Season 3, Episode 8, “Divorce Court”

So I meant to put up a special post on March 7 to commemorate the first anniversary of Full House Reviewed but then I forgot all about it.  Then I decided that since the March 7th post was just an introduction and the first actual review went up march 13th, the latter would be a better date to call the blog’s first anniversary.  And wouldn’t you know it?  The 13th rolled around and I forgot all over again!  Well, shit.  Anyway, happy birthday to us!  According to some quick math I just did in my head, this blog’s gonna take about 4 years to complete, so I hope you fuckers are in this for the long haul!

Pre-credits Gag:  Jesse tries to teach the baby to snap her fingers and sing “Mack the Knife,” but she sings “Jingle Bells” instead.

DJ comes home from school and she’s kickin it with Duckface and this kid Jimmy who we’ve seen once or twice before but he’s never really done anything worth mentioning.  The boys want to play guns but Stephanie’s like, let’s play Barbies and talk about our periods instead.  Duckface makes a pass at Stephanie and she decides that she’d rather play guns than be sexually harassed.  DJ enters the scene with Kimmie Gibbler and some new friend we’ve never seen before named Monica and the trio tell the younger kids to bug off.  Stephanie tells DJ that she wants to make plans for the upcoming Halloween carnival that they always go to together but then DJ’s friends are like, Kathy Santoni’s having this bad ass Halloween party and we’re all gonna drink wine cooler and let the boys get to second base and DJ’s like, sorry Stephanie, but I’m hella old and cool now so you’re gonna have to ride to that lame ass carnival Han Solo style.  Then DJ and her friends tell the younger kids that they wanna talk about guys’ dick sizes so they’d better split but then Stephanie’s like, whatever, y’all, I got two men all up on my jammy.  Peace out!

Danny and Joey teach Michelle how to play football in the backyard.  Jesse comes home with Rebecca Donaldson, who we haven’t seen in a while, and he makes smartass quips about how Joey and Danny suck at sports.  Danny retaliates by outing Jesse for being in the Glee club back in the day and then the dad’s all have a frenzied dispute about who’s the least gay.  It’s decided that the only way to settle it is for the three of them to have a ¼ mile race at 8 am and Rebecca Donaldson decides to witness this event for her own amusement.

DJ and Stephanie bring their dispute to Danny, who decides to solve the problem by yelling at them and forcing them to hug.  When that doesn’t work Danny kicks all their friends out of the full house and makes the girls sit in silence in their room until they can get along, which is the first time Danny has really put his foot down about anything.  Dang, I actually almost kind of took him a little bit seriously for a second.

In preparation for their big race in the morning, the dads all talk a bunch of shit to each other.  They each become so confident that they will win that they decide to make a bet on the race:  the winner gets to pick the losers’ costumes for the school Halloween carnival.

Up in the girls room, Stephanie makes passive aggressive jabs at DJ by discussing her with Mr. Bear and then proceeds to find as many ways as possible to act like the most annoying asshole on the planet.  DJ proposes that the two of them pretend to make up so Danny will let them out of their room, which Stephanie agrees to.  Danny enters the scene and after the girls agree to hug while he watches, he lets them off the hook.   Danny splits for the gym and the girls immediately begin arguing again until they finally agree that it’s time for Stephanie to move into Michelle’s room.

Once she’s moved her bed into Michelle’s room (and, no, I have no idea how she was able to move it in there… this actually kind of harkens back to the first episode, when DJ inexplicably moved all her shit into the basement…ah, memories…), Stephanie begins to lay down the law to Michelle, prison-style.  However, once it’s lights-out time the baby starts jumping up and down and shouting and Stephanie realizes that sharing a room with the baby sucks ass.

As the dads all prepare for their race, Rebecca Donaldson rolls up on their scene with the crew from Wake Up, San Francisco.  She’s decided that the race would be a fun inclusion for the show, seeing as how it seems to be completely based around what a gigantic dork Danny is.  At the starting line, Danny tries to convince the uncles to let him win the race so he doesn’t look like a totally loser on his show but the uncles aint havin it.  The race starts and the big gag is that the dads are all so slow and out of shape that it’s a pretty pathetic scene.  Towards the end they’re all so tired that they agree to stage a tie but as they approach the finish line they all become determined to win and deliver one final, spirited sprint.  Rebecca Donaldson has to take a Polaroid to determine the winner and as she waits for the image to develop she tries to get a word from the runners but they’re all too busy writhing and panting in a big homoerotic heap to make any lame jokes.

Anyway, it turns out that Danny won the race.

When the dads return to the full house Stephanie declares that she wants to move back into her old room and when DJ protests Danny realizes that they were just bullshitting about making up before.  Danny decides that the only rational way to resolve this issue is to stage a courtroom hearing in the living room with himself as the judge and the uncles as the lawyers.  I mean, really, how else was this gonna get resolved?

The court scene is actually pretty unremarkable.  DJ bitches about what a pain in the ass it is to have Stephanie all up in her face all the time and Stephanie says that DJ treats her like shit.  Danny says that they have to continue to share a room because he wants Michelle to have her own room for the time being, which brings up a kind of interesting subplot that’s been happening for a while.  Danny seems to always favor Michelle and he never tells her that she can’t do anything.  It’s never really been the focus of an episode and it’s kind of interesting that there’s been this underlying relationship happening on this show.  I’m actually impressed that they’ve managed to work that in there without totally shoving it in your face like they do with everything else.  Oh my god, you guys, how fucking low have my standards gotten?  I’m dying inside.

The court scene ends with Danny telling the girls that they’re just going to have to learn how to share a room despite their differences and all the changes they’re going through but the girls are still all pissed at each other.  Nothing really gets resolved in this scene and it didn’t really fit in with anything else in the episode… it’s almost like they decided to call the episode “Divorce Court” before they’d written anything and then they forgot about it and then tried to just cram it in at the end.  I also think that now’s as good a time as any to point out that the puppy they got in the previous episode makes no apperance in this episode at all.  Seriously, you guys, where did their new puppy go?  Anyway, the girls talk later in their room as they get ready to go to their separate Halloween events.  They’re dressed as Batman and the Joker from the 1989 Tim Burton movie, which makes this scene kind of fascinating.

So the music comes on and Stephanie talks about how rad she thinks DJ is so DJ agrees to take Stephanie to her lame ass carnival for stupid babies before getting felt up later in the evening at Kathy Santoni’s.  The two of them hug, which is a pretty common occurrence on this show, but on the other hand I don’t think I’ve ever seen Batman and the Joker hug before and it’s extra bizarre to see it in the form of two little girls.  It’s like an eternal battle finally laid to rest.

Ok so as if that didn’t already make me feel like I was going crazy, the last 30 seconds are like a total bombardment of total fucking nonsense.  Danny comes in and commends their hugging and then the baby runs into the room dressed as a cat and she makes cat claws and meows at the camera before staring offstage to look for further direction in a shot that really should have been 2 seconds shorter.  Then the uncles enter the scene dressed in the humiliating costumes that Danny picked for them and then they rock back and forth with him while singing, “The Good Ship Lollypop.”

What WAS that!??!

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51 Responses to Season 3, Episode 8, “Divorce Court”

  1. KimanderEvil says:



  2. Teebore says:

    I just did in my head, this blog’s gonna take about 4 years to complete, so I hope you fuckers are in this for the long haul!

    Don’t worry, I ain’t going anywhere.

    Kathy Santoni’s having this bad ass Halloween party and we’re all gonna drink wine cooler and let the boys get to second base.

    Man, where was Kathy Santoni and her boob parties when I was in middle school?

    Rebecca Donaldson decides to witness this event for her own amusement.

    You know, I’m starting to wonder if maybe that’s why she eventually marries into the full house in the first place…

    Seriously, you guys, where did their new puppy go?

    If I didn’t know he’d pop up again, I’d seriously be fearing for the poor animal’s life.

    Then the uncles enter the scene dressed in the humiliating costumes that Danny picked for them and then they rock back and forth with him while singing, “The Good Ship Lollypop.”

    Yup. That race sure answered the question of who was the least gay…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Scott says:

      I can’t believe DJ would ever be hanging out with that beautiful, big chested, boyfriend stealing Kathy Santoni. DJ Tanner should be above picking up another lady’s table scraps.


    • marino says:

      If I recall correctly, the other guys (and probably Becky) made a bunch of jokes about Danny “winning by a nose” because his nose is big or something? Even though it should be feet that count, so I’m not sure why Becky too a picture of their faces. She’s a terrible race officiant.


      • SteveInSanDiego says:


        It is whatever body part crosses the line first. That’s why horses can win by a nose in a horse race.


    • NotADragon says:

      Perhaps the puppy went to visit Bubba the Turtle


  3. Carrick says:

    “Then DJ and her friends tell the younger kids that they wanna talk about guys’ dick sizes so they’d better split but then Stephanie’s like, whatever, y’all, I got two men all up on my jammy.”

    Wow, Full House is a lot raunchier than I remember….

    Re: the last 30 seconds…. Wow. Just wow. Why the fuck did they suddenly sneak 30 seconds of Tim and Eric in there?


  4. Joan Crawford says:

    DJ and Stephanie bring their dispute to Danny, who decides to solve the problem by yelling at them and forcing them to hug.


    Oh my god, you guys, how fucking low have my standards gotten? I’m dying inside.

    I can’t wait to watch you go through this odyssey. Not only are we reading your analysis of the show but we are watching you struggle as an individual to get through it. It is most enjoyable. I mean that in a non-dickhead way.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The Pizza says:

    whoa. (last 30 seconds.) whoa.


  6. The Pizza says:

    oh and happy blog birthday. don’t worry man – I’m still saving up my pennies to get you an awesome gift basket in 4 yrs. keep it going!


  7. Rachel says:

    My favorite episode so far! Although I have to say, DJ’s friends clearly didn’t let her know about how to dress for a sexy Halloween party. I have a feeling no one is going to be venturing underneath her bright orange shirt and giant bow tie.


  8. The Complexities of Full House says:

    Can I just say that this blog has been most enlightening for me? I was unaware a) that Stacey Q wasn’t a fake singer invented specifically for that episode, b) that ‘God Only Knows’ was sung by the Beach Boys, and c) that in this episode, DJ was dressed as the Joker, not as a scary clown as I had always thought. Your suffering is not in vain, as your blog is educating the masses.


  9. It really bugs me that the dads are still in their racing clothes for the court room screen cap. Didn’t they even want to take a shower? Weren’t they all dying on the finsih line? I guess they like the smell of man sweat.


  10. Megan says:

    If I remember correctly they do an episode where the girls bitch and moan about how Michelle gets away with everything. Then the hammer comes down on Michelle when she crosses some arbitrary line and she pouts like a little bitch. I believe it’s titled “Bitch, Please!” but I can’t be sure…


  11. JB says:

    This might be the best written episode so far. All the story lines get tied up. Could this be the beginning of a golden age for Full House writers? (Or have my standards fallen as well?)


  12. Later on in the series Uncle Jesse suddenly becomes a total unathletic clod and knows nothing about sports, so these early eps where he’s all OMG MANLY I KNOW SPORTZ are funny.


  13. KS says:

    Has anyone else noticed the bony little chicken legs that all three of the men have? Seriously, why must they show them constantly?


  14. Ben says:

    I have to wonder if the entitlement of the current generation of young adults has anything to do with parents misguidedly looking to Danny Tanner as a role model for child care.

    Thought you’d enjoy this piece that I wrote a few years ago, if only for Dave Coulier getting knocked down a few pegs:


    • Billy Superstar says:

      that was awesome! thanks for sharing! i would probably watch celebrity hungry hungry hippos. im also amazed at your pointing out of “this guy” in the backgrounds of mary tyler moore, as i just did the same bit on my saved by the bell article. that makes us soul brothers!


  15. Santanaonfire says:

    Sure am, Billy, sure am.

    I’m actually very inspired and considering doing something with a different series.

    Except, 1) I would feel like I’m ripping off your brilliant idea, and 2) Thinking of a show as bad as Full House is tough. Step by Step could be a close second though. Plus, I did watch that one as a kid as well, so a retrospective could be entertaining at this point.


  16. Santanaonfire says:

    “you’re gonna have to ride to that lame ass carnival Han Solo style.”

    What, with a big furry Wookie? Muff grooming hadn’t yet dawned in the early 90’s but I doubt Steph or any of her friends had a monster like that…


  17. kp199 says:

    Did Stephanie, in the older seasons, ever have girls over? It feels like it was always Harry or some other little boy. Same with Michelle when she was all up on Teddy’s junk. Meanwhile, DJ never had anybody but girls over. Were they trying to tell us something here?


  18. Jimmy says:

    The puppy went to see Bubba.


  19. Chuck says:

    Jimmy’s played by Zachary Bostrom, whose biggest gig up to that point was playing grown-up Greg Brady’s son, Kevin in the 1988 TV movie A Very Brady Christmas…the character later returned for the short-lived 1990 series The Bradys, but played by a then-unknown Jonathan Taylor Thomas.


  20. Stacy says:

    I preface this by saying, yes, I do have a bit of a perverted mind – but I swear in that Polaroid shot it looks like Joey and Jesse are having orgasms. Those are O faces fo’ sho’.

    Also – UGH, those spandex bike shorts were some of the WORST shit about the early 90s. I still remember one of the most horrifying (yet hilarious) moments of a man wearing those type of bike shorts. I was in high school and working at a kiosk at the mall (I sold those magic eye posters) and some dude was hanging out wearing spandex bike shorts and they were BAGGY in the ass. He wasn’t THAT thin to cause the ass to be so baggy. It was such an appalling site. He looked like he’d taken a huge dump in his pants. I still remember that nearly 20 years later. (Oh god, I feel really old now.)


  21. SteveInSanDiego says:

    “sorry Stephanie, but I’m hella old and cool now so you’re gonna have to ride to that lame ass carnival Han Solo style. Then DJ and her friends tell the younger kids that they wanna talk about guys’ dick sizes so they’d better split but then Stephanie’s like, whatever, y’all, I got two men all up on my jammy. Peace out!”

    Billy Superstar rides again! Brilliant!


  22. williec29 says:

    What’s the deal with Joey laying his head down in weird places? The previous episode it was on Minnies butt and this one it is right neear jesses goods. Joey is a sick man


  23. Mare says:

    I’m sure that costume is hanging in Dave Couliers’ closet and he puts it on every once in a while and then proceeds to jack off in front of the mirror while sobbing like a little bitch.


  24. Bekah says:

    Since I just started reading this blog yesterday… I’m like 2 1/2 years behind. But seriously. The beginning of this review made me crack up. I love it 🙂


  25. Ashley says:

    It always bothered me that Michelle got her own room when DJ should have. She was the oldest. It didn’t make much sense for the two older girls to share while Michelle got her own room for like five years. Maybe it made sense when Michelle was a baby but once she got past that stage she should have been the one sharing with Stephanie. Michelle got away with everything and got everything she wanted. No wonder she was such a brat when she got older.


  26. I know I’m totally late to the game but I had to mention how horrified I am by Danny Tanner’s splayed legs in that one screencap after their race. Gah! His batch just comes at you.


  27. ThePumper says:

    Ever notice how in shows from the 80’s and 90’s the posters on the walls of kids rooms were always crooked? Why? I want to know why this was. When I was kid, if my poster werent exactly straight it drove me crazy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna says:

      I think diagonals in general were considered trendy. I remember having some bedroom playsets for my barbies and they all had diagonal posters, too.


  28. Martin Tanner's Ghost says:

    I just had an idea for a sitcom. Picture it: Batman, Bruce Wayne, and the Joker live together, raising the Batkids (Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd), but Bruce struggles to keep the Joker from finding out his other two roommates are actually the same person.


  29. cjaymet says:

    Danny’s decision at the beginning of his episode was one of his worst ones. What made him think forcing two girls that are already cramped in a room together to be locked up would anyway lead to something other than more fighting?


  30. J says:

    As for that last scene, hey, they don’t call it a couples costume for nothing.


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