Season 7, Episode 15, “The Test”

Pre-Credits Gag:  Michelle and the twins steal Joey’s brownies.

Joey scolds Jesse for reusing a stamp because all of a sudden he has principles about not being a big worthless sponge.  Joey tries to get DJ to back him up as he scolds Jesse but she says that she doesn’t have time for their stupid bullshit because she has to study for the SATs.  She heads upstairs with Kimmie Gibbler but not before saying that if she doesn’t do well on the test she wont get into Stanford, which prompts Jesse to make a wise-ass remark about Kimmie Gibbler going to clown college.  After the girls go upstairs, Joey claims that the potato he’s peeling looks like Joe Pesci, which leads to a lengthy, unpleasant impression.  Hey, what the hell ever happened to Joe Pesci, anyway?  Maybe he went into hiding after being mentioned on Full House.

DJ tries to study in her room while Kimmie Gibbler just dicks around watching Wheel of Fortune.  Michelle comes in and starts blowing a whistle at everyone because she’s taken it upon herself to label all of the safety violations in the house, which seems to be just another excuse to be invasive and overbearing.  She scolds Kimmie Gibbler for leaving her jacket on a lamp, which does seem like a pretty ridiculous thing to do.  Still, I don’t know if barging into peoples rooms while blowing a whistle and shouting “safety violation” is a very effective means towards getting them to change their behavior.

Becky and Danny have a disagreement about an upcoming feature on Wake Up, San Francisco, which is about the ten millionth time that it’s been painfully apparent that the show is in desperate need of a producer.  I think it’s pretty safe to say that most morning show hosts don’t have to curate their own shows content, plus I can’t help but remember all the times that Danny was flailing around aimlessly on the air.  Maybe if they just hired one competent person to work things out behind the scenes, Wake Up, San Francisco wouldn’t be such a train wreck all the damn time.  Anyway, DJ comes downstairs and Danny asks her to settle the dispute in an attempt to fill the void that should be occupied by a competent professional, but DJ reminds him that she doesn’t have time for everyone’s self-absorbed nonsense because she has to study for her test.  Just that moment, Stephanie enters the room and tells everyone that she has something really important to share.  After she prevents DJ from leaving to go study, Stephanie divulges that her teacher told her that she has a natural gift for learning languages.  I’d be pretty pissed off at this point if I was DJ.  She’s really trying to be clear to everyone that she has something really important that she has to take care of and then her stupid sister is wasting her time by forcing her to hear about some arbitrary compliment her teacher gave her.  It almost seems like studying for the SATs is inadvertently teaching DJ a much deeper, more valuable lesson, which is that her whole family are a bunch of selfish pieces of shit.

The uncles walk into the room and say that dinner is ready but DJ says that she’s too nervous to eat and then excuses herself to go make some tea.  While she’s in the other room everyone bands together to further their meddling and Danny declares that they should downplay the importance of the SATs to put DJ’s mind at ease.

Joey tries to coerce DJ into eating the meatloaf and potatoes he made and I couldn’t help but notice that he’s not wearing any oven mitts while he holds it.  Are they eating cold meat and potatoes for dinner?  I also think it’s pretty ridiculous to suggest that such a miniscule tray of food could feed that enormous family.  The lack of attention to detail here is staggering.

Everyone tries unsuccessfully to convince DJ that the SATs are “just a test” and then Steve comes over with some classical music cd’s to help her study with.  The doorbell rings, which DJ insists on answering for some reason even though she’s the only person that’s busy.

A neighbor lady appear at the door who’s hella mad because she thinks that Comet’s been barking a lot and bothering the neighborhood and DJ tells her to fuck off.  I’d attribute this blameless reaction to the general entitlement that takes place in the full house rather than a testament to Comet’s good behavior.

The next scene opens with DJ sleeping in her room until Michelle wakes her up by blowing a whistle in her face.  She tells her that it’s already morning and DJ is startled to discover that she’s slept in and will be late for her test.

DJ rushes into the SAT room and discovers that it’s being run by the neighbor that she was shitty to.  The neighbor refuses to inform DJ of the changes that have been made to the test, which were announced before her untimely arrival, and then DJ sits down at her desk and notices that she’s still wearing her bunny slippers.  She then discovers that she’s forgotten her calculator but then Joey runs in the room and brings her a gigantic, old-timey adding machine.  It’s around this point that it becomes obvious that (*SPOILER ALERT*) this is all just a dream sequence.  Joey whips out the Joe Pesci potato from the night before and shows it to the teacher, which doesn’t make sense because DJ actually wasn’t in the room when the Joe-Pesci-potato schtick occurred and therefore wouldn’t have it present in her subconscious mind.

After Joey leaves, Jesse barges into the room and insists on giving DJ a breakfast burrito.  If it weren’t for absurd details like DJ being in her pajamas and the giant adding machine, this wouldn’t really seem like a dream sequence at all because the uncles storming into the room and disrupting everything like that is completely in line with their regular behavior.  On his way out, Jesse grabs a pamphlet labelled “SAT Test Answers” and then begins feeding them to DJ via a walkie talkie that he stashed in the breakfast burrito.

Earlier in the series they used to implement a lot of pointless dream sequences to pad out episodes but this one seems a little more deliberate.  Actually, maybe it’s fair to say that since almost this entire episode is a dream sequence, it’s being used to pad out the Season.  As DJ takes the SATs, all of the elements that appeared earlier in the episode return in some form to tamper with her experience.  Stephanie barges in to do a horrible job at helping her with the Latin section and then Becky and Danny come in to film her taking the test for their show.  Finally, when it’s time to grade the completed tests, Vanna White shows up to grade them and spell out where the test-takers will be able to go to college.

Kimmie Gibbler gets a perfect score, which will land her a spot at Stanford.  The entire Tanner family all gather together to see what DJ’s score is and it turns out that she got every answer wrong, which means that she has to go to Clown University.  DJ if forced to wear a humiliating clown nose while her family all tell her what a shameful disappointment she is and then Steve and Kimmie Gibbler start making out.

Danny wakes DJ up and tells her that it’s time to go take her test but she tells him that she had a fucked up dream and is too upset to take it.  The music comes on as Danny explains that she has to take the test because it’s hella important but then she calls him out on downplaying the importance of it the night before.  This is one of those times when the music brings us a sort of convoluted, meandering emotional resolve rather than a heavy-handed moral, as I’m not really sure what we’re supposed to learn from Danny’s explanation.  Something about believing in yourself, or to suck it up, or something?  I don’t know.  But they hug and the audience goes, “aww,” which is enough to convince DJ that she’s ready to take the test.

DJ goes in to take the test and the woman who runs it is played by Vanna White, presumably because she was already in the studio.  The credits come on as DJ begins to take the test and I bet you ten million dollars that we never hear about how she did.



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155 Responses to Season 7, Episode 15, “The Test”

  1. Richard says:

    We find out on the last episode I believe that she didn’t get into Stanford, but she did get in to UC Berkley. So I guess she did pretty well.


  2. RoxyHelen says:

    Oh God, season 7 is the one with the annoying as hell season finale!! I can’t wait for the review! I don’t comment often but I do read every week. Way to go Billy!


    • Michelle's acting coach says:

      That’s a trait that exists in more than just season 7.


    • Laura says:

      I’m the same as you (I don’t always comment but I read this every week) and I’m really looking forward to the season 7 finale. That episode. the episode 2 weeks from now, and the Season 8 Christmas one are the ones I’m most looking forward to.


      • RG says:

        I’m also looking forward to the one coming in 2 weeks. I’ve been waiting for THAT review for months now. XD As for this episode, I kind of like it actually. I know it’s a pretty ridiculous episode, but when most of this episode is a dream sequence, complete and utter idiocy is pretty much expected.

        And I also dislike the season finale of this season. Just when Jesse and Becky are ready to move out, they end up staying because Michelle doesn’t want anyone to move out. On the other hand, that would’ve made a better series finale than the stupid ass “Michelle falls off a horse” storyline. I mean, Step by Step ended their show with the “kid doesn’t want anyone to move out” storyline, Full House should’ve too. And let’s face it, this show was WAY overdue to get the plug pulled by Season 8.


      • Smackmac says:

        Ummm…spoiler alert.

        Kidding, of course. I hated both of those storylines so much, even as a kid when I was a Full House superfan. I have never wanted to punch a child other than Michelle Tanner. Not even the Olsen twins. Just Michelle Tanner.


      • Laura says:

        I actually think the Season 7 finale is going to be one of the episodes that Billy hates the most by the end of this blog. I don’t want to spoil any more of it, but I can’t wait for the review!

        Also anyone remember the episode called “Under the Influence?” I don’t want to say any more about but that’s another highly anticipated review as well!


      • Corey says:

        Seriously people, stop spoiling the plots. I know this isn’t a drama, but it’s still more interesting when Billy doesn’t know what’s coming.


      • Waterlily says:

        I kind of liked this episode too. It actually seems to be kind of a self parody of the show with the way someone in the family is doing something important and the whole family interupts for stupid reasons.


  3. Stephen says:

    haven’t seen this episode in a long time. Wasn’t Comet in the dream for some reason, and he could “talk?” I also remember DJ throwing the “talking” burrito out the window while it screamed. LOL.


    • Bridget says:

      If my golden Buddy could talk, he would always be asking for snacks and for me to take him for walks or drives in the car! He and my late golden Daisy remind me of Dug from “Up.”


    • Waterlily says:

      I liked the part when DJ is freaking out about the “burrito” giving the answers but the other students calmly write them down as they’re said.


  4. katie says:

    Joey looks like a potato. I have the urge to kick him in the spuds.


  5. Sarah says:

    DJ did comment that the potato looked like Joe Pesci. I shouldn’t know this stuff.


    • hebrewersfan says:

      Obviously the potato scheme was just to get Joey to do a terrible Pesci impression, but if I’m being honest, I’d say that potato looks more like Jay Leno, but of course he’s already done that impression before.


  6. hebrewersfan says:

    The line I remember most from this episode is during the dream sequence, DJ fills out the test with her name as “DJ” and abbreviations aren’t allowed, so Michelle blows her safety whistle and says “Stupid Violation – DUH!!!”. I can’t remember if the audience went nuts though, I’d be willing to bet they did.


  7. LisaLu says:

    Hey, what the hell ever happened to Joe Pesci, anyway? Maybe he went into hiding after being mentioned on Full House. <—–I would to if Dave Coulier compared a potato to me.


  8. lovetolaugh says:

    Great review! I’ve been waiting for this one for a while 🙂

    Happy Friday to everyone!

    Boy, the test-taking scenes used to make me feel so tense for DJ, even after it became palpable that that part was just a dream.

    The dream actually says a lot about what DJ really thinks of her family. During the sequence, they are all acting like pushy, self-centered pains in the ass, and it is clearly interpreted by her in a very negative way. It says that she is, in fact, aware of their personality flaws and does not think highly of them at all. DOES THIS MEAN THAT THERE IS HOPE FOR DJ???!!

    She wants to go to Stanford? She’s aiming quite high, but at least it’s not an Ivy League, which is what every other sitcom or movie character has their heart set on. (Don’t get me wrong, Ivy League schools are fantastic, nothing wrong with them at all. I am just always amused by the fact that no movie character ever wants to go to, say, The College of New Jersey. If it’s in Jersey, it’s gotta be Princeton.)

    You guys….this might be the episode that introduces us to Nicky and Alex’s catch phrase: “Shame on you! Double shame!”

    We can only hope.


    • Oh Mylanta says:

      God forbid any movie character have their sights set on UMass-Amherst. It MUST be Harvard.


    • Lisa says:

      I know what you mean. The people on these sit-coms always want to go to the fancy private colleges. Even Jesse Spano wanted to go to Stanford. The public colleges (or God forbid a community college) just aren’t good enough for them. Ridiculous. In fact, I blame shows like this and my crappy high school teachers for placing so much importance on a 4-year college education. Look on any job site and you will see that most jobs don’t require a Bachelor’s degree and the ones that do also require years of experience. Can you tell I’m a little bitter that I graduated from college during the recession and I picked a horrible major so my degree is basically worthless?


      • lovetolaugh says:

        Lisa, I totally get that, but for what it’s worth, it’s very common to end up in a career that is completely irrelevant to your college major. That’s why I say that 18 is sometimes too young to know for sure what you want to do with your life!

        I wish you the best of luck and hope you can use the degree you worked hard for in some capacity 🙂


      • Bridget says:

        Lovetolaugh, a comedian once said that the reason grown-ups ask kids what they want to do for a living is so the grown-up can get ideas!


      • Comet says:

        Too bad too. Slater got a full wrestling scholarship to Iowa. Zack, despite never doing homework a day in his life, got a full ride to Yale. Jessie gets into Stanford. Screech got into…somewhere else (I forget).

        And they all turn them down to go live in a dorm together at lovely Cal State right down the street…except for Jessie, who became a stripper.


      • Bridget says:

        Comet, don’t forget that Zack was smart, but lazy! I never liked him or found him charming in any way!


      • MB says:

        Jessie actually didn’t get into Stanford. She got into Columbia.


      • Bridget says:

        Lisa, I didn’t like on “Family Ties” when Steven and Elyse Keaton were practically forcing Mallory against the girl’s will to go to college! I think in Mallory’s case, a 2 year community college would have been better, because while she was not stupid by any means, she didn’t feel comfortable in school and school was Alex’s stomping grounds anyway. I think 4 year college is fine for some people, but the vast majority of people would do better in a less scholarly environment.


      • Angela says:

        I love EVERYTHING about this rant. Everything.

        I’ve managed one year of community college, then personal issues came up for a time and I wasn’t able to continue on (though I would like to pick up where I left off eventually). But god, yes, it’s either an Ivy League school or you might as well give up on life, it seems. So frustrating.

        It is really weird some of the jobs that require degrees, though. A few years back I saw a job for the public library here in town. The list of what the job would entail was exactly the same sort of thing I’d done when I worked at a library in another town (shelving books, organizing mailouts, preparing book covers, etc., etc.).

        I didn’t need a degree to work at the library in the one town I used to live in, but the public library here was asking for all these qualifications and degrees. I didn’t have a lot of that stuff, but I applied anyway, just in case the prior experience would’ve been of interest-never hurts to check, right? But of course, didn’t get the job, not even an interview.

        Again, it was mostly shelving and organizing books. That’s a job whose requirements should basically consist of, “Do you know your alphabet and the Dewey Decimal system? Okay, then you’re good to go.” I fully understand some careers requiring loads of schooling and years in college and all that sort of thing, but there’s other jobs that it seems like the list of requirements is a bit excessive, and the skills are ones that, college education or not, most people would be able to learn fairly easily if they put in the time and effort.

        Meh. Anywho, now my rant is done…I’m with lovetolaugh, I hope you do manage to find something to do regarding the field you majored in.


      • Bridget says:

        Angela, I am going to be volunteering for my town’s summer reading program to get customer service experience and maybe that will help me! I think they put too much stock into degrees for jobs that might not need them! I myself would not visit a doctor or a lawyer if they didn’t have a degree on the wall stating they graduated! I know that librarians don’t save lives and doctors and lawyers do hold the lives of patients and clients in their hands and all. I think learning a new computer system or the way a company does business is way easier than defending someone accused of rape or murder or delivering their kids and removing an appendix! Good luck to the both of us!


      • Angela says:

        Sounds like a great way to spend your summer! That would be beneficial for many reasons, I hope you have fun with that!

        Exactly, doctors, lawyers, people in jobs of that sort, I fully understand expecting loads of requirements and degrees for those kinds of jobs. And I don’t mean to imply that a degree isn’t worthwhile or important, of course it is, and I’m glad that people are able to go to college and pursue all sorts of fields of interest. But it is a shame that some of those degrees are having a harder time panning out than others, and it’d just be nice if some people realized that not having a degree doesn’t automatically mean someone wouldn’t be a worthwhile worker.

        I think learning a new computer system or the way a company does business is way easier than defending someone accused of rape or murder or delivering their kids and removing an appendix!

        Oh, god, yes, absolutely. I honestly don’t know how some people are able to do the law/doctor thing so well, but I’m glad that they do (though defending someone accused of those horrific crimes? Um. Yeah. That would be…insanely tough, to put it mildly. Degree or no degree, I know full well I wouldn’t be able to do that).

        Good luck to the both of us!

        Hear, hear! Enjoy your volunteer opportunity!


      • Bridget says:

        Thank you and I like the library very much! I can help people find the materials they need or maybe do the front desk. My parents never went to a fancy college after high school. My father joined the Air Force after graduating in 1963. He was never sent to Vietnam, but my neighbor was! He went to England and Alaska and other places. My mom went to beauty school and then worked in an office. As for lawyers and doctors, I am impressed when someone who commits a serious crime that causes death or serious damage to another will at times get 50 years to life with no expectation of parole! I do think that many people who aren’t exactly book smart can be qualified to work and work as hard as someone with a degree. If this was the Full House world, anyone with limited experience in radio and advertising could get those kinds of jobs!


      • Bridget says:

        I meant that the lawyer would insist on and get the criminal a long jail term and not the death penalty.


      • Sarah Portland says:

        I have a bit of information on this subject. The library jobs that require Masters degrees in Library Sciences are frequently more complicated (I have several friends with this degree). They are required to know each of the systems used in libraries, both physical and technological, as well as multiple ways to conduct thorough research and reporting (ie, knowing all of the different formats used in formal research papers). They’re a kind of forever-update walking reference material. My boss, who recently finished her Master’s, spent the past several weeks helping students complete their thesis papers to satisfactory levels so they might graduate.


      • SavaFiend76 says:

        I went to a lower-budget type school near where I live that’s only one step up from a community college, despite getting a decent SAT score. I can’t see spending all kinds of money on college considering I majored in English, LOL! As it is, I’m still paying back my student loans, which are up around $36,000 for my 4-year degree. Glad I didn’t go to a school that cost that or more per YEAR!


      • Lisa says:

        So funny. I’m a doctor so my MD is what I use in my everyday job, but I also have a journalism degree, which is … basically useless. 🙂


    • Mr Goodpart says:

      That’s a very good point about these grating and over-bearing personalities elbowing in to these characters’ subconscious. In what other ways are they affecting them, particularly the young brains of the children, in potentially harmful ways.

      Does Michelle have nightmares of Danny looming over her with a vacuum and a dust mop? Caught in some typical dream problem like drowning, do the twins’ desperate cries for help go unanswered by their father who is busy obsessively moussing his hair?

      I understand that anxiety about the SATs was the impetus for DJ’s nightmare, but there’s no doubt that the entire family’s subconscious is in serious disarray. Joey’s dreams, especially, would no doubt prove extremely unsettling.


      • Bridget says:

        Sometimes I dream about my former co-workers at the company I worked at almost 20 years ago and once I dreamt about two of my bosses and they were trying to flee from a town full of crazy people! I did dream that a lady I worked with was living in a huge house with her husband and 2 dogs and I also dreamed that Lindsay Lohan was driving me to work and she would not let me out of the car! I think Michelle’s dreams are about her dad cleaning obsessively and when she begs him to stop, he doesn’t! If I remember, Stephanie had a dream that DJ was fussed over by the guys for getting the mail and they Michelle hung the moon when she blinked! Stephanie was upset because she was in a pink astronaut suit because she went to Mars or something and her family didn’t care!


    • TayciBear says:

      Berkeley is a hardass school to get into even if you’re valedictorian and had above a 4.0. Its nothing to sneeze at.


    • Waterlily says:

      “Boy, the test-taking scenes used to make me feel so tense for DJ, even after it became palpable that that part was just a dream.”

      Me too.

      “The dream actually says a lot about what DJ really thinks of her family. During the sequence, they are all acting like pushy, self-centered pains in the ass, and it is clearly interpreted by her in a very negative way. It says that she is, in fact, aware of their personality flaws and does not think highly of them at all. DOES THIS MEAN THAT THERE IS HOPE FOR DJ???!!”

      Brilliant analysis!

      I wonder if it means that deep down she’s also worried that Kimmy will be more successful than her.


  9. Lillian says:

    I’ve been reading the recaps for a while and it’s awesome. I always remember hating michelle’s behaviour. Danny always acts self-righteous, Joey is absolutely useless and creepy once the show gets older because despite having a job and ability to pay rent, he keeps freeloading in the full house, now that the girls are older shouldn’t Danny kick him out considering that he seems to have no proper relationship and his girls are growing. The only reason he probably does not do it is because he is in a closeted relationship with joey himself. Jesse used to be hot and Rebecca used to be smart but with one another they are just a hot mess who live in the attic and have lost their voice and thinking power( rebecca only since jesse never clearly seemed to have any). I think the only reason people were into this were coz they were fascinated that 2 girls played michelle ( I know some of my friends watched it for that) and then they brought the twin boys to appease to the audience. This is also the reason the olsen twins laughed all the way to the bank, despite their horrible acting and monkey faces.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bridget says:

      Lillian or Lillie if you prefer, all the characters on “The Brady Bunch” had annoying qualities, but all of them were lovable in their own way! I remember the 1995 Brady Bunch movie and Gary Cole had Mike Brady’s lecturing nature down to a T, Shelley Long seemed to be channeling Carol Brady, and Christine Taylor was such a Marcia lookalike she even fooled Sherwood Schwartz who created the show! I wonder if in 20 some or 30 years will there be a Full House movie with wonderful actors who can use these mannerisms and characteristics to make you think they are the actual characters?


      • dawn says:

        Nice idea and very well put. I would totally see a movie like that for all the intelligent poi.ts you just pointed out : )


      • Bridget says:

        Dawn, Ann B. Davis who was the original Alice on “The Brady Bunch” played a trucker in the movie who picked up Jan. I can see “A Full House” movie in the works with Bob Saget as Grandpa Tanner to a younger actor who looks like him and Florence Henderson played Carol’s mother in the Brady Bunch movie. The Brady Bunch was never a critical darling back in the day, but now it’s a classic! Maybe that will happen to FH! NAH!


      • LORIMAR-Telepictures says:

        If I can get a hair transplant, I’m sure that I’ll be cast as Uncle Dippity Do head


      • Angela says:

        I liked that “Brady Bunch” movie, it was pretty funny (and my mom, being the huge Monkees fan she is, got a real kick out of seeing not just Davy Jones (obviously), but Mickey Dolenz and Peter Tork show up in there as well :D).

        It really is freaky how much they looked and acted like the characters, yeah. But that made it all the better, I think.


      • Bridget says:

        Did she cry over Davy or think it was a joke? Micky had no idea how Davy’s death happened and he attributed it to genes because both his mom and dad died young! I think all 4 of Davy’s daughters and grandchildren should be tested for atherosclerosis because they are all his bio children and none of them were adopted. Genetics is basically a crap shoot!


      • Angela says:

        She heard about Davy’s death at work through a co-worker, and at first she couldn’t believe it, she assumed it was one of those internet death rumors that pop up from time to time.

        Then she went online and it was on the front page, and that’s when she realized it was true. She was very sad about that, he was one of her first big celebrity crushes.

        My sister had called me and told me the news that day and I was totally in shock, and then I was sitting there thinking, “Man, I kinda hope my mom’s already heard that news elsewhere, ’cause I’m really not in the mood to break it to her if she hasn’t.”


      • Bridget says:

        I felt bad for Micky Dolenz when he went on Piers Morgan to talk about Davy and it was a couple days after Leap Year and a few days before Micky’s early March b-day! Peter won’t like his own birthday either because Davy died 16 days after Peter’s b-day and Mike is gonna have it bad because he and Davy share a Dec. 30 b-day, but Mike is exactly 3 years older than Davy! How strange that Peter is the oldest, but on the show Mike seemed to be the oldest!


      • Bridget says:

        Angela, did your mom ever see the interview back in the 1980s when the 3 Monkees were talking about their smoking habits back in the day? Peter admitted to being an on again/off again smoker. Micky said he never smoked because when he was six he successfully bummed a cigarette from his mom and she gave him one. He smoked it and just about died! I don’t think his mom was being mean. She probably didn’t want her 6 year old son smoking! Davy said he smoked during the Monkees show and was told he had to quit before going on stage. He ate a cigarette and it make him so ill, he vomited and then he laid off the smokes for the rest of his life!


  10. lovetolaugh says:

    I wonder if DJ dyed her hair or if it just got darker with age? She’s not blonde anymore!!

    Maybe she did it to markedly separate herself from her bratty sisters.


    • Bridget says:

      Lovetolaugh, my father was so towheaded as a kid that when he wore overalls, he looked like Dennis the Menace. Now his hair is dark blond and people who were very blond as kids can turn darkish blond with age.


      • lovetolaugh says:

        Oh neat! Funny how that happens. My hair has changed from much darker to lighter back to darker over the years too ( it’s strawberry blonde)

        I was just curious about DJ’s 🙂


      • Bridget says:

        I read “Carrie”and listened to Sissy Spacek read the book on CD and I have to say she is so interesting and engaging with the different tones of voices for the character’s genders! Alice Sebold read “The Lovely Bones” on CD and for someone who wrote the book, she sounds bored! In “Carrie” then 3 year old Carrie is a blond in a long yellow dress. She sees her topless neighbor lady sunbathing and asks her about her breasts. Margaret White the mom of Carrie goes nuts and basically calls her neighbor a whore and she reads Carrie the riot act! When Carrie ages 14 years or so, she is not very pretty and her hair has turn mousy. The neighbor wonders what Margaret has done to Carrie to make the girl age like that! I do wish at the end of the book Carrie would have escaped and turned her life around! My 2 brothers were very blond as boys and now as men they are still handsome, but their hair is darker as well.


      • Sarah Portland says:

        My sister and I both had honey-blonde hair until we were about 8, then it darkened into brown.


      • Bridget says:

        Sarah, I read that Angelina Jolie was blond like her father Jon Voight and her mother dyed her hair black when she was 4! I guess she did that so she wouldn’t be reminded of her ex-husband, but Angelina married Brad Pitt who was blond and all their bio kids, Shiloh, Knox, and Viv are tow heads and their hair hasn’t been dyed! JonBenet Ramsey had blondish-brown hair her mother would bleach for those silly pageants. When Dakota Fanning was in “Hide and Seek” she wore a long dark brown wig because the director didn’t want to dye a 9 year old’s hair. It is strange to me how a person’s hair can change color without help from a bottle in some cases.


      • Angela says:

        For the first five years of my mom’s life, she had bright blonde hair-there’s pictures to prove it.

        Then, for some reason, her hair naturally turned dark brown, and has stayed that way ever since.

        My hair’s always been dark brown, though when the sunlight hits it just right you can see slivers of dark red show up here and there. My maternal grandpa had red hair, though, so that explains that.


  11. Ryan says:

    I don’t remember Stephanie coming home and saying her teacher said she had a gift for languages at all.

    And I’m pretty sure the SAT doesn’t have a section on languages in the first place. let alone Latin.


    • Bridget says:

      Ryan, Stephanie said her teacher told her she had a gift for languages and proceeded to say, “There’s cheese on my nose” in French.


      • Lisa says:

        And it was horribly, horribly dubbed. Like Jodie Sweetin was totally incapable of learning just one phrase in French.


      • Bridget says:

        Lisa, you’re right it was dubbed horribly! I think she should have tried to learn a little French! I don’t think Stephanie had a good grasp of English either. Every speller knows about silent letters because they are apart of the words we speak. I thought John Travolta did an excellent job in “Phenomenom” when he spoke the Portugal language! It sounded like he did try to learn those words. I found it quite interesting that the movie script for “The Passion of the Christ” had the words in English and then Aramaic and the actors tried to learn that language very few people speak.


    • seasoned salt says:

      When I took the SAT it had subject sections on the SAT II, which I had to take as I was applying to Stanford. I was applying for the poli sci major so I could choose the three SAT II subject tests to take. The foreign languages offered in my region were French and Spanish, but I recall them offering Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Korean, and maybe a few others. Didn’t recall seeing Latin, though. I took French, civics/government, and physics for my SAT II tests. I did not get into Stanford. Woe.

      Anyway the SAT II subject tests were offered on different dates from the SAT I, which was the main section with the reasoning (math), essay writing, and the other English section which was grammar and stuff. And we had to sign up for them separately. So once again FH gets something wrong.


  12. Staplerhed says:

    What high school kid trying to get into a prestigious west coast university tries to weasel out of taking the SAT’s because they had a weirs dream? Totally plausibe premise, Full House.


  13. Colleen says:

    I remember this episode well. When I was younger it made me nervous about taking the SATs (or by state’s equivalent). I remember some running gag about students needing number four pencils.


  14. Michelle's acting coach says:

    Even when Joey does something worthwhile like make dinner, he manages not to cook it and make far too little. I suspect Joey only helped out so he could find a lame excuse to use his Joe Pesci impersonation. I’d even go so far to guess that anytime he sees a potato he does that impression, which would explain why DJ would know about it without being in the room earlier in the episode.


    • Oh Mylanta says:

      Either that, or make something completely disgusting. Remember those nasty-ass “flounder tarts”?


      • Bridget says:

        Yes, I remember those! Maybe they would have been better if he used bacon and eggs in the crust and that would be a real breakfast!


  15. Bridget says:

    I think DJ’s nightmare went much deeper than the fear of the SATs. Her nightmare and Jesse’s nightmare in 1987 were psychic dreams that told the both of them that their family were not going to help them in the future. The Bible was big on psychic dreams and the examples I can think of are the two Josephs (Holy Family Joseph and colorful robe Joseph). Both Josephs were different guys entirely! Psychic dreams are prevalent in Stephen King books and on Feb. 28, 2012, Micky Dolenz had bad dreams all night and on Leap Year, he found out Davy Jones died! I do think that DJ and Jesse should have listened to the messages in their dreams and got out of that house!


  16. Alicia says:

    I remember being very nervous while watching this episode…which years later made me nervous about taking the SATs. Damn you Full House for getting into my psyche like that!


  17. Melanie says:

    An interesting choice of celebrity references in this one. I had no idea who Joe Pesci was when this aired, and I think I only knew Vanna White in passing (although ha-cha-cha, that power suit!). They really didn’t know how to keep this show in the right demo.


  18. Bridget says:

    Melanie, did you ever see “Home Alone” and “Home Alone 2”? He was Harry to Daniel Stern’s Marv.


  19. Sam, Just Sam says:

    I needed to be told it was a dream sequence because nothing you describe up until then is terribly out of step with what they might actually write for this show.


  20. Lisa says:

    Did the costume department get their jeans and belts wholesale? It looks as though Joey, Danny, and DJ are all dressed identically in the screencap with the tiny meatloaf.


  21. Sarah Portland says:

    Does anybody know who the neighbor with the dog is? She looks horribly familiar, and I could swear that I’ve seen her before… although it could just be that she looks like a tall Edna Mode.
    This episode strikes me as the most realistic, as though the writers were fully aware of what douchebags these people are. Every now and again, they put in a scene or episode like that, and I have to wonder… is the audience aware of how douchey this family is? The writers? If so, why are they watching this crap? Why did I? Right now, everyone is all about the anti-hero, the guy we love to root for, even though we know that person is not a good person. The thing is, the anti-hero was not a thing in the 1990’s, and what’s more, the anti-hero always has some sympathetic qualities that make us like them. But here? They’re just jerks. I mean, they half-assedly try to give some of these characters sympathetic qualities, but they just end up looking two-dimensional and unappealing. Honestly, I really feel for DJ here. She’s trying to make something of her life, and her family keeps sabotaging her. It’s sad that her sympathetic quality in this episode is that she lives with assholes.
    Man, this comment got really Debbie Downer.
    Um… your stupid potato looks nothing like Joe Pesci, Joey! And even though I don’t think I’ve ever seen it, your impression of him SUCKS! Go stick your face on a grill like the Cereal Master from Bravest Warriors!


    • Sarah Portland says:

      Actually, that works ridiculously well. Joey had Daddy Issues, too.


      • lovetolaugh says:

        To be fair, Jesse, Joey and Michelle are really the only ones who I would describe as rotten, outwardly mean human beings (Joey’s actually not mean, but he’s just so over-the-top pathetic that I can’t exclude him from this). The flawed and selfish, but less to where they are NEVER sympathetic.

        Becky, although she goes kind of crazy once she moves into the full house, is always portrayed as a nice enough woman who is a loving wife to a shockingly abhorrent husband. DJ is relatively normal for a teenager and puts up with a lot of bullshit. Danny is a corny, obsessive-compulsive nerd, but definitely a nicer guy than Jesse and more respectable than Joey. Steph is always annoying but she’s only actually malicious when she’s around Michelle.

        Oh. My. Did I just spend a paragraph defending Full House characters?

        I think I’m becoming desensitized to their awfulness.


      • lovetolaugh says:

        *The others are flawed and selfish


      • Sally says:

        I think the writers and producers actuallydid intend for characters like Jesse and Danny to be absurd and pushy. I think they did it for wacky, comedic purposes, but it just ended up being unbearable and annoying.


      • lovetolaugh says:

        Hahaha, you guys are making me laugh!

        It’s been my longtime pattern to watch each episode online after reading Billy’s review of it. Methinks it’s time to stop doing that, at least until I regain my sanity! 🙂

        That, and spending time with my family members, who are truly good people instead of pushy, inconsiderate nudniks like the full house denizens, should also help.


      • Angela says:

        Oh. My. Did I just spend a paragraph defending Full House characters?

        I think I’m becoming desensitized to their awfulness.

        *Ushers lovetolaugh over to a couch* Lay down. Take a few moments to clear your mind and gather your thoughts.


      • Sarah Portland says:

        I recommend a dose of a season of a GOOD show. Please take this medication and return next week with your snark set in the “on” position.


      • Angela says:

        Sarah has the right idea :). Any specific good shows you (or anyone else) would recommend?


      • lovetolaugh says:

        My above reply about how I will recover was actually meant for this comment and Sarah Portland’s comment 🙂


      • Sarah Portland says:

        Arrested Development. 3 seasons, and they’re adding another because, well, it was awesome that’s why. Good Lord, how did this crappy show go 8 seasons and AD only went 3 before getting the ax? Lunacy.


      • Bridget says:

        Sarah, how about “Mad Men” or that show with Bryan Cranston as a meth dealer?


      • Lisa says:

        The Office.


    • Bridget says:

      The actress was Beverly Archer and she was on “Mama’s Family” and “Major Dad” along with a bunch of other shows. I do think Michelle and the twins are right up there bad kid wise with the kids from “Children of the Corn” 1984 and 2009 and the kids in 1976’s “Who Can Kill a Child” and the 2013 remake “Come Out and Play.”. All these movies can turn an adult towards pedophobia because these kids are just nasty little humans! As for movie and book villains, many of them have sympathetic qualities you feel for like Darth Vadar in “Star Wars” because he lost his mother, had no father, was an orphan, lost his soul to that horrible emperor, lost his wife in childbirth, and could not father his twins, Luke and Leia. I did feel T. Ray, Lily’s father in “The Secret Life of Bees” was sympathetic as well because he was poor and he was traumatized by the loss of his wife and Lily ran away from him and she realized how the loss made his father unloving. I agree that the FH characters are not sympathetic at all and they should have been a bit more supportive of DJ because she is a human being with needs, desires, and wants like everyone on this board is. I think the potato looks like a cartoon version of Elvis Presley and maybe Jesse should have stepped in and said, “You crazy, Joey, it looks like the King!”


      • Angela says:

        I think the potato looks like a cartoon version of Elvis Presley and maybe Jesse should have stepped in and said, “You crazy, Joey, it looks like the King!”

        Oh, god, don’t give him any ideas!


      • Bridget says:

        I think Jesse would have grabbed the potato and place it in a clear plastic box and charge people to see the potato that looks like Elvis. Peg Bundy did the same thing when Al’s sweat stain looked like Elvis’s profile. It makes you wonder if Elvis is kind of embarrassed about food products and secretions that look like him! If the potato wore glasses and had a thin nose, would Joey be smart enough to think it looked like John Lennon?


      • Angela says:

        If the potato wore glasses and had a thin nose, would Joey be smart enough to think it looked like John Lennon?

        Probably. They’ve made note of the Beatles from time to time on there, so I could see him making that connection. My fear is that he’d try to emulate Lennon as a result.

        I think it’d be incredibly bizarre to have people claiming they saw your likeness in food or walls or whatever. But hey, people still think they see the real Elvis himself out and about various places, so that just makes the whole thing even stranger.

        Also, the bit about charging people to look at the potato gave me funny images and made me laugh. So thank you :D.


      • Bridget says:

        I did hear about religious people claiming to see Jesus in a picture of a bowl of pasta or other food. I do think they are probably seeing the figure paintings the 16th century artists made of JC depicting Him as a tall, blondish-brown haired man with long hair. Researchers say Jesus had short, dark hair and was not very tall and swarthy. I am glad you laughed at Elvis “Spud” Presley and in a very special episode Jesse sets up his own booth for people to look at the potato for $10.00 and Becky threatens to take the twins and leave.


      • Sarah Portland says:

        That’s it! She played Viola on Mama’s Family!


      • Bridget says:

        I think her name was Iola.


      • Sarah Portland says:

        Oh, I think you’re right, actually. Too many years since I’ve watched that show. Ugh, now I’m thinking about the fact that FH ever got the green light when compared with comedic geniuses like Carol Burnett and Vicky Lawrence.


    • Ryan says:

      There’s no photo on IMDb, but if her character’s name in this episode was Mrs. Twitchel then this is the actress:


  22. Jack Sprat says:

    This is “The Test Dream” of Full House.


    • Billy Superstar says:

      that sopranos episode is actually an homage to this one. they talk about it on the dvd commentary.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bridget says:

        Billy, they really paid homage to “Full House”? My mom is a “Sopranos” fan and I don’t think she ever mentioned them doing that!


      • Lisa says:

        ARE YOU SERIOUS? The Sopranos was paying homage to FULL FREAKING HOUSE? This is not possible. Simply not possible.


  23. Dr. Bitz says:

    “Joey whips out the Joe Pesci potato from the night before and shows it to the teacher, which doesn’t make sense because DJ actually wasn’t in the room when the Joe-Pesci-potato schtick occurred and therefore wouldn’t have it present in her subconscious mind.”

    I think it makes perfect sense. We only saw one instance of Joey using a potato for a Joe Pesci imitation. But once he had the potato wouldn’t he not wander around the full house doing his schtick for everyone he comes across? Probably twice for some people? Could you see Joey acting any other way? And, really, I wouldn’t be surprised if this wasn’t the first time he’s done that routine.


  24. Jake Bitterman says:

    This episode blows and, aside from Vanna Whites fine ass, offers little to talk discuss. I just wish that the dream sequence wasn’t actually a dream, and that the show began to follow D.J.’s life as she drops out of clown college to become a stripper, which escalates into being a full on hooker who gets drugs from Jodie Sweeten.


    • Sarah Portland says:

      I agree wholeheartedly about this show not offering much to talk about. I feel like all of season 7 has been like this. Every episode is… forgettable. I hate to say that the writers were trying before, but it seems like maybe they actually were, and had stopped trying by season 7. I feel ridiculous typing that. It’s like when we realized what excellent actresses Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen were when they were little, when we compare them to the acting mess that is Nicky and Alex Katsopolis. “How can this be better?” I want to scream. “It was so awful to begin with!”


    • Bridget says:

      Bitterman, did you see Vanna White on “Married with Children” as Al Bundy’s former classmate from high school Coco? She had her own successful beauty product company and was very wealthy. Anyway, taking a page from “Indecent Proposal” she wanted to give the Bundy family a million dollars to sleep with Al and the reaction of all three was to faint!


  25. Can'tThinkofaName says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that neighbor/proctor portrayed by the same woman who played the teacher in the “Back to School Blues” episode where DJ got teased mercilessly for wearing an identical outfit to hers?


  26. CathySantone says:

    Potatoes are one of my favorite starches. Why did Joey have to ruin them for me? F that guy


  27. Oasis says:

    Joey wearing Girbaud Jeans….Those were the COOLEST back then!!!


  28. Ashley says:

    I don’t remember this episode that well (and thank God, because it sounds like a lot of you were left nervous for the SATs because of it), but when you started describing DJ’s dream sequence, I didn’t realize it WAS a dream sequence up until things started getting over the top. Everything the uncles were doing- barging in on people, having no consideration for anyone else, being insufferable- just sounded like the standard protocol for the Full House.


  29. Angela says:

    Maybe if they just hired one competent person to work things out behind the scenes, Wake Up, San Francisco wouldn’t be such a train wreck all the damn time.

    Given how crazy and train wreck-y daytime TV and morning shows can be nowadays, they would’ve fit in perfectly in today’s TV landscape! “The Soup” would’ve had a field day with them (look at all the fun they have with the “Good Day New York” clips they show).

    If it weren’t for absurd details like DJ being in her pajamas and the giant adding machine, this wouldn’t really seem like a dream sequence at all because the uncles storming into the room and disrupting everything like that is completely in line with their regular behavior.

    I love this line.

    Other thoughts: dreaming of Joey constantly imitating Joe Pesci while holding up a potato would definitely qualify as a nightmare (heck, dreaming of Joey, period, would just be…wrong), and Michelle has a whistle. Great. Just when you thought she couldn’t be any more annoying/obnoxious.

    Also, my mom always points out the thing on TV with people holding supposedly just made hot dinners while not wearing oven mitts.


  30. Emily says:

    This is the one I’ve been waiting for. The whole pushy family at the SATs and the walkie-talkie cheater burrito are for me the most teeth gridingly awful scenes in all of Full House. Granted, I did not remember that it was a dream sequence, but I’ve decided that it doesn’t matter. Other than the slippers and the Vanna White part there is nothing that separates this from a regular Full House episode. When your characters consistently behave so terribly/illogically that their actions are indistinguishable from a nightmare, your show has problems.


  31. Bridget says:

    If I was just watching the show for the first time, I would think that “Is It True About Stephanie” was about her and Jamie getting bored and having sex. Stephanie realizes her period is nowhere to be found and she feels unwell. That would be part 1. Part 2 is “The Test” with her telling Kimmie and Kimmie bringing her a pregnancy test she snatched and uh-oh, BINGO, and Oh, boy or Oh, girl!


    • Can'tThinkofaName says:

      Thank you for making my night. You are straight up HILARIOUS. xD


      • Bridget says:

        Thank you! I think the writers should have thought of better titles for these episodes because both sound like titles of a pregnancy rumor and the person buying a pregnancy test to see if it is true!


  32. Ella Stern says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Michelle barged in when D.J. and Danny were hugging and blew the whistle because he was giving another one of his children attention…


  33. SavaFiend76 says:

    You know why I never cared about the SAT’s? Because you can re-take them if you want to get a better score! I already knew I wasn’t going to go to any big-name college, so my score of 1200 was fine, even though I could’ve gotten higher if I’d hadn’t been on an out-of-town class trip the night before and only gotten 4 hours of sleep before the test, LOL! Still, it always amused me to see shows like this that made a big deal out of the SAT’s.

    I have to wonder though, the implication here is that DJ was cramming the night before the SAT’s, but presumably, she’d have had months to prepare. And given the fact that her family loves to interrupt when someone else is doing something important, you’d think she’d be prepping a while ago!


  34. Kylie says:

    I have to say, I’m a 15 year old girl who absolutely loves Full House. I have every season on DVD and like 50 episodes in my DVR right now. I came across this blog a few months ago while reading about mistakes made throughout the series of Full House and it is hilarious. I’m starting from the beginning and I’m addicted to reading it. This blog had made me realize how incredibly stupid the show really is. Great job! Keep it up!


    • Bridget says:

      Kylie, Billy won’t let you down! The worst will come and he will point out every inane detail because I have never seen someone serve up such venom against something that truly deserves it!


  35. Teebore says:

    Michelle and the twins steal Joey’s brownies

    Like those twins needed any help being annoying little monsters…

    Joey scolds Jesse for reusing a stamp because all of a sudden he has principles about not being a big worthless sponge.

    Right? Reusing a stamp totally seems like a Joey move. Except it would probably take more effort than he was willing to put into it.

    but not before saying that if she doesn’t do well on the test she wont get into Stanford

    Between this and Saved by the Bell, growing up in the early 90s you’d think Standford was the only school worth getting into.

    “Freak Out over the SATs” is another hoary old sitcom cliche, and one of those things that seems entirely fabricated by TV. Like others have mentioned, you can retake the SATs, and they aren’t even necessary for all colleges (I never took ’em, and instead took the ACTs. I never really studied for it, took it twice, and got a slightly higher score the second time but both were sufficient for pretty much all the colleges I was interested in (because I live in the real world where one score on one test isn’t the be-all, end-all when it comes to college admissions, contrary to what TV tells us).

    It was all remarkably drama-free. Which, again, is 100% the opposite of what TV would make you think.

    On his way out, Jesse grabs a pamphlet labelled “SAT Test Answers” and then begins feeding them to DJ via a walkie talkie that he stashed in the breakfast burrito.

    That really does seem like something Jermsey would have done in “real life”.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Non-Jerk Michelle says:

      I agree Teebore, there are so many ways to get into college that have nothing to do with the SATs. It’s like 90’s writers wanted us to believe academics were the only measurement of intelligence or talent.What I’d like to see an episode of a sitcom that focuses on paying for college where someone gets a scholarship for something arbitrary, like having brown eyes.


    • Sarah Portland says:

      I skipped those and went to culinary school. SAT test scores didn’t matter there. Just graduated with a BFA. Private art school didn’t ask for my SAT scores.


    • Lisa says:

      That’s funny. I grew up in Canada and moved to the States in my senior year of high school, so literally all I knew about the SATs was what I had seen on a couple of American shows. I certainly didn’t take any prep course or spend months studying. Later on when I heard about other friends’ scores, I started wondering whether all that pressure really harms people’s performances.


      • Bridget says:

        Lisa, it has been proven that nerves and adrenaline can affect a person’s ability to take tests. I also read that menstruation can affect a girl’s brain and the way she takes tests in school. I feel a bit out of it during my time of the month. I did coin the term “menstrual brain” to describe how my brain feels on menstruation.


    • parkerman6 says:

      It wasn’t Stanford on saved by the bell, it was stansberry.


  36. Non-Jerk Michelle says:

    I think it’s hilarious that DJ’s dreams are more ridiculous than her reality. I would never want to be a Tanner having a nightmare, I’d cry.


  37. Full House Expert says:

    The third still frame with Danny, center DJ, and Joey proves my point about the fashion. DJ and Joey have on the exact same jeans and belt combo. Never should a 17 year old girl and a 38 year old man, especially Joey Gladstone, be dressed alike. No excuse. I know Billy has said he doesn’t wish to focus on the clothes, but DJ’s getups bothered me so much I actually lose sleep at night. This ep was never one of my favorites. I hate dream sequences in every sitcom.


  38. Livvie says:

    “Jesse to make a wise-ass remark about Kimmie Gibbler going to clown college.”

    Jesse was a drop out, who the hell is he to criticize? At least Kimmy is graduating on time.


  39. flychick86 says:

    Wow! It’s on now! The dream was REDICULOUS! But, then again, it’s a DREAM!


  40. JCC says:

    “The lack of attention to detail here is staggering.”

    It’s actually on point for once – that totally looks like a paltry meatloaf that Joey Gladstone would make for his “family”. It’s actually a little too nice.

    Candace Cameron was looking FOINE AS HELL here. She got a donk.

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Bridget says:

    I still agree with Lisa how horribly dubbed Stephanie’s French was! I saw SNL after the Paris attacks and one of the ladies on the show read a prayer of sorts in English and the same thing in French. She must have practiced a lot because she didn’t mispronounce words or stumble over the French. As a cashier, I hear so many customers speak different languages and am amazed how they do that! I am not the racist some of these posters think I am. I treat all my customers right whether they are black, white, orange, or purple. The Leakey family determined that all people are descended from the first people who lived in Africa. Why would anyone be racist if that is where we all are from? If I don’t speak right it is because I have mild Asperger’s and I don’t think things through!


  42. The picture of Steve and Kimmy making out while everyone watches them is priceless!


  43. Dr. A. B. Plato says:

    Read some of your comments looked at some of the related pictures and just wondered… What kind of a miserable little gnome are you. You cannot put a sentence together without some kind of shitty little comment and you should have your mother proof read your Grammar for you.
    Be honest, you flunked lunch period in school didn’t you.


  44. Jen says:

    I’m sure that meatloaf was completely sufficient in a world where people order one pizza to feed the entire family.


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