Season 7, Episode 9, “The Day of the Rhino”

Pre-Credits Gag:  Jesse shows the twins how to make BBQ sauce and then they pour a bunch of stuff into it while he isn’t looking so it tastes like shit.  It’s weird how malevolent the twins are turning out to be.  They always look like they don’t know what’s going on but then they constantly fuck shit up the second anyone lets their guard down.  I guess it’s not that weird, actually, given the history of behavior in the full house.  Hey, that just made me notice that Michelle’s not in this pre-credits gag.  I guess that makes it the best one ever.

As Michelle and Denise enjoy an episode of Rigby the Rhino, who’s a pretty obvious analogue for Barney the Dinosaur (bringing together the two worst pop-culture creations of the 90’s), they are enthralled by an ad for the Action Rigby action figure.  They both eagerly anticipate the arrival of their figurines in the mail because you have to send away for this piece of merchandise instead of buying it at the store for some reason.  Both girls are planning on seeing Rigby’s guest appearance at the mall later in the day and hope that the figurines arrive beforehand.

Joey had plans to see The Phantom of the Opera with Danny and Jesse and their ladyfriends but his date cancelled (they didn’t even bother introducing us to this love interest before never mentioning her again) so he gives his tickets to DJ and Steve.  DJ decides that she wants to get her hair did before the show so Jesse recommends his hairstylist, Alejandro.  DJ ends up going to Kimmie Gibbler’s hairstylist instead and comes home looking all fucked up.

Michelle’s Action Rigby action figure arrives in the mail and she’s nonplussed by how much smaller it is than she expected.  She also seems to have thought that it would have the capability to act on its own accord, which makes her disappointment pretty hard to empathize with.

When Steve comes over, DJ shows him her fucked-up ass hairdo and he tries to pretend that he likes it.  She acknowledges how bad it looks so he admits that he thinks that it looks like shit, too, and then she scolds him for having initially presented a false opinion.  After Becky and Vicky take DJ upstairs to try to fix her hair, Jesse and Danny take Steve aside to school him about talking to women.  Even though it’s been presented to us without variation over the last 6 Seasons that Danny and Jesse know absolutely nothing about women, their advice, which is to compliment women all the time, even when they look crappy, isn’t really all that bad.  I mean, it’s not great advice or anything, it’s just not as bad as I expected it to be.  I figured that these two assholes women advice would be all about how to get them to let you put it in their butt, or how to get them to pay your rent or something.

Stephanie and Michelle complain to Joey about how crappy the Action Rigby is and he says that everyone gets ripped off sometimes, then he shows them a ventriloquist dummy he sent away for when he was a kid that didn’t even have a moving mouth.  If it’s so shitty then why does he still have it?  Just in case some ugly kids asked him about it 30 years later?

They decide to call the phone number in the catalog to register a complaint but all they get is a pre-recorded pep-talk about how the figure’s not so bad.  Denise comes over and says that she’s hella pissed about her tiny-ass Rigby figure, too, and then Joey gets all riled up and says that they’re gonna gather all of their friends who feel ripped off to see Rigby at the mall.  Then he huddles with the kids and starts telling them what the plan is as the commercial break music comes on, which makes no sense.  He’s like, “alright, here’s what we’re going to do.  We’re going to go to the mall…” and then the vocals fade out as he continues to explain the plan while the music sets in.  But that’s literally the whole plan, and he already said that they were going to do that.  What else was he supposed to be saying after the audio faded out?  I don’t know why but that kind of stuff always really bugs me.  One thing I hate even more is when they do that fake inaudible whispering on shows.  You know, like, “here’s what we’re gonna do.  First we’re gonna haspuss pss pss pss…”  That shit drives me nuts.

A bunch of kids with no rhythm writhe in their chairs as Rigby performs at the mall. There aren’t even that many kids there.  Anyway, Joey, Michelle and Denise lead their gang of dissatisfied kids and they all start protesting Rigby, who immediately stops his performance and asks them what the problem is.

The weirdest thing about this scenario is that it’s not like Rigby is a real guy.  I mean, even if there was one actor who always portrayed Rigby, it’s doubtful that he’d be the one who made these shitty mall appearances.  And even if he was, it’s not like he’d be responsible for the quality of his merchandise.  Anyway, Michelle tells Rigby that the Action Rigby is a worthless piece of shit and then she gets all of the kids to start chanting, “Rigby is a rip-off!” and the rest of the crowd joins in.  Rigby makes a dash for the exit and the angry mob tries to follow him but some d-list actor who’s doing an incredibly sad rendition of Barney Fife cuts them off.

As Becky and Vicky fix DJ’s hair, they try to school her about men in the same way that Danny and Jesse are schooling Steve about women.  According to them, men are all a bunch of shitty liars who always just tell you what you want to hear so you wont get mad at them.  To prove it, they decide to look shitty on purpose to see how the men react.

Becky comes downstairs in a nice outfit while wearing sneakers and Jesse totally blows smoke up her ass.  Vicky shows off some earrings with big dangly seashells on them and Danny, totally unable to realize the obvious set-up, says that he thinks they’re great.  Finally, DJ comes down with makeup smeared all over her face and Steve is unable to tell her that he likes it.  He breaks down and tells her that she looks like a whorish clown and DJ is thrilled by his honesty.

DJ explains that it was all a big set-up and everyone learns a valuable lesson about the differences between men and women.  Actually, I guess we learned that men and women are pretty much the same, because they’re both devious and full of shit.

Joey explains to Michelle and Denise that they did the right thing.  They feel discouraged even though they actually upended the public appearance of a beloved television star, which is a pretty remarkable thing to do.  The music comes on as Joey explains that it’s good to fight against wrongful institutions and they made a big difference by taking a stand.  That’s a surprisingly liberal message.  Actually, maybe it’s conservative propaganda.  Think about it:  back in the 60’s, America invaded Vietnam and the population gathered together in massive protests.  40 years later, the U.S. invaded Iraq and nobody did shit.  You know why?  Probably because of this stupid episode of Full House and its contrived message about taking a stand.  I’m willing to bet that this episode single-handedly ruined organized protest for an entire generation.

The doorbell rings and, since this show’s never willing to let anyone learn a lesson without being copiously rewarded afterwards, it’s Rigby the Rhino, making a personal appearance at the full house.  Everyone treats Rigby like he’s a real asshole but then he gives the girls each a plush Rigby doll and tells them that every single kid who ordered an Action Rigby will also receive one.  Apparently Rigby was so affected by Michelle’s protest that he was able to swiftly manufacture these plush dolls and decided to lose millions of dollars by sending them out to all the kids who bought his crappy action figure.

Then he thanks her for reminding him that making kids happy is what he’s all about.  Michelle asks him to dance for her before he leaves and he’s like, sure, kid, it’s not like I didn’t just make a personal appearance at your house after making an incredibly bad business decision just to accommodate you.  Why don’t I do a little dance for you, too?

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178 Responses to Season 7, Episode 9, “The Day of the Rhino”

  1. Angela says:

    If it’s so shitty then why does he still have it?

    Well, this IS Joey we’re talking about here. You’ve seen what all he keeps in his room on the show.

    I definitely remember this Rigby story, but I totally forgot about the other plot with the whole “men versus women” thing. Why does that storyline sound like something you’d read in one of those “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” type books or whatever?

    And I’m absolutely all for fighting back if/when possible when corporations and institutions and whatnot fuck you over-there are some things nobody should have to put up with. But I really do get a kick out of the idealistic world these people seem to live in where this stuff always works out so hunky dory (and this is coming from someone who’s often been accused of being too idealistic!).

    Also, fully agreed on the guy trying to do the whole Barney Fife thing.


  2. Cathy Santoni says:

    This one is so brilliant. I’m under the covers trying not to laugh so hard or I’ll wake up the boy next to me. But I couldn’t help it when I saw that DJ pic of her looking like a pale Snooki. Now the boy is up and reading this too. Yay!


  3. MirandaH says:

    I just recently discovered this blog and am I enjoying it. I was a huge fan of the show back when it was on and I was roughly the same age as Stephanie. But it’s just so obvious how terrible it was.

    I had a similar thing happen to me where I saved up box tops for something and it turned out to be a piece of junk. Did I protest Kelloggs because of that? No, no I did not.

    The security guard plays Barney on Raising Hope and somehow looks pretty much exactly the same, despite it being 20 years later.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Amanda says:

      I was going to comment about the mall cop being Barney from Raising Hope as well! On RH his character is some sort of volunteer police officer and he acts all Barney Fife-ish when he’s “on duty”. I don’t remember this episode of FH, but I’d imagine that he acts pretty much the same. It is pretty amazing that he still looks exactly the same!


    • Geonn says:

      Fun fact: Not only is that Barney from Raising Hope, Duckface is a recurring character on RH. He plays the creepy cop who is always trying to get up in Virginia’s bidness. Ah, Raising Hope. Now THERE’S a sitcom for ya. 😉


  4. Kimmy Gobbler says:

    There is so much win in this review that I don’t even know where to start. Billy, I feel like you out-do yourself every week. You should be rewarded with something. Like, a bucket of fried chicken or a plush Rigby doll or something.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bridget says:

      The reward could be a trip to Florida or all the junk food Billy can eat! I seem to remember the Brady Bunch camping episode when Greg called fried chicken sissy food and I guess Jesse’s a wuss.


      • Kimmy Gobbler says:

        Even better….he should be rewarded by a trip to Disney World where he can be princess for the day. Then Uncle Jesse can serenade him with a lovely piano rendition of “Forever.”


      • Angela says:

        Oh, god, I would want to find a way to go along on this trip just to see this happen.


  5. Karen says:

    Oh my God. I always HATED this episode. I think that I’m only three years older than the Olsen twins and I wondered the entire time why they were watching something for pre-schoolers.

    On the other hand, I was watching Full House which is for lobotomy patients so I guess that I don’t have room to talk.


    • Lisa says:

      Michelle is definitely too old to be watching that show. When I was in second grade kids in my class would make fun of Barney by singing, “I love you, you love me, let’s hang Barney from a tree.” Michelle would have been in second grade when this aired. Plot-line fail on behalf of the writers.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sarah Portland says:

        What they needed for this episode was a Power Rangers rip-off.


      • Lisa says:

        We have a Mighty Mutant Super Kids episode to look forward to later. haha


      • Angela says:

        Kids at my school sang that song, too. Such a jaded bunch, we children of the early ’90s :D.


      • Jen says:

        We used to sing “let’s beat up stupid Barney.”


      • Anisky says:

        Wow, either you guys were tame in second grade, or me and my school were really messed up. ‘Cause the versions I remember from that age:

        “I hate you, you hate me, / let’s get together and kill Barney! / With a 44 caliber I shot him in the head, / one more shot and he’ll be dead.”

        …Wow. Looking back on childhood stuff is WEIRD sometimes!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mary says:

        Granted, my friend and I were 10 when Barney was big, older than fugmo Michelle, but our version was as such: I hate you, you hate me, let’s shoot Barney happily, with a great big boom, and a fall to the floor…no more purple dinosaur!

        I find it awesome that we can all bond over our common playground shit-talking (shit-singing?) It’s no wonder that we’re now all bonding over trashing the shit out of Full House (which is a show we probably all loved back when we were trashing Barney.)


      • Molly says:

        Dude, you want fucked up, ours went “I love you, you love me, Barney gave me HIV.” Please keep in mind that I grew up in Greenwich Village, NYC, and was born right around the time AIDS was emerging. I’m still impressed by such an amazing lack of sensitivity on our parts. To be fair we were 9, but still.

        (Also…I did watch Barney. Guilty pleasure; also not much else on at the asscrack of dawn when you’re getting ready for school.)


      • JCC says:

        I think you win!


    • EverywhereYouLook says:

      Haha Karen, so true!


      • wowza says:

        My little pony, so skinny and boney. Stepped on a wire and caught on fire. Then she went to the circus, and farted on purpose. BOOM! That was the end of her.


  6. SHough610 says:

    Oh man, and even in that supposed happy ending there’s a nugget of awful. I remember Rigby describing those plush toys as made in Taiwan. Enjoy your sweatshop toys, kids!


    • Bridget says:

      Anyone watch “The Big C” on HBO? Cathy Jemison is dying of stage 4 skin cancer and she took her eccentric, genius, non-conformist brother Sean Tolky shopping for clothes and he criticized all the outfits for being ugly, having stupid labels, and being made by Chinese infants. In the movie “The Mosquito Coast,” Harrison Ford’s Allie Fox would not buy a thing from a DYI store because the stuff was made in Japan. River Phoenix was his son Charlie, there was another son named Jerry, and identical twins, Rebecca and Hilary Gordon were his twin daughters, April and Clover. These twins were in “The Great Outdoors” and I thought they were very cute with their red curls and freckles!


      • RachWho? says:

        I watch The Big C. I don’t know why. It’s a terrible show with wonderful actors who are working with brain-crushingly bad scripts.


      • Bridget says:

        I do like “The Big C” but it doesn’t make sense to have a character who is not long for this world and I wonder if Cathy will be like Kevin Spacey’s character from “American Beauty”? The one character I liked was Marlene on “The Big C” and her dog. Oliver Platt is not much to look at, but he grew on me as Cathy’s husband Paul.


  7. lovetolaugh says:

    The weirdest thing about this scenario is that it’s not like Rigby is a real guy. I mean, even if there was one actor who always portrayed Rigby, it’s doubtful that he’d be the one who made these shitty mall appearances. And even if he was, it’s not like he’d be responsible for the quality of his merchandise.

    THIS RIGHT HERE. Thank you! That is what always bothered me tremendously about this episode: why do they decide to harrass the poor guy who happens to dress up and make appearances as Rigby? That’s his job. He has nothing to do with the manufacturing of the Rigby action figure.

    I had a pretty intense Elmo obsession as a kid, so of course I owned one of those Tickle Me Elmo dolls (remember them?) that laughed and shook when it was tickled. Little did I know, it would respond that way to just about any type of stimulation, and the manic noise and movement woke me out of many deep slumbers. I was pretty annoyed. But I didn’t, like, travel to Disney World to berate the guy wearing the Elmo suit.

    There actually was a pretty good lesson somewhere in the episode, which is that manipulative advertising (especially toward impressionable young children) is rampant and should be taken with a grain of salt. That said, it went totally wrong when Michelle was rewarded with a nice Rigby stuffed animal and a personal visit from the rhino himself, instead of learning to accept disappointment and use it as a learning experience for the future.

    Way to once again give children unrealistic expectations about how the world works, Full House.

    On a final note, I feel pretty bad for Stephanie at this point in the series. It seems like they don’t know what to do with her so they just have her tag along for all of Michelle’s storylines. Seriously, she’s supposed to be around 12 at this point – would she really care that deeply that her 7-year-old sister was unhappy with a toy she received, so much so that she would actually join in on the protest? It’s wonderful to be a supportive sister, but it’s hard to believe that someone that age would be so invested in her little sister’s going-ons.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!


    • lovetolaugh says:

      * I meant Sesame Place, not Disney World. NOT the same thing, not even close.


    • Sally says:

      Well, Stephanie starts to get her own story line very soon so don’t feel too bad for her. But I actually think that Stephanie’s roll in the Full House is the only realistic depiction of family life in the entire scenario. She’s the quintessential middle child; too young to relate to DJ and too old to be hanging around with Michelle, therefore she starts hanging around with a bad crowd to assert her own identity. Of course, the sad part is, none of this was ever intentional in the actual writing….

      Liked by 1 person

    • katie says:

      I’ll never understand why they would order something that had to be mailed. Anything on tv that had to be ordered by calling a 800 number was automatically a rip off. Don’t you need a credit card too? How did Michelle and Denise even buy it? All that aside, rather than learning from her bad investment, she got her way again. And then she will buy a donkey.


    • Angela says:

      Great rant.

      And god, yes, I do remember Tickle-Me-Elmo. A little cousin of mine had one and she absolutely adored that thing. And I remember news stories about parents shoving each other around to get one of those things.


  8. Mike Brown says:

    For some reason, I seem to remember that Don Knotts made a guest appearance and played the security guard. I guess I am wrong – not sure why that sticks out in my mind. Anyway… great review!


  9. Michael says:

    Greg Binkley, who did the security guard in this episode, portrayed the security guard “Barney Fife, Jr.” on Rick Dees’ “Into the Night” talk show in the early ’90’s. He’s actually pretty funny now as the supermarket manager on “Raising Hope”.


  10. RachWho? says:

    This was always my least favorite episode of Full House growing up. The Rigby storyline was boring and ridiculous. Were people Michelle’s age really into Barney-type stuff? She seems too old.

    I seem to remember Danny’s response to Vicky’s shell earrings being that he could listen to the ocean as he nuzzled her ears. The fact that this is taking up space in my brain is a defensible reason for why I forget my mother’s birthday sometimes, right?


    • Bridget says:

      I did work with someone who forgot their mom’s b-day and she wasn’t thinking of FH so it can happen.


    • lovetolaugh says:

      Hahaha I remember that too Rachwho!

      I absolutely love how the men seem to think it’s merely a total coincidence (or, as I like to say, coinkidink) that Becky decided to wear sneakers with a dress outfit at the same moment that Vicky was modeling tacky seashell earrings that she had never worn before and DJ was experimenting with overly heavy makeup.

      Not too quick on the uptake, these men.


      • Bridget says:

        Ron Burgundy should have come in and said to DJ “Why don’t you go back to your home on whore island” or he could say, “You’re a smelly pirate hooker!”


      • Kimmy Gobbler says:

        Bridget, I think I am in love with you. You had me at the Anchorman reference.


      • Bridget says:

        Thank you. I really liked “Anchorman” and am looking forward to “Anchorman 2” and I hope it’s good! The anchorman fight was priceless and whenever I see someone in a bright blue suit I think, “You look like a blueberry!”


      • Casey says:

        I love this blog, but the comments are what truly makes it great! Thanks for this awesome thread, ladies! Hilarious!!

        “I’m going to punch you in the ovary. Right in the baby maker.”


      • lugnut says:

        Y’know what, I like Rebecca Becky Donaldson Katsopolis’s sneaker choice with that dress. It’s kinda hot for some reason.


      • LORIMAR-Telepictures says:

        I would definitely jack off in her Air Jordans so long as Uncle Jesse was upstairs fixing his hair


      • BC says:

        It’s reminiscent of Melanie Griffith in Working Girl. I kinda like it, too.


  11. Bridget says:

    Maybe the lesson of this episode should be that TV commercials and infomercials sell products that are hyped up so that the products are miraculous. Many of the products like the Perfect Meatloaf do work, but some are junk. I should know because we own the Perfect Meatloaf pan and it does work meatloaf wise. Joey should have told Michelle or someone with intelligence should have told her that commercials and infomercials are the 20th century equivalent of the snake oil sellers and that not one product can make a person special or more gorgeous than the average person!


  12. astrowaffle says:

    Now I want to crip my hair to see if my husband will lie and say it looks good. Cause you know, I want my life to be more like the full house


  13. Emily says:

    I’d like to know what the hell Stephanie is doing during this ridiculous storyline. Doesn’t she have anything better to do than to tag along with Joey and Michelle to go complain about an action figure? She needs to be out smoking pot with her bathroom friends.


    • Colleen says:

      Seriously. She’s in junior high now. Shouldn’t her plots be like after school specials and stuff? Isn’t she beyond the asinine Michelle and Joey plots?


    • Can'tThinkofaName says:

      She’s currently battling an addiction to crayon cigarettes, so she needs something to keep her occupied. Damn, I tell you…Crayola is a hell of a drug.


  14. Staplerhed says:

    I swear that the Rigby show set is the Ranger Joe set, reused and expecting us not to notice.


    • Ryan says:

      It definitely is. How unsurprising. The budget for this show must have tanked the last couple seasons or something.

      I’ve always hated this episode just because of how dumb it is. Michelle is supposed to be 7 or something and she’s watching a show that looks like it’s aimed at pre-schoolers? Just…ugh


    • katie says:

      I bet Rigby is the Rhino that Joey’s crazy co host wanted to catch in her Rhino hunt the day he was fired. So he is now part of that same crappy production company.

      Well not really, but I like to try to justify why everything on this show is so shitty.


  15. lovetolaugh says:

    I forgot to mention something in my last comment – I actually enjoy the idea behind the men vs. women subplot in this episode. Real-life men often to struggle with how forthcoming and honest they should be with women about their appearance, as it is often a touchy subject.

    That said, this show once again avoids the most practical measure: middle-ground. Steve is celebrated in the end for being honest with DJ, and what he says to her is basically that her face looks like a parrot exploded and what the hell is she doing with all that goop on her face. Danny and Jesse stumble through bold-faced lies to their respective girlfriends.

    So, what that says is basically that men have two options: to be dishonest and coddle their girlfriends lest they drown in their own tears, or to be brutally, tactlessly honest.

    Why can’t men delicately tell women what their thoughts are, while expressing that how they choose to present themselves is ultimately up to the women? Is that not an option in the Full House universe?

    If I were DJ, what I would have hoped to hear from Steve (in the context of this patently contrived setup) goes something like: “The amount of makeup you wear is your choice, but you’re naturally gorgeous and I wish you would embrace that. It looks like a bit too much to me.”

    Steve just stammers until he ultimately loses it and insults her makeup in a rude way.

    Why does Full House present every scenario as all-or-nothing?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ryan says:

      “Why does Full House present every scenario as all-or-nothing?”

      Obviously because that is how the world works. /sarcasm


    • Colleen says:

      This is actually a good point, and I feel like this kind of thing plays into the whole stereotype of women getting angry because their husband/boyfriend is honest. I’m sure if woman asks you if her pants make her butt look big (I’ll go with the most stereotypical question used in sitcoms and the such), there’s a big difference between saying “Yeah, they don’t flatter you” and saying, “Damn your butt looks big!” I get that for the purposes of entertainment they have to use the latter (or a convoluted lie), but it’s really not that hard to tell the truth without being insulting and going overboard.


      • Propanehead says:

        It’s all-or-nothing because moderation doesn’t exist, apparently!

        At least for them, it doesn’t.


      • Your butt makes the pants look big.



      • Angela says:

        Exactly. Women ARE perfectly capable of taking legit criticism without breaking down in hysterics.

        And men who make a living out of saying what they think women want to hear often wind up turning out really skeevy anyway.


  16. Teebore says:

    they didn’t even bother introducing us to this love interest before never mentioning her again

    At least they’re getting smarter about this stuff…

    She also seems to have thought that it would have the capability to act on its own accord

    The first lesson is an important one to learn. This one is just born of stupidity.

    some d-list actor who’s doing an incredibly sad rendition of Barney Fife cuts them of

    He looks familiar. Also, the woman over his shoulder in the background looks like Michael Cera in a wig.

    Becky comes downstairs in a nice outfit while wearing sneakers

    I don’t know what the problem is – she looks smoking hot to me.

    it’s Rigby the Rhino, making a personal appearance at the full house.

    Putting aside all the other logical problems with that, how the heck did he even know where to go?

    Michelle asks him to dance for her before he leaves

    Wow, she is literally forcing other people to dance for her amusement.


    • lovetolaugh says:

      “Putting aside all the other logical problems with that, how the heck did he even know where to go?”

      Michelle actually does give her address upon introducing hereself to Rigby at the mall, for no apparent reason. (And she gives the same address that has been mentioned a couple of times before throughout the series…continuity!)

      The address was mentioned pretty quickly and casually, though, so it is impressive that Rigby was able to remember it hours later without having written it down.


    • Well, obviously, along with his TV show, mall appearance and merchandise manufacturing duties, Rigby also personally mails out all the figures, so he knows where every single one of the kids lives.


    • Megan says:

      Wow, it really does look like Michael Cera!


    • Grant Spatchcock says:

      Maybe if Rigby is produced at the same station Danny works for (just assuming due to the previous mention of the set looking just like the Ranger Joe set), he was able to finagle Danny’s address from payroll or something? Perhaps Betty-Sue in accounts has a thing for creatures with large pointed horns?


  17. Michelle's acting coach says:

    This episode would make much more sense if it had been written three seasons earlier. And if Vicky’s earrings are so bad, why are they in the full house? It would stand to reason they belong to either Becky or D.J. And how is Danny supposed to know that Vicky doesn’t like to wear tacky earrings. As we know every character gets three traits and so far she doesn’t have any. Maybe tacky accessories is her fried chicken.


    • RachWho? says:

      Vicky has another personality trait! She makes “gourmet” food like pizza with goat cheese. She’s two-dimensional!! Oh, and she doesn’t like turkey in a boot. Is that a separate character trait or is that just an offshoot of “Vicky is a food snob”?


      • Sarah Portland says:

        I’m not sure having good taste in food is a personality trait, so much as it is the start of a check-list entitled “Reasons To Stay The Eff Away From The Full House”


      • RachWho? says:

        If always eating fried chicken is a personality trait then cooking fancy food also is.

        Of course, the reality is the Full House residents collectively have less personality than a potato. A peeled, white potato.


      • Casey says:

        You pose a great question, Rach. I’m going to have to say, unfortunately, liking “gourmet” food and disliking turkey in the boot are too similar to be two different personality traits. That’s one trait down, Vick, only two more to go!


  18. Kamdan says:

    You know what’s really sad about the “d-list actor who’s doing an incredibly sad rendition of Barney Fife cuts them off?” He actually played Don Knotts in a TV movie about the making of Three’s Company and they made no attempt at making him look older than his 20-year-old appearance.


  19. Colleen says:

    I remember this episode. It was a piece of shit. I don’t remember what the commercial for the action figure said, but I’m pretty sure if I sent away for something when I was a kid and it wasn’t what I thought it would be, I would be told to suck it up and not believe everything you see on TV (which, imo, is a much more valuable life lesson). But, being that this is the full house and it is Michelle we’re talking about, she obviously has to get her way at all times, so protesting a poor struggling actor who is killing himself inside a giant, sweltering costume it is!


    • Propanehead says:

      I seriously couldn’t have said it better myself!


      • RG says:

        Agreed. This was easily one of the worst episodes ever. Isn’t Michelle a little too young to be watching shows like that? It’s like the writers were out of ideas at this point, and/or were so desperate to revolve an episode around Michelle. I also agree about Stephanie being part of this ridiculous storyline. Why the hell would she care if her sister got ripped off with some stupid action figure? And that “hoodie dress” that she’s wearing, makes me so embarrassed for her.


  20. Propanehead says:

    I totally HATED that Don Knotts-wannabe! He drove me bonkers. Also, your

    point-of-views with DJ and Becky trying to test the guys were so spot-on!

    In all seriousness though, thanks for this post because I’ve had a really tough week,

    and my depression has been getting worse, so thanks so much, Billy.




    • lovetolaugh says:


      Although I dont know exactly what you are feeling or going through, please know that I am sending you my best wishes and truly hope that things turn around for you.

      I admire your openness about the difficult time you are going through. It’s good to hear that you are getting laughs from this blog.

      One of my favorite sayings is, we are not here to see through each other, but to see each other through. Wishing you all the best.


      • Awwwww.

        I like your expression.

        Build people up, don’t tear them down.

        One of my favorite things about this blog is all the positive comments. When so many commenters on other blogs just flame each other all day, I’ve always really appreciated that (the vast majority of the time) other commenters don’t rip each other. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it.


      • RachWho? says:

        I couldn’t agree more. In my years of reading humor and entertainment-related blogs, I have never seen a group of such nice, intelligent commenters. I can’t remember the last time I saw a hurtful or trolling post here at all.

        And I too am sorry to hear you’ve been dealing with depression, Propanehead. I always enjoy your comments and, like so many other frequent posters I could name, look for what you have to say. Just like Billy cheered up a rough week for you, your comments do that for plenty of us. Take care.


      • Sarah Portland says:

        That’s true. The people on this blog are unusually kind to each other, as far as commenters go. Surprisingly, it seems we have all banded together to hate on FH, so there is nothing left over for us to hate on each other with, which is awesome. Be well, Propanehead. Be well and return each Friday to laugh with us 🙂


      • Angela says:

        Well said.

        I’m sorry things have been rough for you, Propanehead. I’m glad this place is a bright spot in your day, and I’m sending along good wishes and thoughts and hopes that things get better for you as soon as possible.


    • DawnieP says:

      Take care Propanehead. I wish you all the best.


      • Casey says:

        Wishing you the best, Propanehead. I’m glad you’ve found a bright spot during your dark days. Hopefully this pass soon for you.

        (Also agree that the commentators are super nice on this site)


      • Bridget says:

        Propanehead, it may sound silly and simplistic, but everyone goes through bad times and those don’t last forever and then the good times come when you least expect them to. I remember listening to that Byrds song “Turn, Turn, Turn” and they quoted Ecclesiastes in the song, “There is a season, a time to mourn, a time to dance.”. Just keep that in mind and I know from my own experience how tough that can be and good luck!


    • LORIMAR-Telepictures says:

      Hang in there Propanehead…It’s hell but you hang in there…Depression will pass…


  21. Lisa says:

    “Think about it: back in the 60′s, America invaded Vietnam and the population gathered together in massive protests. 40 years later, the U.S. invaded Iraq and nobody did shit.”

    Since you brought up politics I just have to chime in that I was reading one of Michael Moore’s books a couple days ago and after his speech at the Oscars where he said the war was started for fictitious reasons, not only did he get an obscene amount of death threats and people swearing at him out in public for no reason but people actually tried to stab him with pencils and throw hot coffee on him. He needed to hire former Navy Seals as body guards. For that reason alone, I would say protesting the war isn’t a very good idea in this day and age.


    • Ryan says:

      SEALs, not seals. It’s an acronym.

      Sorry, one of my pet peeves.


    • Bridget says:

      Lisa, I seem to remember different churches protesting the war their own way at the funerals of soldiers. All they did was make the families of those soldiers feel terrible and that is not very Christian! I mean, St. George is the patron saint of soldiers and all that!


      • Becki says:

        It was only one church and the church is Westboro Baptist. It is a famous church because they are known for their hatred of gays,amount other things. They pretty much hate anything. I went to Westboro baptist websites and it is crazy the things that think and believe.


      • Bridget says:

        That’s terrible! JC always said to love one another and accept a person for who and what they are! Those baptists from that church should have sent condolences to the parents of the soldiers who died and not pour salt into the wound!


      • Angela says:

        I fully agree with you. Unfortunately, apparently that group missed that memo.

        Yeah, the Westboro Baptist people suck. They’re just a hateful, spiteful, nasty bunch.


      • DawnieP says:

        Yeah, they go to funerals and say things like “Thank God your kid is dead! Thank God for dead soldiers because of homosexuality” They are really a bunch of hateful people who have no concept of Christianity.


      • ravensilverlight says:

        I just discovered this blog three days ago and was totally going to wait and get caught up before commenting at all. But I have to chime in here, and hope that it gives everyone the warm, fuzzy feelings that the show doesn’t, to know that the WBC, besides being total asshole Parthenons, are enormous cowards also. They showed up in town when my friend was KIA, and got treated with such a warm welcome, they somehow never made it to the funeral. Perhaps it was the hotels who refused to rent them rooms, the motorcycle groups who offered to embrace them with all their strength, or the thousands of firefighters who were ready to flush them like hydrants…I’m not sure. Whatever the reason, the big pansies ran away faster than formerly sane Rebecca Donaldson should have, when she had the chance.


  22. Bri says:

    So, Steve is the most reasonable, decent person in the entire show (though DJ is okay, too)… Joey proves how unbelievably stupid he is (what adult thinks that protesting a company’s decision by showing up where some pee-on who makes minimum wage in a plastic rhino suit is actually a good idea?)… and Stephanie is such a useless character that they have to write her into other characters’ plots to make her somehow relevant. Oh, and Becky is repeatedly stupid enough to stay with Jesse after he yet again shows what a dickhead he is.

    God, this show really *did* get worse and worse over time…


  23. Sarah Portland says:

    I’m becoming more and more intrigued by this guy who played the Barney Fife-like security guard… this guy has actually built a career off of impersonating another actor over and over again? I mean, that’s an okay jumping-off point, I guess, but wouldn’t you try to make a break at some point. This guy is still doing this 20 years later. *smh*
    Really, Joey? Michelle orders a POS that doesn’t do what she wants, so you stage a protest? With a guy in a suit who actually should not be the guy on tv, and is most likely a teen making minimum wage to pose for pictures with preschoolers? Something similar happened in Calvin and Hobbes, where Calvin orders a propeller beanie that he hopes will allow him to fly when turned on. Several things were learned over the course of that many-page strip: 1) Calvin had to eat the cereal himself to earn the proof of purchase seals; 2) he had to wait 6 weeks for shipment; 3) he snapped a piece of the crappy plastic motor when it arrived, and his dad had to fix it for him while he calmed down; 4) it didn’t make him fly when he turned it on, and he realized what a piece of junk it was. In the end, he decided that it was still kind of cool, and that he was going to enjoy the thing that he earned. Now, we all know what a little shit Calvin was, but even HE is less of a spoiled brat than Michelle Tanner.


    • OMG – I remember that Calvin and Hobbs story line (which had more continuity than this show ever has) – he was also waiting and waiting for it to arrive (these send away things say like 6 – 8 weeks for delivery – such a long time for a kid!).

      At the same time, I had ordered a metal detector from a catalog, and was waiting and waiting for is arrival. It finally came and, like Calvin, I was sorely disappointing when I did not uncover any buried treasure, much less have it be very successful at “detecting” any metal.


    • magellan333 says:

      That was a great Calvin and Hobbes storyline. Calvin complains that the beanie will take so long to arrive, that by the time it does he will be too old to enjoy it. Hobbes assures him that his beanie will be the talk of the rest home.


    • JCC says:

      I wonder if he ever talks to himself as Don Knotts or one of his characters. Like even when he’s Knott preparing to play Don Knotts or some hideous simulacrum of Don Knotts in something.


  24. I can kind of understand Michelle’s disappointment – the figure is small, and it seems to have no moving parts, despite being named “Action Rigby”, but I don’t see how the plush toy is much better. Sure, it’s bigger, but it’s no more action oriented than it’s tiny plastic counter part.

    I found some irony in Joey’s plans to attend Phantom of the Opera – he’s kind of the Phantom of the Full House – he lurks in the basement, and nobody can stand to look at him. Only difference is that the Opera’s Phantom had talent…

    Finally, there is no way to win if a girl asks you for your opinion on her appearance, attire, accessories, or any combination there of. It is always a loaded question. Example – HS girlfriend made a pretty drastic change to her hair. She came over afterward and was all upset. She cried and wailed “It looks awful!!” Trying to console her, I said, “it doesn’t look that bad”. “THAT BAD?!” she wailed and cried harder. I said, “no, I meant it doesn’t look as bad as you think it does. You are the one that said it looks bad!”
    See? It was a trap. No way to win. It really didn’t look that bad. Oops, I did it again!


  25. Melanie says:

    I love that this is universally considered one of the worst episodes of all time. (Which is really saying something special.) I, too, remember HATING it,and I would have been Michelle’s age when it first aired..


  26. Lisa says:

    “I don’t know why but that kind of stuff always really bugs me. One thing I hate even more is when they do that fake inaudible whispering on shows. You know, like, “here’s what we’re gonna do. First we’re gonna haspuss pss pss pss…” That shit drives me nuts.”


    Some more television pet peeves: I hate when TV characters talk on the phone and repeat the entire other side of the conversation. (Example: “Yes, mom, I know that Bobby missed school today.” ” Yes, I know that he’s going to get in trouble.”) Okay, I realize that the viewer needs to know what’s happening on the other end of the line but still, this bugs me to no end. It’s just a completely unrealistic way of talking to someone.

    Another one: When the characters come home from an event and only when they get home do they start talking about it. Like, what the hell were they doing on the car ride back?? Sitting in complete silence??


    • Christian says:

      Ugh, I hate the phone one too.

      American Dad! once brilliantly addressed the weird way people talk to each other on the phone when Stan and Francine bother called their siblings:

      Francine: Tonight was so embarrassing. I didn’t know what to do, sis. What? I’ve never called you “sis” before? You’re right. It is oddly clunky and expositional. I mean, I know you’re my sister, so who am I saying it for? Weird. So what’s going on with you, sis? Are you enjoying being three years younger than me?


    • magellan333 says:

      The coming home plot device has always irritated me to no end. That is one reason that The Simpsons is such an awesome show. Animation allows the event to actually play out and not just be talked about on the primary set.


      • Bridget says:

        I liked the scene on “The Simpsons” when Homer got out of the shower with a towel around his waist to get the phone. He said, “You’ll have to speak up. I’m wearing a towel.”. Not to mention Bart’s prank calls to Moe of course!


    • Sarah Portland says:

      Blargh, I hate both of these scenarios as well. If you go somewhere and return home, can’t you just recap for someone at home who wasn’t with you?
      The thing with the phone annoys me so much that anytime I have to write a scene where a person uses the phone, I only give their side of the convo and then, after hanging up, they’ll tell whoever else in the room about it. It seems far more realistic that way.
      “Uh-huh… wow, that sucks… okay, that’s fine… yeah, I’ll see you then, bye.”
      “Who was that?”
      “Mom. Billy flunked his math final, and she can’t figure out what the consequence should be, but she has to sign his test and return it to the teacher next week. Oh, and she’s thinking of making meatloaf for dinner.”
      “Gross. Wish you’d handed me the phone. I hate meatloaf.”


    • Stacy says:

      My TV phone pet peeve is how it seems NO ONE ever says “good bye” to end a phone conversation. Once the “meat” of the conversation is said, both parties automatically hang up. Drives me up the damn wall. I don’t know of ANYONE in real life who doesn’t end a phone call with “talk to you later”, “good bye”, or “I’ve got to go” or something.

      Also, this annoys me to a lesser degree but often the person answering the phone doesn’t even say hello or give some sort of indication that a human is on the line before the caller starts talking. Again, no one I know ever calls someone and immediately starts talking about the ringing stops. They at least let the person who answered say something first.


      • Casey says:

        Oh, all of those bug me too! Especially when characters don’t say “bye” to end a phone call. They just hang up. It’s like “That was rude!” (or since I’m on the FH blog, “How rude!”)
        Another annoying one is when a character announces where they are. For example, “Here we are, at the county fair.” It’s such lazy writing.
        I’m going to botch this, but there’s an episode of the Simpsons where the family pulls up somewhere in the car and Marge says “Here, we are, at the movies (or wherever it was)” and everyone awkwardly looks at her. She says “What? I just thought I should announce it.” One of the other characters replies “How strange..”


      • Bridget says:

        What about Jesse saying, “Talk to me” instead of hello? I would never say what Jesse does because my mom would kill me!


      • Lisa says:

        Definitely agree with the not saying bye at the end of a phone conversation. Another one I have is that when people hang up the phone (or get hung up on), there’s always the dial tone noise. But that’s not accurate at all — if you hang up on someone, you’d only hear silence. a dial tone only sounds when both parties are off of the line. So annoying.


      • Sarah Portland says:

        My roommate has a friend who never says goodbye at the end of a phone conversation. I swear she finished her convo the other night, hung up her phone, and then shook it in frustration. My asshole ex refused to say hello when he would call, and I’d pick up the phone. There would be this long pause, and then he would lazily begin the conversation as though I was sitting next to him on the couch and we were watching television or something. I guess he figured he was too cool to say hello 😛


  27. Christian says:

    Good lord, this show started out as hokey and then slowly drifted into outright logic-defying surrealism as the years went by. Joey’s response to Michelle’s shitty toy is to launch a protest? This family really needs to learn how to pick their battles. And Rigby’s response to Michelle’s mini-protest is to somehow find out where the little brat lives and hand deliver free toys to her…because this kind of shit happens in real life all the time? I wonder how many kids watched shows like this and had their views of reality warped enough to believe that if they raise a stink they’ll be given instant gratification by a soulless corporation that only cares about money.

    I’m actually surprised that this show displayed restraint by not having a news crew magically show up at the mall and cover Michelle’s protest and then have Joey act all awkward in front of the camera while Michelle says really stupid one-liners.


    • Sarah Portland says:

      I think you just wrote the outline for a FHR fanfic, Christian. Congratulations. You have now put more effort into that one sentence than the writers of this crappy show put into this whole episode.


  28. Valerie says:

    Californians (and maybe others) will recognize the mall cap as Dan the Del Taco guy. He did a crapload of commercials for Del Taco in the early 2000s.


  29. BGA says:

    Is it just me or does the material used to make that rhino suit make it look more like some kind of gimp suit for someone with a very specific fetish?


  30. Ella Stern says:

    “D-list actor”! I love it. Personally, if he’d been in a drama class that I was teaching, I would send him out at every possible opportunity and just fail him. Is there such a thing as an F-list actor…?


  31. Jane says:

    It seems a little wrong that the show would condone materialism in children. Protesting over merchandise? Surely there are more important things?


  32. Ruby says:

    It was odd that Stephanie was palling around with Michelle and Denise. Maybe Derek wasn’t available and they needed somebody to fill in. Technically, it’s more bizarre that Joey is instigating the antics of these 2nd-graders. Of course they need an adult to drive them to the store, but there would have been no thought of “protesting” except for Joey put the idea in their vacuous little brains.

    Still on the topic of Joey, he seems to have grown more energetic as the series moves forward. He used to be kind of lethargic and now he’s staging coups at the mall with a group of entitled 8-year-olds. What gives?


  33. Ashley says:

    “Actually, I guess we learned that men and women are pretty much the same, because they’re both devious and full of shit.”

    This line killed me. Brilliant review.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. FHRFan says:

    Yes, yes, YES! I was hoping you’d point out the idiot trying to be Don Knotts.


  35. magellan333 says:

    I thought DJs makeup was kind of hot. Made her look like an easy truck stop waitress or a stripper with all the right moves. I bet Steve thought so too and was actually taking the bad advice and lying to her to say he didn’t like it. It just worked to his benefit so he kept quiet.


  36. Anna says:

    I was watching earlier episodes, there are quite a few episodes where Jesse’s parents/Danny’s in laws come to visit. How come they never come to visit Nicky and Alex?


  37. Bridget says:

    Maybe the girlie hair on Nicky and Alex was a turnoff for Nick and Irene. It seems strange that a grandfather who was lamenting having granddaughters over grandsons would not visit his grandsons. Nick mentioned being the only one without grandsons during the Xmas episode.


  38. Ben says:

    The sad part: this is the first Full House contribution by Adam I. Ladipus, who wrote the Simpsons episode where Bart and Lisa put Grampa’s name on their Itchy & Scratchy scripts.


    • lugnut says:

      I know it’s been brought up a lot that some of these episodes are written by people who should seemingly have known better, but in their defense, often the credited writer of any given TV episode (Simpsons included and perhaps especially so) is only the writer in the sense that they’re the one tasked to assemble a script based on what’s been pitched in the writer’s room. It’s entirely possible Lapidus didn’t “really” write this episode, but was just assigned to put together someone else’s story pitch into a cohesive sum.


  39. Jimmy Goblet says:

    Sometimes I still randomly think of the bodyguard saying,”I’d take a bullet for that rhino,” and I have no clue why that’s stuck with me for so long.


    • EverywhereYouLook says:

      Haha, that’s hilarious. I know what it’s like to have full house lines pop into your head at random moments!


  40. Stephen says:

    I actually like DJ’s whorish makeup. Yes I’m weird, right? And I can’t get that stupid god awful Rigby “arooh” dance/rap out of my head.


  41. Chuck says:

    Surprised no one commented on Stephanie’s God-awful dress…was the first thing my wife noticed when this ep ran on Nick @ Nite a coupla months ago.

    As for the Barney Fife impression the mall cop was going for, the actor in question (Gregg Binkley) once had a job as a Don Knotts celebrity voice impersonator, so no surprise there…in fact, just a coupla years before this ep, he was a regular on Rick Dees’ short-lived late night talk show (Into the Night), as security guard/talent coordinator “Barney Fife Jr”.


    • Bridget says:

      I agree that the Tanner girls dressed like the Duggar girls circa 2004 and earlier. The dresses Michelle and Stephanie wear go past their knees and Michelle’s dresses have big collars and she wears jumpers as well. I also remember DJ’s long brown jumper in the earlier seasons and her denim dress she wore to school. At least the Duggar girls took the hint and now they dress in a conservative/fashionable way the Tanner girls never mastered!


  42. MarkNS says:

    It’s only been a couple of weeks since I discovered this blog through someone’s Facebook post but, holy shit, I’ve managed to work through the archives and reach the present day. It’s kinda sobering…is my job that boring?
    I had to sit through all these with my two FH addicted daughters in the 90’s and I thought all the same thoughts you do. I’m a little ashamed I didn’t quite realize how totally shitty the moral lessons of this show were at the time.
    Great writing.


  43. Cool beans says:

    You guys are all saying this was my least favorite episode. But really, it’s not as bad as those really corny tacky episodes where it’s like valentines day. This is a bad episode but, the good thing is the WHOLE storyline isn’t based on Michelle. Just most of it. Also, am I the only one that thinks that they came up with the boys verses girls because they couldn’t find anything else to do with those characters?


  44. Bridget says:

    I don’t think I’m alone here, but I think “The Day of the Rhino” sounds like a B horror movie along with “Dawn of the Dead” and “Night of the Lepus.”. The Lepus movie came out in the early 1970s and is about killer large rabbits. I confused the title for wolves because lupus translated means the wolf and it is also a disease with the organs attacking the victim. Imagine a re-imaging with a pissed off rhino attacking all the FH denizens!


  45. Megan says:

    wow Dj looked creepy with all that make up on . she’s already beautiful and that’s what Steve thinks . she has her own natural beauty. i like her cute bob haircut in the eighth season . i loved her hair when it was that short . my hair was once like that. the short hair is the best look on her.


  46. catwalkspy says:

    Minor detail BUT crimping hair in the way DJ’s was done takes an excruciatingly long amount of time. You can’t tell me she sat there for hours and watched her hair get fugged up without saying anything. Ridiculous. That is all.

    Liked by 1 person

  47. Mandaliet says:

    Random opinionated history lesson: Most Americans were fine with the Vietnam War when it started, and it wasn’t until the war dragged on for a few years that the protests became powerful. However, even before the invasion of Iraq, millions of people took to the streets in protest. The difference now is that the media ignores most protesting. The only protests they’ve paid much attention to lately is Occupy Wall Street etc., but Occupy groups required such massive participation that they couldn’t really be coherent. That’s not to say they didn’t accomplish anything, but protest is not anywhere near as powerful as it was in the 70s.


  48. leslie says:

    oh my gosh I love full house I watch it every day


  49. Liren says:

    Someone may have mentioned this in previous comments already… But speaking of Full House’s apparently shitty budget, has anyone else ever noticed that the Rigby song is the same background music as that horrendous rap/genie/Aladdin-themed Jess-Man song that made our collective ears bleed last season? So yeah, either the Jess-Man was sweeping the nation and Rigby wanted to capitalize on it, or the Full House crew was a bunch of cheapskates. That is all 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  50. Competent Decepticon says:

    Wow, I remember this episode in more detail than all the previous ones combined. That being said, I would have sworn the Rigby the Rhino episode and the women teach men a ‘lesson’ about honesty about appearances episode were distinct entities.

    I’m with Jimmy Goblet: the part I remember most was the body guard saying “I’d take a bullet for that Rhino” and everyone nodding along as if that were a reasonable course of action since fake-Barney was being so generous and good.

    I only recently discovered this blog and have been laughing my ass off as I devour the archives like Jesse eating fried chicken.


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