Season 8, Episode 17, “Dateless in San Francisco”

Pre-Credits Gag:  Jesse teaches the twins how to make valentines for Becky.  They present them to her and it turns out that Jesse fucked up when he made his.  Joey being dumber than a small child is a schtick that’s as old as the series itself, but Jesse being this inept is kind of new.  I mean, he’s always been pretty pathetic, but it’s been growing exponentially lately.  He really seems to be completely falling apart as the series winds down.

Joey and Marcia Wallace are introduced to Michelle’s class by the teacher because they have a special message from the PTA.  Remember when they were voted as co-presidents of the PTA earlier in the Season?  It really is a total crapshoot to try to guess what’s going to come up again on this series.

They tell Michelle’s class that they sold more candy bars than any other class in the school for the fundraiser candy bar sale.  Michelle’s teacher also gives Michelle a special shout-out for selling more candy bars than anyone else because of course she did.  If this hadn’t been the case then I’m sure we would have had to watch an entire episode about how Michelle’s sad because someone sold more candy bars than her so I guess it’s for the best.  They tell the kids that they get to have a special Valentine’s day dance as a reward, which is a pretty weird prize for a bunch of 8-year olds.  They should just let them watch cartoons all afternoon or give them a pizza or something.  Michelle’s teacher seems pretty eager for Joey to come to the party and then Marcia Wallace shoos her away because she totally wants Joey’s schlong all to herself.  It’s really sad to see Marcia Wallace on this show now that she’s passed away.  I mean, it was always sad because she’s been on a lot of great shows and I don’t know why she agreed to be on this piece of shit series, but now it’s, like, extra sad.

Michelle and her little friends discuss the Valentine’s dance and Lisa decides that they all need to have dates.  She picks Derek as her date, surely commencing what will be a lifetime of pursuing unattainable partners, and then she assigns Michelle and Teddy to each other.  Now that I think about it, there’s a pretty good chance that Teddy’s gay, too.  I never really noticed before because his potential gayness is a like a mere candle next to the blinding supernova of Derek’s undeniable homosexuality, but he definitely has some homopotential.  It’s pretty interesting that these are the love interests that these girls end up with.  They also set up Aaron Bailey with Sophia, who’s just some girl we’ve never seen before that doesn’t even say anything interesting.

I don’t know if any of the other kids in the class pair up because who gives a shit about any of them?  Now that all the relevant kids are paired up, it’s decided that they’re girlfriends and boyfriends.

Becky and Jesse sit around eating sandwiches and soaking up their mundane coexistence and then Danny comes down to discuss his Valentine’s Day plans with Claire.  Oh, yeah, I totally forgot that Danny’s been stickin’ it to Gia’s mom.  Jesse tells Danny that he’ll help him make a romantic plan because he’s such an amorous fellow and then, when Becky asks him what he has planned for her, he’s like, “well, we’ve been married for a while, so I totally don’t give a shit about doing something nice for you?”  The only thing I find at all surprising about this scenario is the notion that Jesse ever made any effort in the past to be romantic on Valentine’s day.  The idea here is that the magic’s gone, but, what magic?

Michelle tells DJ about how Teddy is her boyfriend now and then Stephanie comes home with some incredibly weird looking boy.  He carries her bag for her and makes goo-goo eyes before giving her an innocuous kiss on the cheek and telling her that he’ll call her later.

Why’d they cast such a goofy looking kid as Stephanie’s love interest?  I guess they really thought that he was the best that she could do.  While this does seem realistic, you’d think that the series’ producers would have her scale it up a bit just for appearances.

Teddy comes over and wants to thumb wrestle with Michelle but she says that they can’t do stuff like that anymore because they’re girlfriend and boyfriend now.  She tries to come up with ideas for activities that are appropriate for their new status and decides that he should call her on the phone, which requires him to go home first.

Joey gets a delivery of flowers and candy and there’s a really weird bit where he tips the delivery guy and then takes the money back.  I’m not even sure how it’s supposed to read.  Anyway, the flowers and candy are from Joey’s “secret admirer” who is assumed to be Marcia Wallace.  But what if it was someone else, like maybe the one other character who’s shown interest in Joey in the last 10 minutes?

Teddy calls and Michelle tells him to come back over to the full house with candy and flowers.  Most guys are pushovers for their first girlfriends anyway but when that first girlfriend is Michelle you get straight up railed on.

Jesse comes downstairs and proposes some really romantic Valentine’s Day ideas and then when Becky gets all touched by it he’s like, “naw, sucka, these are ideas for what Danny should do for Claire.”

Teddy comes over again and Michelle’s all, “where’s my candy and flowers!??!” and then she starts making even more demands until Teddy’s like, “this shit sucks dick” and breaks up with her.  Right on!

Michelle laments her expired relationship in her room and then DJ and Kimmie Gibbler come in and ask her what’s wrong.  Michelle fills them in and then asks, “DJ, can you help me?  Guys are always breaking up with you…”  Oh my god what an asshole!  It’s never a good idea to insult someone right to their face as a prelude to asking for counsel.  Becky comes in and gets filled in on the situation, which sparks a communal pity party about how shitty men are.  Eventually Stephanie comes in and says that the really stupid looking kid who walked her home never called, which only adds flame to the fire.  Men are just the shittiest!

Joey is surrounded by even more flowers and candy, which have apparently been arriving in a steady stream all day, and he worries about what he’s going to do because he’s totally not into Marcia Wallace.  Yeah, like he could ever do any better.  Danny comes in all prepared for his date with Claire and he says that he feels bad because Jesse put all of his energy into planning his date and none into his own.  Jesse’s like, “that’s cool, I don’t need to do anything for ol’ Becky.  What does she care?” and then Becky finally gets fed up and tells Jesse to go fuck himself.  On that note, Jesse and Danny insists that Becky goes outside to get some “fresh air” and it turns out that the whole stagnant relationship thing was a put-on and Jesse has prepared a romantic hot air balloon for them in the backyard.

A hot air balloon ride, huh?  Well, at least we can all say that we didn’t see that coming.  So is this supposed to make up for just the stagnant relationship ruse this episode or for their entire relationship so far?  Anyway, Becky says that she actually believed him when he said he didn’t give a shit about doing romantic stuff for her (again, probably due to their entire relationship so far) and then the music comes on as he tells her that as long as she pays for everything and puts up with his stupid bullshit, they’ll always have gentle music to guide them through their 22-minute misunderstandings.  Finally, there are some really hokey shots of a hot air balloon flying over the city during the daytime even though it was totally nighttime when they took off from the backyard.

At the little kid Valentine’s party, Michelle laments her break-up with Teddy but it doesn’t really matter because the boys and girls are stationed at opposite sides of the room anyway.  See, I told you that a party like this was wasted on kids that are so young.  Joey urges the girls to pick a partner to dance with and then everyone starts gettin’ down except for Michelle and Teddy.

Marcia Wallace asks Joey to dance and then he tries to return the excessive pile of candy and flowers that he thinks that she sent to him.  She interprets it as him gifting her with these items and starts trying to make out with him, which tips Joey off that the gifts weren’t from her.

He gets her to leave the room by telling her that he saw Willard Scott wearing a thong in the hallway, who she rushes to go see.  I had to look up who that was and apparently he was the original Ronald McDonald.  Um…ok.

Once Marcia Wallace is gone, Michelle’s teacher approaches Joey and tells him that she was the one who sent the gifts and that since she’s the only other character in the narrative, she assumed that he’d figure it out.  It is structured exactly like a Scooby-Doo episode, after all.  He tells her that, even though there must be something wrong with her if she’s interested in him (especially since she sent him a really excessive amount of flowers and candy), he’s glad that she’s the admirer and then he asks her out.

Michelle and Teddy cross paths at the snack table and agree that shit was hella better when they were just friends because being boyfriend and girlfriend put a bunch of shitty expectations on their relationship, plus also there’s about a 50/50 chance that Teddy would rather be with Derek.  They agree that it’s better if they’re just friends because they can do whatever they want and then they start dancing with all the other little kids.

Hey, I just realized that we never even saw Claire during this episode.  What the fuck?  She must be dead, just like all the other discarded love interests.  I bet that Danny’s romantic date with her was just like that Tom Petty video.


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108 Responses to Season 8, Episode 17, “Dateless in San Francisco”

  1. JGA says:

    Willard Scott – in addition to being the first Ronald McDonald – is the obnoxious fat-fuck weather guy on The Today Show who always does the lame ass 100th birthday shout-out segments for elderly people so that they feel special before they drop dead. It’s actually pretty ironic that they referenced him, seeing as The Today Show is kind of like a nationally-televised version of Wake Up, San Francisco.


    • Angela says:

      I honestly had no idea he was the original Ronald McDonald. Hell, I didn’t even realize more than one person played Ronald McDonald. Wow.

      Here’s my question, though-why would the idea of him in a thong be something that you would WANT to see?

      I barely remember this episode at all-parts of it sound vaguely familiar, but if I’ve seen it, it must’ve been, like, only once, or something. The bit about the daytime/nighttime confusion cracked me up, as did this line at the end:

      I bet that Danny’s romantic date with her was just like that Tom Petty video.

      Beautiful :D.


  2. Christian says:

    Geez, look at that kid! I guess we finally figured out who introduced Step-on-me to all that meth.


  3. sherlokiana says:

    Hey there! I haven´t commented before, I´ve been reading for a while…

    I love these reviews, and i loved this one…

    It´s true that a valentine party is a weird prize, but they had to do it or they would have ruined the plot. lol.

    By the way, Tajh Mowry (teddy) is NOT gay… just so you know… haha… but derek is so obviously gay since age six, lol.

    Well, just wanted to say, you´re a GENIUS!

    By the way, im from argentina, so excuse my english, and you have fans all the way down here, cool, huh?


    • Alison says:

      Your English is better than most peoples who speak English as a first language lol


    • Sarah says:

      Welcome!! I’m currently in beautiful Ireland and I always take time on Fridays to read this site. I love it!!! I’m glad you do too 🙂


      • Angela says:

        Ah, Ireland-lucky you!

        Adding in my own “welcome!” to sherlokiana! I hope you enjoy commenting here, this place has a pretty fun, cool community :).


      • sherlokiana says:

        Yeah, you guys are so cool, I enjoy reading the comments! And Sarah you are so lucky!!! I love Ireland!! I hope to go there someday, it’s my number one dream, my favorite music is celtic, and I always listen to Irish groups, and always joke I’m going to marry and Irish guy and have little pattys…


  4. RachWho? says:

    Wow. If Joey had snatched up Michelle’s teacher, there would be no such thing as “19 Kids and Counting” because that’s clearly a young Michelle Duggar there. Or even worse, there would be 19 Joey’s kids and counting, which surely would have triggered the Apocalypse.


    • Bridget says:

      Oh, my God, Rach, do you watch that show? You’re a woman after my own heart! I miss the show because I work Tuesdays when it’s on. I read the reviews and viewers say that the Duggar kids are dressing in clothes that aren’t well cared for and they’re pale and have grubby feet! As for Joey, I think a bunch of mini Joeys and Josephines running around is frightening! I think if FH would have hit the 9, 10, or 11 year season, Rebecca would have discovered how Joey and Jesse could afford things on a radio DJ’s salary. A bunch of dopey, blond kids who all look like Nicky and Alex with Jesse and Joey’s genes would show up at the FH and both of them would confess to Rebecca they donate sperm on the side in order to make money. Hell, it happened on “The Simpsons” with Homer donating sperm in Shelbyville at the sperm bank and all his “deposits” coming out of the woodwork to see him! I still think, though, that DJ, Stephanie, Michelle, and the twins belonged to Joey!


      • Kristen says:

        Holy holy holy yes yes yes! That’s totally Michelle Duggar. Too bad Michelle Duggar doesn’t have a TV or she’d totally flip over the resemblance!


      • Bridget says:

        Kristen, the Duggar family does have a TV, but they only watch themselves on it or religious shows. I don’t think any of them will go deaf with the noise of TV commercials blaring!


      • RachWho? says:

        I watched the Duggars only back when they first had a couple of specials on TLC. I haven’t ever watched a whole episode of their series. But I know you are a faithful Duggar watcher, Bridget, so I knew you’d appreciate that comment. I’m pretty sure Michelle Duggar would wear that heart shirt Teach is rocking in that second to last pic.


      • Bridget says:

        Thank you for mentioning the Duggar clan! I sometimes wonder what Michelle Duggar tells her kids when it comes to the topic of how babies are made or if homosexuality ever comes up in that house! I think her DIL, Anna watched FH because during one episode when she was pregnant for the 3rd time, she made Josh, her husband some mini snacks like Rebecca did with Jesse.


    • Angela says:

      That is a truly, truly frightening thought.

      I’ve heard OF the Duggars, but I’ve never seen any of the shows about them. I just get the sense I’d get creeped out very quickly watching a show about them.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lisa says:

        You know, I always made a lot of assumptions about them too, but I’m kind of ashamed of myself for doing that now. I caught a full episode for the first time recently, and they were so much nicer and more normal than I’d ever been led to believe. They just have a lot of kids.


  5. Andre says:

    Funny as always; I hope you had a great Thanksgiving away from Full House. I remember watching Full House religiously when it was in syndication (I was five, O think) but in retrospect; it deserves every riff you give ot.


  6. Lisa says:

    I had to look up the weird looking kid. His name is Robert Gorman. I think the main problem with his casting is that he looks to be smaller than Stephanie in that picture. She has another two love interests coming up (Ander Keegan & Will Estes). I’m not sure if they are better looking than this kid or better choices since they are taller than her.

    As for the hot air balloon, it always bothered me that it was in their backyard. I find it hard to believe any hot air balloon company would bring the balloon to a tiny backyard. Couldn’t they come up with a nice deed for Jesse that was actually believable?


    • Richard B says:

      The hot air balloon in the backyard bothered me as well. I’m pretty sure that’s not doable, and I know shit about hot air balloons.


    • jbeee says:

      Inquiring minds want to know- was the paved pad still in the backyard from that earlier episode with the cement truck incident?


    • Sarah says:

      Agreed on the air balloon. I’ve always questioned the layout of the backyard. Do they have a driveway or just a parking pad? How do people drive into the backyard when exterior shots of the house don’t show a driveway or even a basic path to the backyard. What gives, Miller and Boyett!???!?!


      • Katie says:

        A majority of the homes in SF are row houses so there are never side yards or direct access to back yards. Hell, my backyard was basically a small brick patio. No way was a BBQ, let alone a hot air balloon fit back there.

        And yeah the hot air balloon in the backyard is utter crap. SF burned down twice. Think they’d allow residents to have a potential fireball in a neighborhood? I think not.


      • Sarah Portland says:

        Oh, good. Someone else noticed that – all of the houses in the opening credits are row houses! There’s no reason to have a cement pad to park the car on, because you can’t get it back there! Ditto for the gay sex boat! And how the hell do people knock on their back door when they clearly can’t get into the backyard at all?


    • SavaFiend says:

      I agree with the hot air balloon comment. I was wondering the same thing… And how is it even safe to fly one in a residential area like that? In that screenshot, the balloon isn’t even that high up?


    • Dr. Bitz says:

      Also, even if a company was willing to set up in someone’s backyard (which they wouldn’t be) the logistics of inflating the balloon make it impossible to do without Becky noticing. They’d have to truck over the basket and then have a few people to help. It takes about 30 minutes to an hour to actually get the balloon inflated (with people holding the balloon open and a hot air jet engine thingy that’s very loud). And it’s not like they can do that somewhere else and then fly the balloon to the full house unless they have one of those new fandangled steerable hot air balloons….which don’t exist.

      So, yeah, I guess my point is that hot air balloon thing was bullshit…not that anyone is surprised by that.


    • Steve says:

      There was a Family Matters episode where Steve wanted to cure Carl of his fear of heights and so they went up in a balloon. But at least in this episode, they took off from a field!!!!!

      But then at the end, we see that Steve landed the balloon on the Winslow’s pirch and actually takes off from it. Seriously.


  7. Sami says:

    For some reason, this was the entry that made me think, “Remember when Stephanie had friends?” Probably because of that time she married Ducklips just so somebody would love her. It’s all tangibly related.


  8. Pink Dork says:

    I’m trying to picture the Superstar family thanksgiving table: “Billy, your stuffing’s getting cold – come back to the table RIGHT NOW!”

    “Aww gee, mom, I gotta post about the shitty people doing shitty things to each other in the full house. This time is especially important because Jesse is being a real shitty asshole to Becky!”

    “Billy Louise Superstar! Shame on you! That is the exact same excuse you gave last thanksgiving! Come and eat this turkey right now!”


    • sherlokiana says:

      LOL that was great!!


    • Packerchu says:

      “But I’m carving one up on the internet!”


      • Angela says:

        Haha, nice :D! As was your post, Pink Dork!

        Hope all fellow U.S. readers had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


      • Pink Dork says:

        Aww gee thanks everyone! Hope you’re all coming out of their thanksgiving day stupor!

        I am absolutely POSITIVE Billy’s last name is Louise and will not be swayed otherwise unless Billy himself refutes it.


      • Sarah Portland says:

        I kind of hope he doesn’t 😀


    • Billy Superstar says:

      why would my middle name be lousie? anyway, i did all the screencaps and stuff early this week so i could eat a bunch of food and get drunk off white russians on thanksgiving instead of writing about dumb ass full house. after i ate i went and saw the new hunger games movie with my brother. i thought it was pretty good but he said it was boring since he already knew everything that was going to happen after reading the book. but what did he expect? then i went home and made little sandwiches out of rolls and thanksgiving leftovers, which is totally the best part of that holiday


      • Pink Dork says:

        Everyone’s middle name is Louise when they get in trouble – or so TV taught me when syndicated reruns of I Love Lucy were my latchkey childhood babysitter.

        And Dude, I feel I can call you Dude now that I know your drink is White Russians, your brother is totally wrong. The second movie was even better than the book.


  9. Smash says:

    I bet that teacher has a wiener. That’s why she sent an absurd amount of candy. She’s trying to lure Joey in and distract him by using his sweet tooth to her advantage. Then when they get alone for some light petting… BAM! Joey finally found a sexual partner who can give him what he really wants.


  10. Richard B says:

    The conversation that Joey has with Michelle’s teacher regarding the party:

    – I hope you can make it to the party, Mr. Gladstone.
    – Well, I’ll be there with pants on.

    What kind of a joke is that? Like there’s a possibility he might not wear pants to a children’s party? Is this some sort of cultural reference that I, as a Swede, does not understand?

    Great screenshot of Stephanie’s love interest! I remember that I also squinted my eyes when I wanted to look extra fuckable in front of a girl when I was that age. Or maybe I still do it, who knows?

    “It’s structured exactly like a Scooby-Doo episode, after all.” Ha! And I think that if you’re Michelle’s teacher you probably start hating yourself after a while. And who better to ruin your life even more than a guy that makes cartoon impressions to pick up chicks?

    Great job as always on the review, Billy!


    • Annelise says:

      In my understanding, “with pants on” can be used in the same way as “with bells on”, meaning that he’ll be excited to be there. But I might be wrong. I am from New Zealand and our English is even weirder than the American version. 🙂


      • Richard B says:

        Annelise, thank you for your answer! Hope you’re right, Joey sure is disturbing enough as it is!


      • RachWho? says:

        “I’ll be there with bells on” is a real saying.

        “I’ll be there with pants on” is real disturbing.


      • SavaFiend says:

        I agree, the fact that Joey would even feel the need to clarify that he’d be wearing pants is more than a little disturbing, and I’ve never heard anyone else here in America ever use the pants comment!


      • Sarah Portland says:

        I… kind of hope he meant to say bells and fucked it up… otherwise… ick. I don’t even want to imagine Joey in his underwear. I’ve already had to see him in the tub.


    • Michelle says:

      I’m from America and nothing Joey says or does makes sense to us either 😉


  11. Sperm says:

    I’ve read every post on this blog, and this is the only episode I don’t remember seeing.


  12. Oh Mylanta says:

    Wow. Even during Thanksgiving weekend, your reviews go up every Friday morning without fail. You, sir, are a trooper.

    Stephanie really gets around at the end of the series here. There’s that goofy-looking kid here, and then there’s another episode where she gets stood up by another guy, and then in the finale she rehearses Romeo & Juliet with some other kid. Damn, Steph. Get it.


  13. kenzington says:

    Hundreds of dollars worth of candy and flowers, on a teacher’s salary? She’s got to be trying to lure Joey into some sort of murder den. Here’s hoping!


  14. Amy R. says:

    I think the most important thing re: Stephanie’s love interest is figuring out how old Peyton Manning was when this episode was filmed.


  15. Itsbarbiebitch says:

    Willard Scott as in the old guy on the today show? Wtf?
    Also, the math problems you have to do to comment are much harder for me than they probably should be…


  16. Vamking12 says:


    Curse you billy!


  17. SJSiff says:

    Count me among the others who have finally caught up! I’ve gotta say, I’m massively impressed with how well you’ve kept up your posting. I have a blog about the Baby-sitters Club books, and while I finally finished them all, I definitely wasn’t as disciplined in my posting schedule as you are! Also not nearly as funny.

    Reading about the twins’ lack of speech has been cathartic for me: my just-turned-three-year-old might be speech delayed (she’ll have an evaluation in December). But she talks more than these two, and they seem to have grown up just fine. So she’ll be fine too. 🙂

    I also didn’t put her on TV when she wasn’t talking, so points to me!


    • Melanie says:

      BSC BLOG. I hope you covered all the mysteries and super specials!


    • Katie says:

      Not to derail from Billy’s blog, but do you have a link? I used to love the BSC.


    • SavaFiend says:

      Just a side note here, my son, who is now 5, was diagnosed as speech-delayed when he was 2 years old. After 2 years with a speech therapist, he caught up and is even advanced in his speech! It’s not really a big problem if you can get your child help at a young age 🙂

      It’s painfully obvious that Jesse and Becky aren’t even concerned with getting the twins any help.


      • SJSiff says:

        Thanks, Sava! She actually does really well with American Sign Language (she knows colors, animals, “please” and “thank you”, food signs, family signs). And she’s been trying to talk more since her baby sister was born in May. We’ll see what the evaluation uncovers!

        In the meantime, I have this blog’s recaps of the twins to help me relax. 🙂


      • steve-o says:

        Good for your son . . . 🙂 I couldn’t really talk that much when I was 2 (I could say a few words) but by the time I was 3 I could form full sentences. We have a local celeb here who is autistic who couldn’t talk until he was 5 and it was a huge step for him and especially his mom. Now it’s the POTTY TRAINING that took me a couple years longer. It was some mental thing that I had that may be related to me being on the autism spectrum–something wasn’t connecting right in my brain that told me when and where was the right place to do my duty (as my grandpa used to say, lol). Had to go to a special doctor when I was 5 and they gave me laxatives and made me eat prunes. It finally clicked one day back in February 1995 while I was still in kindergarten. I vividly remember that night. And they thought the treatments would take 2 more years. Haven’t eaten prunes since but I still remember what they tasted like.


  18. Megan says:

    this one is a good one. as always Stephanie is my favorite Full House girl!!!!


  19. Stacy says:

    I think this one of the best lines you’ve ever written:

    “his potential gayness is a like a mere candle next to the blinding supernova of Derek’s undeniable homosexuality”.

    Blinding supernova – fantastic!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Alicia says:

    I definitely don’t want to see Willard Scott in a thong, he’s older than dirt! This show isn’t THAT old, I doubt he looked much different back then!

    Also, I totally remember Stephanie’s boyfriend as the goofy friend in Rookie of the Year. It’s weird that she has a dumb guy in this episode…pretty soon she’ll be hooking up with Andrew Keegan!

    Thanks for another awesome post, Billy! I almost waited until Monday to read it to make my work day better, but fuck it I can’t wait!


  21. SavaFiend says:

    Of course Derek and Lisa are paired up! Lisa is probably a closet lesbian, so they’re a perfect match, each covering up for the other.


  22. Sarah Portland says:

    “I bet that Danny’s romantic date with her was just like that Tom Petty video.”
    Man, you can’t write shit like that. People look at me funny when I snort-laugh in public!


  23. Sarah Portland says:

    Also, that weird kid – I think his hair is the love child of Danny and Joey’s hair. My first boyfriend had hair like that. *shudder*


  24. Bob says:

    “DJ, can you help me? Guys are always breaking up with you…”

    Didn’t she just break up with her past like 3 boyfriends?


    • Terrell says:

      She says as much: “Guys don’t break up with me; I break up with them!” to the audience going “woo.” Then Michelle says her line the same way she says everything else, “Either way, you’re at home on Saturday night, watching ‘the Commish’.” I thought the audience took a second to figure out the joke, but I guess it was just me. It was just so badly delivered.

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Liza w says:

    Stephanie’s new love interest looks stoned as hell…


  26. Teebore says:

    They should just let them watch cartoons all afternoon or give them a pizza or something.

    Totes pizza. Pizza was like the #1, go-to reward for all school-based contests when I was kid. As my family ate it fairly regularly, I was always confused by that.

    I mean, it was always sad because she’s been on a lot of great shows and I don’t know why she agreed to be on this piece of shit series, but now it’s, like, extra sad.

    Indeed. 😦

    Anyway, the flowers and candy are from Joey’s “secret admirer”

    I sometimes feel like “secret admirers” are a total invention of sitcom writers. I mean, yeah, everyone had people they secretly had feelings for at one point or another, but has anyone ever actually gone so far as to write notes or send gifts to that person signed “your secret admirer”?

    Eventually Stephanie comes in and says that the really stupid looking kid who walked her home never called

    It was probably the mom jeans.

    Finally, there are some really hokey shots of a hot air balloon flying over the city during the daytime even though it was totally nighttime when they took off from the backyard.

    I also feel like that has to be violating some kind of zoning or FAA regulation…


  27. Keiser says:

    Forgive me if this has already been pointed out. But I just noticed the exterior shot of the full house, and there is no room for a real attic, let alone with one with a real staircase and a family of four. But whatever, like I should expect anything logical in this show.


  28. Sara Wilson says:

    I just have to say a few things. First of all, at this point in the series I feel like I’m going more brain dead with every episode. This show is not even about anything at this point. How I miss the days when the girls were tiny and they actually pretended there was a plot (the guys helping out with the girls). It’s just nothing but obnoxious people and storylines.

    Also, me and my old high school bff just pooled our money to buy some sympathy flowers for our friend who just lost her mother and with the prices of sending flowers these days, i call complete and total b.s. on Michelle’s teacher being able to send Joey a stream of flowers and candy all day. B.S.!! It set both of us back $25 each for the one bouquet we picked out for our friend. One bouquet!


  29. Bridget says:

    Billy, back to multiplication? Ah, well! Tomorrow is the one “I Saw the Sign” and I hope you’re on your game!


  30. Jacob says:

    Why didn’t Aaron Bailey get paired up with Denise? What the hell happened to Denise?


    • Terrell says:

      If Denise had been on the show, you know they would have paired her up with Teddy. I was just ready for Billy to say as much.


  31. Dan says:

    I love how you always refer to her as “Marcia Wallace”!


  32. Hope says:



  33. Hope says:

    Why you people swear, I don’t know. They’re useless words!


  34. Insane Rants says:

    Joey gave him the tip, went, “I wonder why someone gave me these.”, and when the deliver agreed because Joey had just made a joke about his underwear Joey got offended and took the tip back. He’s a giant man-child, all right. Kind of like Sheldon Cooper but at least Sheldon’s smart.


  35. Insane Rants says:

    Why has Denise just disappeared? I liked her! Ever since Teddy’s come back she’s been pretty much gone. Speaking of which, after missing her best friend for a while how come Michelle didn’t hug Teddy when he moved back. Or get really excited? Or anything?


  36. livvie21 says:

    Jesse and Becky got married on Valentines Day. I love how the writers just forget l forgot that. So basically he doesn’t even bother celebrating their anniversary.


  37. Laurie says:

    What the heck ever happened to Roxy?

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