. This is one of my favorite episodes of Full House. Just like Saved by the Bell, I always liked the episodes that have music for some reason.

    “DJ’s a real wet blanket about it, probably because there might be wine cooler there or something.” That made me laugh out loud. DJ is such a goody-two shoes. Steve’s ex-girlfriend definitely seemed like a lot more fun.

    I’m just surprised you left out the picture of Kimmie getting her fake fingernails stuck to the butt of her date. That was classic.


  29. Propanehead says:

    The really sad thing about the picture of Joey is that he looks like he’s throwing up mashed-potatoes.


  30. Starkid says:

    Since I can’t reply to this upthread, in response to Billy Superstar’s question of “will you watch a SBTB podcast?” my answer is a large HELL YES! My roommate and I check this blog first thing at work every Friday morning and then discuss it over email (I’m surprised I haven’t been fired yet), and we have a list of episodes that we can’t wait to be reviewed. We seriously talk like we know Billy Superstar in person. You’re kind of a legend in our apartment.


    • magellan333 says:

      I do not own an Ipod. Is there another way to listen to a podcast? Yes, this is a legit question….


    • Billy Superstar says:

      thanks, that’s really flattering! i’m glad that there’s some interest in a sbtb reviewed podcast. it would be a fun follow-up because it’s also a really bad show but my reviews would come from a place of reverence rather than disdain. i also think that it would take up a lot less of my time. anyway i’ll keep the idea on the back burner and start talking more seriously about it in the comments and whatnot as fhr gets closer to being done.


  31. Kyle C. Haight says:

    There’s a couple of things wrong with this episode.

    First off, this has to be Steve’s prom because it was established in the Christmas episode of this season that Steve would be off in college the next year. It’s also established in the final episode of the series that DJ is having trouble finding a date for the prom, meaning that it’s likely that Steve and DJ are two years apart in age (certainly in grades).

    That being said, why is Rebecca Donaldson a chaperone at STEVE’s prom? (I can buy Jesse’s shitty band playing it because they’re desperate for work of any kind) and why is Kimmy Gibbler also attending Steve’s prom?


    • katie says:

      In my school you went to prom twice since it was open to Juniors and Seniors. They even allowed Sophmores in if they were accompanied by an upperclassmen.


    • penny says:

      Kimmy is going as that other guy’s date, who’s a friend of Steve’s. And Rebecca Donaldson is a chaperone because they didn’t want to hire another extra or write a more complicated B plot.


  32. Bridget says:

    My people, you all have to save your tears, blood, rage, and venom for this weeks’ FH when they go to Disneyland. I know all of you will want to hack Michelle to millions of pieces for how she screws her sisters over!


  33. Oh Mylanta says:

    We didn’t even HAVE a prom king and queen. Then again, I’m pretty young (graduated in ’09), so maybe most schools have done away with that tradition in recent years?

    And honestly, I would’ve taken Jesse’s band over the shitty DJ at my prom any day. My classmates thought Lady Gaga and Chris Brown were the be-all-end-all to all music.


  34. Can'tThinkofaName says:

    Just found out about this and i LOVE it.

    Just realized the next installment is about that fucking Disneyworld shit that went down. Can’t wait till Friday! :DD


  35. Recovering Fan says:

    Don’t know if I missed it… but did anyone mention how “I will always love you” is a song about breaking up, and therefore an awful song to slow dance to?

    And even if it was about true love, wouldn’t that be inappropriate for a king/queen to dance to who aren’t together?


    • Lisa says:

      It doesn’t have to be a break-up song. Dolly Parton wrote it for Porter Wagoner after she left his show.

      Besides, there are much worse prom songs. Stairway to Heaven was voted my junior prom song 11 years ago. Supposedly the song is about greed, and people complained that the song wasn’t even a slow song. Of course I didn’t go to prom so I couldn’t care less which song won.


  36. Mike says:

    Have you ever seen Who’s The Boss? That show might be right up your alley, Billy. Definitely make that your next subject once you retire from Full House. Only the first season has been released on DVD, but you can watch any episode on YouTube from uploader LoveJudithEllenLight. Just a referral because I love this blog and I’d like to see you continue your career with a new pursuit. 🙂


  37. Emily says:

    My prom had a DJ, and I bet yours did, too.

    This prom had a DJ too. Buh-dum-bum.

    Actually, my senior prom in 1997 had a band. I think it was Pink Martini.

    On a side note, does anyone ever play “You Don’t Know Jack”? There was a question in my game the other day about matching famous drummers with their bands. Jesse and the Rippers was one of the choices – a wrong answer, of course.


  38. e_x_i_t says:

    You’d think DJ would have been an outcast at this point, due to her family and their cornball shenanigans. I mean seriously, the Beach Boys? At least play something from the past decade, you know something the kids would actually want to listen to, not just something Jesse and his shitty band want to play. I mean weren’t the Student Council generally the ones to do the fundraisers and plans for the Prom? So unless DJ somehow became the head of Student Council (which as frightening as it may be, is probably the case), I don’t see how Jersey’s band was even suggested.


  39. Megan says:

    Dj looked very beautiful in that dress it looked like she had a curvey figure well girls are suppose to be curvey. Steve’s ex gf Rachel was pretty but Steve and Dj are totally meant for each other.


  40. WillD says:

    Holy balls this is halarious shit. I found this site last night. You actually sat thru all this crap?! Brass balls man…

    I liked this show as a kid I hate it now. I just can not sit thru it anymore.
    I have a new obession and it is this site. Sir you are the king.

    Joey eating like an A-hole slob is comedy gold. Of course he does!

    Also the picture of Jessie’s group the mousached dude playing the keytar (2nd to the left) looks like an AIDS riddled John Holmes. Lol! So Jessie gave work to dying porn actors in their time of need?! Nice!

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Stephen says:

    Watching this episode right now (yes it aired 20 years ago tonight on May 4th, 1993) and it looks like the set for the prom is the same set that they used for the museum in the dinosaur episode. you can see this as the camera pulls out in the first scene at the prom. sorry I notice these stupid things. lol. Also, I wish my prom had live music that you can actually dance to. all we had was rap and bump/grind, with a few good songs mixed in.


  42. Mandaliet says:

    That band needs more keytars.


  43. Full House Expert says:

    Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight… So you think it’s weird that pretty, popular senior Rachel Taylor would have never formally met dowdy, social outcast sophomores DJ Tanner and Kimmie Gibbler (which, if you had thought about it for half a second, actually makes PERFECT sense,) yet you DON’T think it’s noteworthy-odd that pretty, popular Rachel Taylor is inviting her exboyfriend and his totally uncool sophomore girlfriend, who he’s with for NO good reason, to a party?? Okay, Billy! Whatever.

    And then you redeem yourself with this line:
    “As Becky applies whoreish makeup to DJ’s big round moon face”

    And my faith in you is restored.


    • trlkly says:

      It’s not all that weird when she’s the prom queen and he’s the prom king. It’s only weird that there’s a party going on upstairs at the prom. You’d think that would be the absolute worst place to throw one of those.


  44. Full House Expert says:

    The bit about Jeoy picking up on his social cue for the first time ever, and Danny and Vicky’s passionless kiss in their “sham of a relationship” made milk come out of my nose as well. Almond milk to be exact. And what high school just like recruits random members of the community and spouses of their terrible live talent to chaperone?? Oh and you forgot to mention the bit about the high school kid mistaking Becky for a cheerleader. Lori Loughlin is slammin, but she does NOT look like a teenager sorry. It’s almost as if these narcissistic actors (particularly Cameron, Stamos and Loughlin,) have it negotiation into their contracts that there be flattering inferences somewhere in the script. I also thought it was funny that at the end of his outlandishly unrealistic compliment, the staging sends them off in different directions before cutting to make it clear that Becky did NOT get some underaged tail that night.


  45. Full House Expert says:

    AAHHH one last thing. After Steve introduces DJ and Kimmie to Rachel, she totally snubs Kimmie in the invite to the party upstairs. Gibbler’s just standing there blinking like the socially inept miscreant that she is… And since you’re a writer who embarked on this undertaking to hone your skills, I’d be interested in perhaps an expose of each character. Try to be thorough, honest and fair though, not just rip them to shreds (although some of that is to be expected, especially in Joey’s analysis.) Try to do the subcharacters as well, like Vicky (that’ll be hard lol), Kimmie and Steve. Character arcs? I think Kimmie’s would be most interesting of all. There are a few glimpses, especially in season 6, of some actual humanlike qualities. Like sometimes she’s a good friend to DJ. This scene is a good example of that. She anticipates DJ’s anxiety and reacts accordingly. Of course then she makes the bone headed “the old girlfriend, the new girlfriend, smell the tension” remark. Would be interested in reading such an essay from you once you finish the series.


  46. Max says:

    The most amazing part of this episode is that the whole Full House didn’t somehow make it to the prom. I’m surprised Joey and Danny weren’t chaperons as well, and you know they would have just annoyed everyone and made it all about DJ. Of course Becky had to get right in the middle of it.


  47. Megan says:

    Steve’s ex was looking hot in that dress. You can tell by the audience when they see her, but i thought DJ’s dress was nice . Her dress made her curves show which makes DJ beautiful. Rachel on the other hand had a slim figure. but DJ had that sexy curvy Jessica Rabbit figure . so both girls were hot. Steve you are a lucky guy.


    • Gibbler! says:

      DJ did look amazing in that dress! The only thing that I didn’t like was the color….what was up with the forrest green?


  48. LORIMAR-Telepictures says:

    Were these kids actually going to do anything naughty or sexy in that hotel room? Play root beer beer pong/beirut probably.


    • Lisa says:

      I am totally going to get a rousing game of root beer pong going at our next party.


      • LORIMAR-Telepictures says:

        Cool. I’ll bring the snacks. Steve will probably eat them all though.

        On a side note, with all the carbs and gluten that he eats in the house, how does he not get fat?


  49. John Q says:

    There’s a part when they are playing Go Fish that Jesse tells Joey that they have to go to work on the radio. Wait a second, aren’t they afternoon drive-time d.j.’s?? What time is it now and what is everybody doing home around noon on a weekday??

    Why is Becky a chaperone at this prom?

    I swear this show almost killed the Beach Boys. What a cringe worthy moment when John Stamos is singing a reggae version of “Good Vibrations”.
    Wouldn’t a chaperone like the school principal or some teacher announce the winner of the prom king and not the lead singer of some crappy band??

    The subplot of Danny being upset about the 1 year age difference between he and Vicki is easily one of the laziest, which is saying something for this show. Who cares?

    Where were the chaperones when all the kids started going upstairs to the hotel room. And why would you book a prom in a hotel anyway? Seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Normally they’re in a banquet hall type of place. And where I grew up everybody went down the shore after the prom and rented rooms and got totally wasted and had sex.


  50. William says:

    “Danny and Vicky are left alone after Joey senses tension between them, which is the first time ever that Joey has picked up on a social cue. I’m surprised that he didn’t just start talking like Popeye and spitting in their faces when he noticed that they were having issues.”

    You paint incredible mental images.

    Liked by 1 person

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