Season 6, Episode 7, “Trouble in Twin Town”

Pre-Credits Gag:  Michelle makes Danny a gift and he can’t figure out what it is.  It turns out to be a bird feeder.

Wake Up, San Francisco features two twin old ladies playing harmonicas in order to promote the upcoming Twin Expo, where Danny will be MC’ing the “favorite twins” competition.  Once the show wraps, Jesse walks on set to meet up with Becky and he tells Danny that Vicky called the full house earlier to say that she’ll call him later and that she’s doing a story on the Chicago Bears where she’ll be interviewing them in the locker room.  I wonder why she felt the need to include that last detail when she left the message with Jesse, especially since it immediately convinces Danny that Vicky is about to get gang banged by the Chicago Bears.

Becky tells Jesse that her cousin Dick is coming to town with his wife so they can enter their twin daughters in the favorite twin contest.  Jesse says that he hates Dick’s stupid guts but Becky tells him tough shit because they’re all having dinner together that night.

Stephanie asks DJ and Steve what to do about this boy at school who’s harassing her and they say that he probably likes her and she should call him.  It sounds like this boy is being pretty abusive, and I get how they reach the conclusion that he’s doing it because he likes Stephanie and doesn’t know how to express it, but I don’t really understand why they would encourage her to try to get into a relationship with this problematic young man.

Cousin Dick arrives at the full house with his family and… hey, wait a minute, that’s not Cousin Dick, that’s Cousin Larry!  From Perfect Strangers!  That’s too bad that he’s just guest-starring and it’s not an actual crossover.  Even if it was, it wouldn’t be as rad as the time that Urkel came to the full house.  Man, that was the only good time I ever had watching this show.

So Cousin Larry’s whole thing is that he’s rich and he thinks that Becky is too good for Jesse, which is of course totally true.  Cousin Larry is introduced to the whole Tanner family and then he sneers at the fact that Becky and her family all live up in the attic, which is also an agreeable sentiment.  Seriously, why the fuck do they all live up in that attic?  Becky is a fucking tv talk show host, she does not need to be living like Anne Frank.  The next thing that Cousin Larry is judgmental about is the fact that Jesse is in the process of earning his High School diploma, and, again, I cannot argue about this not reflecting well upon Jesse.  Cousin Larry is supposed to be some sort of snide antagonist, but he’s actually making a lot of astute observations.  I feel you, Cousin Larry.  I feel you.

Stephanie tells DJ that it didn’t go very well when she called that boy who was harassing her and then DJ offers some more inept advice.  Meanwhile, Michelle tries to entertain Cousin Larry’s twin daughters but they’re so unimpressed by the fact that she doesn’t own a Laserdisc player that they ignore her and bust out their Atari Lynx’s.

After Jesse passive-aggressively eats a shitload of lobster at dinner because Cousin Larry is paying, everyone returns to the full house, where Cousin Larry and his wife talk a bunch more shit to Jesse.  The rivalry between Jesse and Cousin Larry escalates until it reaches its only logical climax: they agree to pit their children against each other in the favorite twins contest.

So what does one do at a twin expo exactly?  It looks like all the twins who are there are mostly buying clothes.  I don’t know.  Anyway, Stephanie gets hit on by these twin boys but they say that they’re only into banging other twins so she tries to pretend to be 2 people by leaving the room and coming back with a hat on.  It works better than you’d think.

Meanwhile, Danny tries to call Vicky on his cutting-edge cellular telephone so he can interrupt the hot group sex she’s having with the Chicago Bears.  The Stephanie-pretending-to-be-twins premise returns and is resolved almost immediately when the twins figure out that she’s just one person.  One of them says that he still wants to bang her even though there’s only one of her and then the other one also wants her and then Stephanie’s like, “I’ll take y’all both on.”  Gross!

Everyone gathers together for the highlight of the Twins Expo, the “favorite twins” contest.  Danny really bombs as the MC and I am once again confused about why it is highlighted here that he is not funny, and yet we are supposed to believe that he actually is funny the rest of the time.  Anyway, the favorite twins contest is a bunch of fucking nonsense.  There don’t seem to be any real rules or categories, you just get to go stand on stage for about 30 seconds and do whatever you want if you are a twin.  It seems weird to pit bodybuilding middle aged men twins against poetry reading little girl twins and stuff like that.  What are the qualifiers, exactly?

After Cousin Larry’s kids recite a poem, Jesse brings his kids out in matching Elvis Costumes while they stand around looking confused, which makes the crowd go nuts.

After their “performance,” all the twins in the competition are brought up on stage and then Danny gets a call on his cell phone right as he’s supposed to announce the winner.  Everyone has to just sit there and wait while he tells Vicky that he’s busy and he’ll call her back later.  Little did we know in the early 90’s that this particular obnoxious behavior would become so deeply ingrained into our everyday lives.  Let this be a valuable reminder to us all.  Being an obnoxious cell phone user is Full House-worthy behavior.  Do not text at the movies or talk on your cell phone in line at the grocery store.  That’s some shit that Danny Tanner would do.

Cousin Larry’s kids win second place and then he stands on stage and demands a recount until the body building twins carry him off stage.

Danny announces that Nicky and Alex are the winners of the competition and I kept waiting for the audience to start chanting “Fix!” but it never happens.  Seriously, those kids live in the same house as the MC.

Back at the full house, Jesse gloats while shining the big trophy he won and then the music comes on as Becky asks him why he feels so competitive towards Cousin Larry. Jesse says it’s because Cousin Larry’s rich and he’s not and then Becky says that she doesn’t care about money and all that really matters to her is having a really attractive husband.

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93 Responses to Season 6, Episode 7, “Trouble in Twin Town”

  1. Joeyandjesseslovechild says:

    This is the episode thatI thought our author was talking about as the worst moment in tv history until it was the preschool grad episode. The part where the twins stand there as Elvis music played ranked at the top, or bottom, of my list as worst moment in tv history. No talent displayed and they still won the contest. When my dad forsaked my and only thought about those miserable twins was the worst moment in my life overall. I don’t know why he did not want to be around me anymore. My other dad did not want to either. He was too worried about alanis.


  2. Bridget says:

    I remember after Nicky and Alex won when Becky said ruefully that it was every mother’s dream to have twin Elvis impersonators in the family! I also think one of the writers had a moment of clarity when it came to Jesse and Rebecca and he put those words in Cousin Larry’s mouth.


  3. Sally says:

    They really should have just pitted those twin cousins against the real Olsen twins in an “Ugliest Twins Contest” because GOOD LORD the Olsen twins might actually lose at something! The scene in Michelle’s room is so painful, and it’s mostly because those twins are so heinous looking on top of being total bitches. Even as a little girl I remember wanting to punch the twin cousins in the face.

    Liked by 1 person

    • cerebralPaulz says:

      I agree, those little monsters are horrifying. At least we only have to see one Michelle at a time.


    • Navarro says:

      Im gonna laugh when you guys have kids and are ripping on how ugly they are. the olsen twins were never as ugly as you are implying (once they turned like 2). I mean literally every single kid on this show is “ugly” If you really feel that way I pray you dont have kids or interact with any children in any sort of way

      I apologize for this comment I know it will catch everyone off guard

      Liked by 2 people

      • cerebralPaulz says:

        Stephanie was a cute kid, she grew out of it in a bit, but still. Beauty is subjective, but Nicky and Alex are empirically ugly.


      • Bri says:

        Teddy, Denise, and Aaron Bailey were cute kids, too. Plus, people that make it on television are supposed to be much more attractive than common folks, so it’s shocking that such ugly babies were cast as both Michelle and the twins.


      • Full House Expert says:

        The Olsen Twins went through stages. At times they were the cutest kids I’ve ever seen (2-3 ADORABLE,) then at other times just average. Nicky and Alex were sooooo freakin CUTE and you’re totally biased and delusional if you don’t think so. Now the girls who played the daughters of Cousin Larry and his giraffe neck wife were HIDEOUS.


      • Veronica G says:

        Aaron Bailey was not cute. His face looked like an asshole. This blog can be funny but most of the time it just looks like people have nothing better to do than to vent about how much they hate a very, very popular show. Kind of pathetic.

        Liked by 1 person

      • LORIMAR-Telepictures says:

        Steph was a creepy, ugly kid. Ya kidding me bub?


      • leah says:

        How do you know that the people making fun of the ugly babies don’t have kids of their own, ones that may actually be cute?


      • Sally says:

        Okay, for starters its a tv show. Lighten up. And I would appreciate if you would keep it light on the comments for the sake of all of the other readers. I love kids, but kids who act terrible are not cute and that would be the kids on this show. 90% of their ‘ugliness’ comes from the fact that they are spoiled, rude, and obnoxious. I don’t want to offend anybody on here and I”m sorry if I offended you. But your comment has offended me. I’m 8 months pregnant and also a full time nanny. My distaste for the Olsen twins has no bearing on the love I feel and show for the children that I keep.


      • Val says:

        “the olsen twins were never as ugly as you are implying (once they turned like 2)”



      • Sully says:

        I’m gonna go out on a limb and say, if my kids were ugly, I would expect no less from strangers. That’s what people do… make fun of other people’s ugly obnoxious kids. Not every child is a cherub.


      • navarro says:

        I’m just saying I think the olsens were cute kids and I had a crush on Michelle when I was like 7. Unless a child has a physical ailment to deteriorate their appearance, they shouldn’t be called ugly.


      • navarro says:

        And I didn’t want to offend you Sally I’m just warning you about talking too soon. what of you’re vanguard down syndrome? I’m sure you’re view on ugly kids would change. and I’m not by any means hoping that happensiits just a what if

        Liked by 1 person

      • navarro says:

        *What if your child

        damn autocorrect


      • Bri says:

        My god, calling someone with a physical ailment “ugly” is far, FAR worse than calling privileged actors and actresses ugly. Damn, you’re cold.

        Liked by 2 people

      • The Venerable Bede says:

        “Unless a child has a physical ailment to deteriorate their appearance, they shouldn’t be called ugly.”

        That is a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE thing to say. If you’re going to be high and mighty about something, then you should be saying that we shouldn’t call ANYONE ugly because it furthers certain stereotypical ideals of outward beauty pushed by society, which we should try to prevent. Seriously, either take the high road or not. I can’t believe you’d say that about children with physical ailments.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Adam says:

        Ugliness is based also on their actions, because the olsen twins’ character is the most selfish piece of crap child on the planet. It literally makes them uglier every time they are on screen. They might not be the ugliest of children, but the pure seething hatred we have for them makes them at least 4.3 ugly levels above where they would be if they were normal people.

        Also, beauty is subjective. If you don’t think they’re ugly, you gotta accept the fact that other people might.


      • navarro says:

        You can’t blame the Olsen twins for their actions on the show, the directors and shit tell them what to do. there’s a big difference between the Olsens and Michelle.

        and I’m saying that EVERY child on this show is called ugly…I mean come on you guys just make up shit to try to put the show down

        Liked by 1 person

      • Bri says:

        Most people seem to agree that Stephanie was a cute kid, and I also think Teddy, Denise, and Aaron Bailey were cute kids. It’s just Michelle and the twins that were ugly as sin. Also, is it your mission in life to defend privileged actors and actresses? Are you that “Leave Britney Alone!” guy??


  4. Moe Greene says:

    Becky is a fucking tv talk show host, she does not need to be living like Anne Frank.

    Bless you, sir.


    • Angela says:

      I loved that line, too.

      I do hate the general uppity “I’m rich and better than you by default” attitude, but in this case, yeah, Larry’s got a few good points.

      Also, a-fucking-MEN about the “cell phones in line at the store” thing. This happens way too often where I work. I hear complaints all the time from customers about how they don’t like waiting while an employee’s on the phone at the store. Very fair point, but guess what? It works the other way, too, people.

      All right, that’s out of my system now. Anywho, I smiled upon seeing this would be the episode you’d review, and it was worth the read.


    • jbeeee says:

      Agreed. Best line!


  5. JGA says:

    Wow, an episode I’ve never seen. I thought I’d seen ’em all. And no Joey this episode? You didn’t mention him once. That was probably a much-needed break from the idiotic fuckhead.



    • Momanon says:

      Was this episode not in syndication or something? This is also the first reviewed episode that I don’t recall seeing..and I watched this show 5 days a week for years!


  6. Hebrewersfan says:

    This episode couldn’t have been all that bad…not one mention of Joey. Did he do anything in this episode? I also feel like I need to get the dvds at some point, I’ve seen all the episodes in syndication but the pre-credits gags have all eluded me.


    • cerebralPaulz says:

      I’m hoping that Joey wasn’t participating because he’s haunted by then memory of his conjoined twin, who took his own life to get away from Joey.


    • Val says:

      He was I think? He tried to be funny and the rich twins were all “get a real job loser”.


  7. Jordan says:

    That shot with Danny on the cell phone has a priceless expression from the dude to the right. Holy shit.


  8. penny says:

    This episode was such a missed opportunity with all the covert jokes they could’ve made about Michelle not being a twin, or gags they could’ve pulled using both Olsen twins.


    • cerebralPaulz says:

      That would require subtlety, Full House doesn’t play that.


    • Emily says:

      Thank you. I have always, always thought that. They seemed to use any excuse to get the two Olsens on camera together and they missed this opportunity? I mean, couldn’t Michelle run into a lookalike at the Expo or anything?


      • Penny says:

        HAHAHA. That was seriously what I was thinking. I mean, they made that whole stupid TV movie that was pretty much The Parent Trap, except they weren’t related. They couldn’t’ve done that here??


  9. Zozo says:

    One scene in particular is funny. When the other twins start playing their Lynxes, Michelle asks, “When can I play?”
    The obnoxious cousins say, “When you buy one.”
    Wow, they totally out-bratted her!


  10. cerebralPaulz says:

    Someone needs to beak the ice on this one, so here goes. I’d watch a “what’s her name” vs the Chicago Bears gang bang. For educational proposes only, of course.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Teebore says:

    Vicky is about to get gang banged by the Chicago Bears.

    Hell yeah she is!

    Seriously though, what other concern could Danny possibly have? I’m kinda surprised the show ran with such an obvious gang bang plot.

    Becky is a fucking tv talk show host, she does not need to be living like Anne Frank

    Bam! There it is. Quite possibly your funniest line ever.

    Cousin Larry is supposed to be some sort of snide antagonist, but he’s actually making a lot of astute observations.

    Frankly, I think he’s the most sensible and realistic character we have yet to see on the show…

    they’re so unimpressed by the fact that she doesn’t own a Laserdisc player that they ignore her and bust out their Atari Lynx’s.

    I don’t think they could have written a scene that could be dated worse than that.

    After Jesse passive-aggressively eats a shitload of lobster at dinner because Cousin Larry is paying

    I can totally support that play on the part of Jermsey.

    then Stephanie’s like, “I’ll take y’all both on.” Gross!

    Finger Cuffs!

    I’m pretty sure 90210 did a similar story involving twins, only I think they were trying to trick Steve into thinking they were the same person, so kinda the opposite of Stephanie’s ruse here.

    Wait, what happened to the plot with the boy who was abusing Stephanie? Was that just abandoned in favor of setting up her threesome with the twins?

    Seriously, those kids live in the same house as the MC.

    Also, their “act” was fucking terrible.


    • trlkly says:

      Even back then, owning a laserdisk was rather nerdy. Throw in them having the wrong handheld videogame system, and it comes off not like they are rich but that they are a family of geeks.


    • JCC says:

      “I don’t think they could have written a scene that could be dated worse than that. ”

      Also they could have been drinking Crystal Pepsi.


  12. Bridget says:

    Joey was in the scenes with Michelle at the Twin Contest, he offered Debbie and Darla homemade cookies but they loved store bought, and the cousins thought he was Michelle’s father. As for Anne Frank, she, her family, and the others did not belong in the attic. Otto Frank tried to get his family into America, but there was American government red tape blocking them. I read that in the paper. That seems unfair because America let Otto in to work at a mall before he had kids.


    • Val says:

      “and the cousins thought he was Michelle’s father.”

      Well they actually are both blonde… Wink wink.

      Liked by 1 person

      • trlkly says:

        And their facial structure is a lot closer. I understand why Coulier actually read for the dad part, too.

        It might also explain why Danny lets Joey live with them. He knows Joey is their biological father, and he wants them to have a relationship with him.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Bridget says:

        Trlkly, I’ve been saying for months now that Joey is the father of all the kids. I wish FH would have continued and the following seasons would touch on Joey being the father!


  13. Sarah Portland says:

    “Let this be a valuable reminder to us all. Being an obnoxious cell phone user is Full House-worthy behavior. Do not text at the movies or talk on your cell phone in line at the grocery store. That’s some shit that Danny Tanner would do.”

    I’m stealing this. I’m stealing this and reciting it back to my friends when they desperately have to text some emoticon to some acquaintance when we’re in the middle of some deep philosophical conversation.


  14. Corey says:

    I love that Jesse tries to get back at Larry by eating a ton of lobster at his expense. All that accomplishes is reinforcing everything Larry has said about Jesse. The classy move is either to pick up the check himself, or order a normal meal and graciously thank Larry. Instead, Jesse acts like the loser we all know he is. Larry’s not breaking the bank to cover your lobster, Jesse. You aren’t spiting him. You’re demonstrating that you have no manners, can’t afford to eat things like lobster yourself, and have no shame in leeching off everyone around you.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Ashley says:

    I also call bull on Nicky and Alex winning the contest, and I’m one of the few people on this planet that thinks those kids are cute. But seriously,we’re expected to believe that twins come from out of town to compete in this contest, and the winners are a couple of toddlers that live in the area that just stand there?

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Bridget says:

    Jesse also wanted to rub the winning of the trophy in cousin Larry’s face and I do think Nicky and Alex had a win because their uncle hosted the contest and all they did was stand there unintellegently like Beavis and Butthead.


  17. Emily says:

    Also, Becky infers at the end of the show that the only reason she didn’t marry rich guy Doyce Plunk was because of his stupid name. What up, Hermes Jersey Cochran Katsopolis?


  18. Ruby Lee says:

    I don’t blame Danny for ethically compromising the contest.

    The full house occupants often enter local competitions/ auditions/job interviews, without a moment’s preparation. But it always works out because winning first place/landing a music contract/getting the job is part of their birthright.

    God help Danny, had he selected another winner. He would have had a full-scale mutiny on his hands.


  19. Joeyandjesseslovechild says:

    I wish my dads would have had a twin with me. Once they abandoned me I was all alone. I really needed a brother. What does everyone think about me not having a larger role in the show? I could have really made a lot of people laugh and enjoy a child and my two dads without having to watch Greg evigan.


  20. Val says:

    This show is even more ridiculous dubbed in Spanish. They used words and phrases that nobody uses anymore, so the idiocy is hysterical in all so proper Spanish. My friends and I used to act out made up scenes with all these words and dumb phrases they used. I also sang the theme song while they announced the intro credits in Spanish… Gosh were nerds. But it was more fun than the actual show.
    The twins were dubbed by this 14 year old, probably, so imagine hearing a fake baby voice by some weird kid.

    “When can I play?”
    “Do you want to play?”
    “BUY ONE.”

    LOL SICKBURN. Long time coming.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Smash says:

    Cousin Larry’s wife has the longest effing neck I’ve ever seen!!!! She’s like an alien or something…


  22. Bri says:

    I like how I pictured the body builders as actually buff and well-kempt and all that… and then I got to that screencap where they’re carrying Cousin Larry off the stage, and I was like, “Right, right… Full House body builders could never actually be buff, nor could they not have mullets.” I also like how in the screencap above that one, the creepy body builder twin is looking right at the camera. Wtf.


  23. Tess says:

    That picture of MIchelle with the other twins is so meta-funny to me. It’s almost like she’s thinking, “I had a twin once too. And the same thing that happened to her is going to happen to both of you! BWAHAHA!”


  24. Bridget says:

    I loved the episode of “The Simpsons” when Lisa Kudrow stars as Alex, the new cool girl and she sees Terry and Sherry and she says, “Oooh, twins. I wonder which one is the evil one?”.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. “…especially since it immediately convinces Danny that Vicky is about to get gang banged by the Chicago Bears.”

    Yeah she did. Slut.


    • Oh my god. Writing that comment just reminded me. Wasn’t there a commercial in the late 80s for the Bears in which their quarterback Jim McMahon is like sitting in a chair and the song “Highway to the Danger Zone” is playing?

      I’m really tickled thinking of this in combination with Vicky’s locker room “interview”.


  26. V Langs says:

    Is NO ONE going to comment on the fact that the new twins have Atari Lynx’s! Seriously! I think this might be the only cameo those things ever got on TV, and those two might be the only two people in the world to own them!


  27. Melody says:

    As an adult still attempting to receive that elusive diploma, I really feel for Jesse. As a kid, I just thought it was cool that adults sometimes have to go back and finish things, too, and now, I can just totally relate.

    I loved the scene with those bodybuilder twins carrying that Dych (heh) offstage. I hated those twin girls, though. My family grew up in poverty, so even as kids we knew how to make do with what we got. Those little brats claiming they prefer store-bought cookies despite the probably-delicious, home-made ones they were given despite being total cows even made my jaw drop as a kid. I used to think that scene with Michelle asking when her turn is to play their video games was awful because I related to Michelle (*adult self is crying*) and those girls saying, “When you buy one!” was so much like the reactions I got going to school – we didn’t have cool toys, so I didn’t have friends. Now, I know Michelle is spoiled, and why should those twins give up their own toys while away from home for the same of someone in her own room with her own toys? I know they only brought out their games to make fun of the games Michelle didn’t have and couldn’t play (been there – and I hate it, too) but really, Michelle gets everything she wants, and in her own room surrounded by things to do, I understand this scene a lot better. Makes me cringe for my childhood – relating to Michelle and all the other awkwardness. :p


  28. The Venerable Bede says:

    Oh my gosh, Joey’s name wasn’t mentioned ONCE in this entire review! This sounds like the best episode EVER!


  29. Megan says:

    i like how the 2 twins fight over Stephanie and she goes ou with the two of them.


  30. Becky says:

    Really, the cell phone commentary brought it all home. Until this point, we could write off Full House as cheesy 80’s and 90’s garbage, but crap, Full House had 21st century foreshadowing??? Suddenly I feel unsettled.


  31. williec29 says:

    I remember watching this episode and having the same sentiment as our man Billy. Cousin Larry is actually a voice of reason in this episode. He comes in and talks about Jesse not having a high school diploma and how his family lives up in another man’s attic, etc. These are valid points. Also, you better believe I am going to demand a recount if my girls lost to a couple toddlers looking lost. Seriously, this episode is one of the worst of the series, but Cousin Larry at least makes it tolerable


  32. JCC says:

    “Little did we know in the early 90′s that this particular obnoxious behavior would become so deeply ingrained into our everyday lives.”

    After reading all these reviews I’m thinking Full House is a big part of why everyone in our society is so pushy, entitled and stupid. Show’s still popular too. Young people love it – it encourages acting like an asshole and being rewarded for it. No real consequences.

    They have bodybuilding twins and they’re NOT played by Peter and David Paul!? This show was so cheap!


    • LORIMAR-Telepictures says:

      Nah. You’re not alone, bub. You have these kids who have never tried to do a damn thing in their lives. They have their folks pay for them to backpack across Europe after college. They get cushy jobs after grad school. It’s ridiculous. And I blame Full House but not Full House Reviewed 🙂


  33. Gibbler! says:

    I don’t think I have heard the audience “ooooo” in a negative way so many times in one episode…cousin Dick is probably the smartest one on this show.


  34. Lisa says:

    Aunt Becky = Anne Frank: genius! I’m still laughing.

    And Cousin Larry Appleton! Man, is he the bomb! I just loved Perfect Strangers, which was an absurd show in its own right, but at least knew how silly it really was. Mark Linn-Baker was always so great at committing to a scene. Because I am just that lame of a big nostalgic Internet stalker, here is what he’s been up to lately:


    • Bridget says:

      Lisa, I remember how Larry would say, “I have a plan” and Balky would be like, Oh God, no! I thought the show gave a bit of a nod to Wisconsin because of the Appleton as Larry’s last name and Appleton, WI. Harry Houdini lived in Appleton, WI and he was a famous resident of my fair state for many years.


  35. Odotry says:

    So Stephanie is into DP huh? Hey she’s used to being stuck in the middle. Bad joke I know.

    Any character who antagonizes the Tanners is a hero in my book.


    • Bridget says:

      You must think a great deal of Aaron Bailey! I thought Miko Hughes had great comic timing and he was great when he busted Jesse’s chops! That boy who was the bully Kenny could have learned tips from Miko!


  36. NotADragon says:

    1.) Even 6 year old me knew Nicky and Alex shouldn’t have won the contest. When I first saw it, I seriously thought a later scene would have Danny admit to fixing the contest/lying about who the winner was.

    2.) Six year-old me was also disappointed in the lack of Michelle— twin jokes. I mean obnoxious twins+ twin expo+MaryKate&Ashley… the jokes write themselves. I was seriously expecting her to either wish she had a twin, or to be glad she didn’t have a twin…


  37. Melody says:

    Pre-Credits Gag: Michelle makes Danny a gift and he can’t figure out what it is. It turns out to be a bird feeder.” — If you had a dollar for every time one of the Tanner kids makes Danny an unidentifiable present . . . you’d have two dollars. But that’s more than some of those kids should have been paid for their ‘acting’ so that’s something.

    I kind of wondered what the Olsen twins felt about there being a twin expo on the show and only one of them being on screen at a time. And Danny’s brother-in-law’s kids shouldn’t have been allowed to ‘compete’ in that contest, since they’re related to the MC. Joey didn’t even get to touch the bloody sweatband he won in a radio contest because he lived with Danny and/or Jesse.

    The next thing that Cousin Larry is judgmental about is the fact that Jesse is in the process of earning his High School diploma, and, again, I cannot argue about this not reflecting well upon Jesse.” — It took me until I was just 3 months away from being 23 years old to graduate, but at least I never stopped working (it was family problems and such that delayed me) . . . and I definitely didn’t bring two kids into the world and buy someone a big, fancy diamond ring before I had graduated. I know it’s supposed to sound bad that Jesse just hasn’t graduated at his age, but it would have been cool if they pointed out that graduating late is better than never graduating and / or that buying expensive things and having kids before he had Grade 12 was (amazingly) dumber than dropping out was.

    There don’t seem to be any real rules or categories, you just get to go stand on stage for about 30 seconds and do whatever you want if you are a twin. It seems weird to pit bodybuilding middle aged men twins against poetry reading little girl twins and stuff like that. What are the qualifiers, exactly?” — In a decent contest, there would probably be categories — age, gender, type of ‘ability’ demonstrated, whatever. In a Full House contest, all that matters is that you are “The Favourite” regardless of ability. Kind of like how Michelle has no talent singing, dancing, or acting, and yet she’s SO ‘adorable’ that not even DJ and Stephanie ever feel left out or ignored when everyone fawning all over their little sister and in fact, join in on throwing Michelle into the spotlight.

    After reading all these reviews I’m thinking Full House is a big part of why everyone in our society is so pushy, entitled and stupid. Show’s still popular too. Young people love it – it encourages acting like an asshole and being rewarded for it. No real consequences.” — I started watching this show when I was about 3 and I still remember talking to my mom like DJ and Stephanie and Michelle talked to Danny, Jesse, and Joey . . . ONCE. I thought she would think I was cute and funny, like everyone thought the Tanner girls were funny. She didn’t, and there absolutely were consequences, and for a while I thought it was incredibly unfair (leading to my parents sitting me down for a talk on good and bad behaviour and why some parents let their kids get away with stuff I was quickly learning I wouldn’t get away with saying/doing). I kinda resented the show for a while, and since my mom wasn’t sure I should be watching it anymore anyway, I think I missed a few episodes. When I started watching the show again (at 21) I was shocked by how absolutely terrible these kids were, and even more appalled by how the ‘adults’ on the show reacted: usually with laughter. I can’t blame my mom for reacting to my FH-behaviour the way she did now! :p


  38. EnterPatman says:

    I know I’m late to the party, but I only recently started reading this fantastic blog.

    I realized something after reading this review. Urkel showed up on an earlier episode, which puts Full House and Family Matters in the same universe. However, Family Matters was a spinoff of Perfect Strangers (Harriet worked at the Chicago Chronicle with Cousin Larry and Balki). That would put Full House and Perfect Strangers in the same universe, too. So the original Cousin Larry still exists in this universe and apparently has an identical, unrelated double who lives in another city. That’s really weird. It’s also the plot of the Olsen twins’ movie, “It Takes Two.”


  39. Needles1987 says:

    I love that Larry points out what a loser Jesse is.


  40. Caroline says:

    This pre-credits gag was used way early on. Like, season 1. I remember stephanie giving danny a tie decoration or something and dj doing exactly what stephanie does in that scene, clarifying what it is.

    They are straight up ripping material from previous seasons directly at this point.


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